# # Try to find GLEW library and include path. # Once done this will define # # GLEW_FOUND # GLEW_INCLUDE_DIR # GLEW_LIBRARY # # a few lines of this file are based on the LGPL code found at # http://openlibraries.org/browser/trunk/FindGLEW.cmake?rev=1383 include(FindPkgConfig) if (PKG_CONFIG_FOUND) message("Doing pkg config glew check...") pkg_check_modules(GLEW glew>=1.6) endif() if (GLEW_LIBRARIES) set(GLEW_INCLUDE_DIR "${GLEW_INCLUDE_DIRS}") set(GLEW_LIBRARY ${GLEW_LDFLAGS}) else() if (WIN32 AND MSVC) if (WIN32_STATIC_BUILD) # passed from caller set(GLEW_LIB_SEARCH_NAME glew32s.lib) # static, non-debug (Release) else () set(GLEW_LIB_SEARCH_NAME glew32.lib) # other. untested with OpenSCAD endif() else () # GCC set(GLEW_LIB_SEARCH_NAME "libglew32s.a") endif () if (WIN32) find_path(GLEW_INCLUDE_DIR GL/glew.h $ENV{PROGRAMFILES}/GLEW/include ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/nvgl/glew/include DOC "The directory where GL/glew.h resides") find_library(GLEW_LIBRARY NAMES ${GLEW_LIB_SEARCH_NAME} PATHS $ENV{PROGRAMFILES}/GLEW/lib ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/nvgl/glew/bin ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/nvgl/glew/lib DOC "The GLEW library") else (WIN32) find_path(GLEW_INCLUDE_DIR GL/glew.h PATHS /usr/include /usr/local/include /usr/pkg/include NO_DEFAULT_PATH DOC "The directory where GL/glew.h resides") find_library(GLEW_LIBRARY NAMES GLEW glew PATHS /usr/lib /usr/local/lib /usr/pkg/lib NO_DEFAULT_PATH DOC "The GLEW library") endif (WIN32) if (GLEW_INCLUDE_DIR) set(GLEW_FOUND 1 CACHE STRING "Set to 1 if GLEW is found, 0 otherwise") message(STATUS "GLEW include found in " ${GLEW_INCLUDE_DIR} ) message(STATUS "GLEW library found in " ${GLEW_LIBRARY} ) else() set(GLEW_FOUND 0 CACHE STRING "Set to 1 if GLEW is found, 0 otherwise") endif() endif()