/* * OpenSCAD (www.openscad.at) * Copyright (C) 2009 Clifford Wolf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ %{ #include "openscad.h" int parser_error_pos = -1; int parserlex(void); void yyerror(char const *s); int lexerget_lineno(void); int lexerlex_destroy(void); int lexerlex(void); QVector module_stack; Module *module; class ArgContainer { public: QString argname; Expression *argexpr; }; class ArgsContainer { public: QVector argnames; QVector argexpr; }; %} %union { char *text; double number; class Value *value; class Expression *expr; class ModuleInstanciation *inst; class ArgContainer *arg; class ArgsContainer *args; } %token TOK_MODULE %token TOK_FUNCTION %token TOK_ID %token TOK_STRING %token TOK_NUMBER %token TOK_TRUE %token TOK_FALSE %token TOK_UNDEF %token LE GE EQ NE AND OR %left '[' ']' %left '!' '+' '-' %left '*' '/' '%' %left '.' %left '<' LE GE '>' %left EQ NE %left AND %left OR %right '?' ':' %type expr %type vector_expr %type module_instantciation %type module_instantciation_list %type single_module_instantciation %type arguments_call %type arguments_decl %type argument_call %type argument_decl %debug %% input: /* empty */ | statement input ; statement: ';' | '{' input '}' | module_instantciation { if ($1) { module->children.append($1); } else { delete $1; } } | TOK_ID '=' expr ';' { module->assignments_var.append($1); module->assignments_expr.append($3); free($1); } | TOK_MODULE TOK_ID '(' arguments_decl optional_commas ')' { Module *p = module; module_stack.append(module); module = new Module(); p->modules[$2] = module; module->argnames = $4->argnames; module->argexpr = $4->argexpr; free($2); delete $4; } statement { module = module_stack.last(); module_stack.pop_back(); } | TOK_FUNCTION TOK_ID '(' arguments_decl optional_commas ')' '=' expr { Function *func = new Function(); func->argnames = $4->argnames; func->argexpr = $4->argexpr; func->expr = $8; module->functions[$2] = func; free($2); delete $4; } ';' ; module_instantciation: single_module_instantciation ';' { $$ = $1; } | single_module_instantciation '{' module_instantciation_list '}' { $$ = $1; if ($$) { $$->children = $3->children; } else { for (int i = 0; i < $3->children.count(); i++) delete $3->children[i]; } $3->children.clear(); delete $3; } | single_module_instantciation module_instantciation { $$ = $1; if ($$) { if ($2) $$->children.append($2); } else { delete $2; } } ; module_instantciation_list: /* empty */ { $$ = new ModuleInstanciation(); } | module_instantciation_list module_instantciation { $$ = $1; if ($$) { if ($2) $$->children.append($2); } else { delete $2; } } ; single_module_instantciation: TOK_ID '(' arguments_call ')' { $$ = new ModuleInstanciation(); $$->modname = QString($1); $$->argnames = $3->argnames; $$->argexpr = $3->argexpr; free($1); delete $3; } | TOK_ID ':' single_module_instantciation { $$ = $3; if ($$) $$->label = QString($1); free($1); } | '!' single_module_instantciation { $$ = $2; if ($$) $$->tag_root = true; } | '#' single_module_instantciation { $$ = $2; if ($$) $$->tag_highlight = true; } | '%' single_module_instantciation { $$ = $2; if ($$) $$->tag_background = true; } | '*' single_module_instantciation { delete $2; $$ = NULL; }; expr: TOK_TRUE { $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = "C"; $$->const_value = new Value(true); } | TOK_FALSE { $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = "C"; $$->const_value = new Value(false); } | TOK_UNDEF { $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = "C"; $$->const_value = new Value(); } | TOK_ID { $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = "L"; $$->var_name = QString($1); free($1); } | expr '.' TOK_ID { $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = "N"; $$->children.append($1); $$->var_name = QString($3); free($3); } | TOK_STRING { $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = "C"; $$->const_value = new Value(QString($1)); free($1); } | TOK_NUMBER { $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = "C"; $$->const_value = new Value($1); } | '[' expr ':' expr ']' { Expression *e_one = new Expression(); e_one->type = "C"; e_one->const_value = new Value(1.0); $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = "R"; $$->children.append($2); $$->children.append(e_one); $$->children.append($4); } | '[' expr ':' expr ':' expr ']' { $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = "R"; $$->children.append($2); $$->children.append($4); $$->children.append($6); } | '[' optional_commas ']' { $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = "C"; $$->const_value = new Value(); $$->const_value->type = Value::VECTOR; } | '[' vector_expr optional_commas ']' { $$ = $2; } | expr '*' expr { $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = "*"; $$->children.append($1); $$->children.append($3); } | expr '/' expr { $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = "/"; $$->children.append($1); $$->children.append($3); } | expr '%' expr { $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = "%"; $$->children.append($1); $$->children.append($3); } | expr '+' expr { $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = "+"; $$->children.append($1); $$->children.append($3); } | expr '-' expr { $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = "-"; $$->children.append($1); $$->children.append($3); } | expr '<' expr { $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = "<"; $$->children.append($1); $$->children.append($3); } | expr LE expr { $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = "<="; $$->children.append($1); $$->children.append($3); } | expr EQ expr { $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = "=="; $$->children.append($1); $$->children.append($3); } | expr NE expr { $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = "!="; $$->children.append($1); $$->children.append($3); } | expr GE expr { $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = ">="; $$->children.append($1); $$->children.append($3); } | expr '>' expr { $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = "<"; $$->children.append($1); $$->children.append($3); } | expr AND expr { $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = "&&"; $$->children.append($1); $$->children.append($3); } | expr OR expr { $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = "||"; $$->children.append($1); $$->children.append($3); } | '+' expr { $$ = $2; } | '-' expr { $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = "I"; $$->children.append($2); } | '!' expr { $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = "!"; $$->children.append($2); } | '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; } | expr '?' expr ':' expr { $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = "?:"; $$->children.append($1); $$->children.append($3); $$->children.append($5); } | expr '[' expr ']' { $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = "[]"; $$->children.append($1); $$->children.append($3); } | TOK_ID '(' arguments_call ')' { $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = "F"; $$->call_funcname = QString($1); $$->call_argnames = $3->argnames; $$->children = $3->argexpr; free($1); delete $3; } ; optional_commas: ',' optional_commas | ; vector_expr: expr { $$ = new Expression(); $$->type = 'V'; $$->children.append($1); } | vector_expr ',' optional_commas expr { $$ = $1; $$->children.append($4); } ; arguments_decl: /* empty */ { $$ = new ArgsContainer(); } | argument_decl { $$ = new ArgsContainer(); $$->argnames.append($1->argname); $$->argexpr.append($1->argexpr); delete $1; } | arguments_decl ',' optional_commas argument_decl { $$ = $1; $$->argnames.append($4->argname); $$->argexpr.append($4->argexpr); delete $4; } ; argument_decl: TOK_ID { $$ = new ArgContainer(); $$->argname = QString($1); $$->argexpr = NULL; free($1); } | TOK_ID '=' expr { $$ = new ArgContainer(); $$->argname = QString($1); $$->argexpr = $3; free($1); } ; arguments_call: /* empty */ { $$ = new ArgsContainer(); } | argument_call { $$ = new ArgsContainer(); $$->argnames.append($1->argname); $$->argexpr.append($1->argexpr); delete $1; } | arguments_call ',' optional_commas argument_call { $$ = $1; $$->argnames.append($4->argname); $$->argexpr.append($4->argexpr); delete $4; } ; argument_call: expr { $$ = new ArgContainer(); $$->argexpr = $1; } | TOK_ID '=' expr { $$ = new ArgContainer(); $$->argname = QString($1); $$->argexpr = $3; free($1); } ; %% int parserlex(void) { return lexerlex(); } void yyerror (char const *s) { // FIXME: We leak memory on parser errors... PRINTF("Parser error in line %d: %s\n", lexerget_lineno(), s); module = NULL; } extern FILE *lexerin; extern const char *parser_input_buffer; const char *parser_input_buffer; AbstractModule *parse(const char *text, int debug) { lexerin = NULL; parser_error_pos = -1; parser_input_buffer = text; module_stack.clear(); module = new Module(); parserdebug = debug; parserparse(); lexerlex_destroy(); if (module) parser_error_pos = -1; return module; }