// To render the DXF file from the command line: // openscad -o tripod.dxf -D'mode="parts"' example017.scad // mode = "parts"; // mode = "exploded"; mode = "assembled"; thickness = 6; locklen1 = 15; locklen2 = 10; boltlen = 15; midhole = 10; inner1_to_inner2 = 50; total_height = 80; echo(version=version()); module shape_tripod() { x1 = 0; x2 = x1 + thickness; x3 = x2 + locklen1; x4 = x3 + thickness; x5 = x4 + inner1_to_inner2; x6 = x5 - thickness; x7 = x6 - locklen2; x8 = x7 - thickness; x9 = x8 - thickness; x10 = x9 - thickness; y1 = 0; y2 = y1 + thickness; y3 = y2 + thickness; y4 = y3 + thickness; y5 = y3 + total_height - 3*thickness; y6 = y5 + thickness; union() { difference() { polygon([ [ x1, y2 ], [ x2, y2 ], [ x2, y1 ], [ x3, y1 ], [ x3, y2 ], [ x4, y2 ], [ x4, y1 ], [ x5, y1 ], [ x5 + thickness, y3 ], [ x5, y4 ], [ x5, y5 ], [ x6, y5 ], [ x6, y6 ], [ x7, y6 ], [ x7, y5 ], [ x8, y5 ], [ x8, y6 ], [ x9, y5 ], [ x9, y4 ], [ x10, y3 ], [ x2, y3 ] ]); translate([ x10, y4 ]) circle(thickness); translate([ x5 + thickness, y4 ]) circle(thickness); } translate([ x5, y1 ]) square([ boltlen - thickness, thickness*2 ]); translate([ x5 + boltlen - thickness, y2 ]) circle(thickness); translate([ x2, y2 ]) intersection() { circle(thickness); translate([ -thickness*2, 0 ]) square(thickness*2); } translate([ x8, y5 ]) intersection() { circle(thickness); translate([ -thickness*2, 0 ]) square(thickness*2); } } } module shape_inner_disc() { difference() { circle(midhole + boltlen + 2*thickness + locklen2); for (alpha = [ 0, 120, 240 ]) rotate(alpha) translate([ 0, midhole + boltlen + thickness + locklen2/2 ]) square([ thickness, locklen2 ], true); circle(midhole + boltlen); } } module shape_outer_disc() { difference() { circle(midhole + boltlen + inner1_to_inner2 + 2*thickness + locklen1); for (alpha = [ 0, 120, 240 ]) rotate(alpha) translate([ 0, midhole + boltlen + inner1_to_inner2 + thickness + locklen1/2 ]) square([ thickness, locklen1 ], true); circle(midhole + boltlen + inner1_to_inner2); } } module parts() { tripod_x_off = locklen1 - locklen2 + inner1_to_inner2; tripod_y_off = max(midhole + boltlen + inner1_to_inner2 + 4*thickness + locklen1, total_height); shape_inner_disc(); shape_outer_disc(); for (s = [ [1,1], [-1,1], [1,-1] ]) scale(s) translate([ tripod_x_off, -tripod_y_off ]) shape_tripod(); } module exploded() { translate([ 0, 0, total_height + 2*thickness ]) linear_extrude(height = thickness, convexity = 4) shape_inner_disc(); linear_extrude(height = thickness, convexity = 4) shape_outer_disc(); color([ 0.7, 0.7, 1 ]) for (alpha = [ 0, 120, 240 ]) rotate(alpha) translate([ 0, thickness*2 + locklen1 + inner1_to_inner2 + boltlen + midhole, 1.5*thickness ]) rotate([ 90, 0, -90 ]) linear_extrude(height = thickness, convexity = 10, center = true) shape_tripod(); } module bottle() { r = boltlen + midhole; h = total_height - thickness*2; rotate_extrude(convexity = 2) { square([ r, h ]); translate([ 0, h ]) intersection() { square([ r, r ]); scale([ 1, 0.7 ]) circle(r); } translate([ 0, h+r ]) intersection() { translate([ 0, -r/2 ]) square([ r/2, r ]); circle(r/2); } } } module assembled() { translate([ 0, 0, total_height - thickness ]) linear_extrude(height = thickness, convexity = 4) shape_inner_disc(); linear_extrude(height = thickness, convexity = 4) shape_outer_disc(); color([ 0.7, 0.7, 1 ]) for (alpha = [ 0, 120, 240 ]) rotate(alpha) translate([ 0, thickness*2 + locklen1 + inner1_to_inner2 + boltlen + midhole, 0 ]) rotate([ 90, 0, -90 ]) linear_extrude(height = thickness, convexity = 10, center = true) shape_tripod(); % translate([ 0, 0, thickness*2]) bottle(); } if (mode == "parts") parts(); if (mode == "exploded") exploded(); if (mode == "assembled") assembled();