#include "Polygon2d-CGAL.h" #include "polyset.h" #include "printutils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Polygon2DCGAL { struct FaceInfo { FaceInfo() : nesting_level(42) {} int nesting_level; bool in_domain() { return nesting_level%2 == 1; } }; typedef CGAL::Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel K; typedef CGAL::Triangulation_vertex_base_2 Vb; typedef CGAL::Triangulation_face_base_with_info_2 Fbb; typedef CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_face_base_2 Fb; typedef CGAL::Triangulation_data_structure_2 TDS; typedef CGAL::Exact_predicates_tag Itag; typedef CGAL::Constrained_Delaunay_triangulation_2 CDT; typedef CDT::Point Point; typedef CGAL::Polygon_2 Polygon_2; void mark_domains(CDT &ct, CDT::Face_handle start, int index, std::list &border) { if (start->info().nesting_level != -1) return; std::list queue; queue.push_back(start); while (!queue.empty()) { CDT::Face_handle fh = queue.front(); queue.pop_front(); if (fh->info().nesting_level == -1) { fh->info().nesting_level = index; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { CDT::Edge e(fh,i); CDT::Face_handle n = fh->neighbor(i); if (n->info().nesting_level == -1) { if (ct.is_constrained(e)) border.push_back(e); else queue.push_back(n); } } } } } // Explore set of facets connected with non constrained edges, // and attribute to each such set a nesting level. // We start from facets incident to the infinite vertex, with a nesting // level of 0. Then we recursively consider the non-explored facets incident // to constrained edges bounding the former set and increase the nesting level by 1. // Facets in the domain are those with an odd nesting level. void mark_domains(CDT &cdt) { for(CDT::All_faces_iterator it = cdt.all_faces_begin(); it != cdt.all_faces_end(); ++it) { it->info().nesting_level = -1; } int index = 0; std::list border; mark_domains(cdt, cdt.infinite_face(), index++, border); while (!border.empty()) { CDT::Edge e = border.front(); border.pop_front(); CDT::Face_handle n = e.first->neighbor(e.second); if (n->info().nesting_level == -1) { mark_domains(cdt, n, e.first->info().nesting_level+1, border); } } } } #define OPENSCAD_CGAL_ERROR_BEGIN \ CGAL::Failure_behaviour old_behaviour = CGAL::set_error_behaviour(CGAL::THROW_EXCEPTION); \ try { #define OPENSCAD_CGAL_ERROR_END(errorstr, onerror) \ } \ catch (const CGAL::Precondition_exception &e) { \ PRINTB(errorstr ": %s", e.what()); \ CGAL::set_error_behaviour(old_behaviour); \ onerror; \ } \ CGAL::set_error_behaviour(old_behaviour); /*! Triangulates this polygon2d and returns a 2D PolySet. */ PolySet *Polygon2d::tessellate() const { PolySet *polyset = new PolySet(*this); Polygon2DCGAL::CDT cdt; // Uses a constrained Delaunay triangulator. OPENSCAD_CGAL_ERROR_BEGIN; // Adds all vertices, and add all contours as constraints. BOOST_FOREACH(const Outline2d &outline, this->outlines()) { // Start with last point Polygon2DCGAL::CDT::Vertex_handle prev = cdt.insert(Polygon2DCGAL::Point(outline.vertices[outline.vertices.size()-1][0], outline.vertices[outline.vertices.size()-1][1])); BOOST_FOREACH(const Vector2d &v, outline.vertices) { Polygon2DCGAL::CDT::Vertex_handle curr = cdt.insert(Polygon2DCGAL::Point(v[0], v[1])); if (prev != curr) { // Ignore duplicate vertices cdt.insert_constraint(prev, curr); prev = curr; } } } OPENSCAD_CGAL_ERROR_END("CGAL error in Polygon2d::tesselate()", return NULL); // To extract triangles which is part of our polygon, we need to filter away // triangles inside holes. mark_domains(cdt); for (Polygon2DCGAL::CDT::Finite_faces_iterator fit=cdt.finite_faces_begin(); fit!=cdt.finite_faces_end();++fit) { if (fit->info().in_domain()) { polyset->append_poly(); for (int i=0;i<3;i++) polyset->append_vertex(fit->vertex(i)->point()[0], fit->vertex(i)->point()[1], 0); } } return polyset; }