/* * OpenSCAD (www.openscad.org) * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Clifford Wolf and * Marius Kintel * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * As a special exception, you have permission to link this program * with the CGAL library and distribute executables, as long as you * follow the requirements of the GNU GPL in regard to all of the * software in the executable aside from CGAL. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ %{ #include "typedefs.h" #include "handle_dep.h" #include "printutils.h" #include "parsersettings.h" #include "parser_yacc.h" #include "module.h" #include #include #include #include namespace fs = boost::filesystem; #include "boosty.h" //isatty for visual c++ and mingw-cross-env #if defined __WIN32__ && ! defined _MSC_VER #include "unistd.h" #endif #if defined __WIN32__ || defined _MSC_VER extern "C" int __cdecl _isatty(int _FileHandle); #define isatty _isatty #endif std::string stringcontents; int lexerget_lineno(void); #ifdef __GNUC__ static void yyunput(int, char*) __attribute__((unused)); #endif extern const char *parser_input_buffer; extern std::string parser_source_path; extern FileModule *rootmodule; #define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) { \ if (yyin && yyin != stdin) { \ int c = fgetc(yyin); \ if (c >= 0) { \ result = 1; \ buf[0] = c; \ } else { \ result = YY_NULL; \ } \ } else { \ if (*parser_input_buffer) { \ result = 1; \ buf[0] = *(parser_input_buffer++); \ parser_error_pos++; \ } else { \ result = YY_NULL; \ } \ } \ } void includefile(); fs::path sourcepath(); std::vector path_stack; std::vector openfiles; std::vector openfilenames; std::string filename; std::string filepath; %} %option yylineno %option noyywrap %x cond_comment cond_string %x cond_include %x cond_use D [0-9] E [Ee][+-]?{D}+ %% include[ \t\r\n>]*"<" { BEGIN(cond_include); filepath = filename = ""; } { [^\t\r\n>]*"/" { filepath = yytext; } [^\t\r\n>/]+ { filename = yytext; } ">" { BEGIN(INITIAL); includefile(); } } use[ \t\r\n>]*"<" { BEGIN(cond_use); } { [^\t\r\n>]+ { filename = yytext; } ">" { BEGIN(INITIAL); fs::path fullpath = find_valid_path(sourcepath(), fs::path(filename), &openfilenames); if (fullpath.empty()) { PRINTB("WARNING: Can't open library '%s'.", filename); parserlval.text = strdup(filename.c_str()); } else { handle_dep(fullpath.string()); parserlval.text = strdup(fullpath.string().c_str()); } return TOK_USE; } } <> { if(!path_stack.empty()) path_stack.pop_back(); if (yyin && yyin != stdin) { assert(!openfiles.empty()); fclose(openfiles.back()); openfiles.pop_back(); openfilenames.pop_back(); } yypop_buffer_state(); if (!YY_CURRENT_BUFFER) yyterminate(); } "module" return TOK_MODULE; "function" return TOK_FUNCTION; "if" return TOK_IF; "else" return TOK_ELSE; "let" return TOK_LET; "for" return TOK_FOR; "true" return TOK_TRUE; "false" return TOK_FALSE; "undef" return TOK_UNDEF; {D}+{E}? | {D}*\.{D}+{E}? | {D}+\.{D}*{E}? { try { parserlval.number = boost::lexical_cast(yytext); return TOK_NUMBER; } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast) {} } "$"?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+ { parserlval.text = strdup(yytext); return TOK_ID; } \" { BEGIN(cond_string); stringcontents.clear(); } { \\n { stringcontents += '\n'; } \\t { stringcontents += '\t'; } \\r { stringcontents += '\r'; } \\\\ { stringcontents += '\\'; } \\\" { stringcontents += '"'; } [^\\\n\"]+ { stringcontents += lexertext; } \" { BEGIN(INITIAL); parserlval.text = strdup(stringcontents.c_str()); return TOK_STRING; } } [\n\r\t ] \/\/[^\n]*\n? "/*" BEGIN(cond_comment); "*/" BEGIN(INITIAL); .|\n "<=" return LE; ">=" return GE; "==" return EQ; "!=" return NE; "&&" return AND; "||" return OR; . { return yytext[0]; } %% fs::path sourcepath() { if (!path_stack.empty()) return path_stack.back(); return fs::path(parser_source_path); } /* Rules for include 1) include 2) include Globals used: filepath, sourcepath, filename */ void includefile() { fs::path localpath = fs::path(filepath) / filename; fs::path fullpath = find_valid_path(sourcepath(), localpath, &openfilenames); if (!fullpath.empty()) { rootmodule->registerInclude(boosty::stringy(localpath), boosty::stringy(fullpath)); } else { rootmodule->registerInclude(boosty::stringy(localpath), boosty::stringy(localpath)); PRINTB("WARNING: Can't open include file '%s'.", boosty::stringy(localpath)); if (path_stack.size() > 0) path_stack.pop_back(); return; }; std::string fullname = boosty::stringy(fullpath); filepath.clear(); path_stack.push_back(fullpath.parent_path()); handle_dep(fullname); yyin = fopen(fullname.c_str(), "r"); if (!yyin) { PRINTB("WARNING: Can't open include file '%s'.", boosty::stringy(localpath)); path_stack.pop_back(); return; } openfiles.push_back(yyin); openfilenames.push_back(fullname); filename.clear(); yypush_buffer_state(yy_create_buffer(yyin, YY_BUF_SIZE)); } /*! In case of an error, this will make sure we clean up our custom data structures and close all files. */ void lexerdestroy() { BOOST_FOREACH (FILE *f, openfiles) fclose(f); openfiles.clear(); openfilenames.clear(); path_stack.clear(); }