#!/usr/local/bin/bash -e echo "Tested on FreeBSD 9. Please see README.md for info on older systems." if [ "`pkg_info | grep -i cgal `" ]; then echo Stopping. Please remove any CGAL packages you have installed and restart exit fi if [ "`pkg_info | grep -i opencsg`" ]; then echo Stopping. Please remove any OpenCSG packages you have installed and restart exit fi OPENSCADDIR=$PWD if [ ! -f $OPENSCADDIR/openscad.pro ]; then echo "Must be run from the OpenSCAD source root directory" exit 0 fi . ./scripts/setenv-freebsdbuild.sh pkg_add -r bison boost-libs cmake git bash eigen2 flex gmake gmp mpfr pkg_add -r xorg libGLU libXmu libXi xorg-vfbserver glew pkg_add -r qt4-corelib qt4-gui qt4-moc qt4-opengl qt4-qmake qt4-rcc qt4-uic BASEDIR=/usr/local ./scripts/linux-build-dependencies.sh cgal-use-sys-libs BASEDIR=/usr/local ./scripts/linux-build-dependencies.sh opencsg