// csg test core, used by throwntegether test and opencsg test #include "csgtestcore.h" #include "tests-common.h" #include "system-gl.h" #include "openscad.h" #include "parsersettings.h" #include "builtin.h" #include "context.h" #include "node.h" #include "module.h" #include "polyset.h" #include "Tree.h" #include "CSGTermEvaluator.h" #include "CGALEvaluator.h" #include "PolySetCGALEvaluator.h" #include #include "OpenCSGRenderer.h" #include "ThrownTogetherRenderer.h" #include "csgterm.h" #include "csgtermnormalizer.h" #include "OffscreenView.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "CsgInfo.h" namespace po = boost::program_options; namespace fs = boost::filesystem; #include "boosty.h" using std::string; using std::vector; using std::cerr; using std::cout; std::string commandline_commands; //#define DEBUG string info_dump(OffscreenView *glview) { assert(glview); #ifdef __GNUG__ #define compiler_info "GCC " << __VERSION__ #elif defined(_MSC_VER) #define compiler_info "MSVC " << _MSC_FULL_VER #else #define compiler_info "unknown compiler" #endif #ifndef OPENCSG_VERSION_STRING #define OPENCSG_VERSION_STRING "unknown, <1.3.2" #endif std::stringstream out; #define STRINGIFY(x) #x #define TOSTRING(x) STRINGIFY(x) out << "\nOpenSCAD Version: " << TOSTRING(OPENSCAD_VERSION) << "\nCompiled by: " << compiler_info << "\nCompile date: " << __DATE__ << "\nBoost version: " << BOOST_LIB_VERSION << "\nEigen version: " << EIGEN_WORLD_VERSION << "." << EIGEN_MAJOR_VERSION << "." << EIGEN_MINOR_VERSION << "\nCGAL version: " << TOSTRING(CGAL_VERSION) << "\nOpenCSG version: " << OPENCSG_VERSION_STRING << "\n" << glview->getRendererInfo() << "\n"; return out.str(); } po::variables_map parse_options(int argc, char *argv[]) { po::options_description desc("Allowed options"); desc.add_options() ("help,h", "help message")//; ("info,i", "information on GLEW, OpenGL, OpenSCAD, and OS")//; // po::options_description hidden("Hidden options"); // hidden.add_options() ("input-file", po::value< vector >(), "input file") ("output-file", po::value< vector >(), "output file"); po::positional_options_description p; p.add("input-file", 1).add("output-file", 1); po::options_description all_options; all_options.add(desc); // .add(hidden); po::variables_map vm; po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(all_options).positional(p).run(), vm); po::notify(vm); return vm; } int csgtestcore(int argc, char *argv[], test_type_e test_type) { bool sysinfo_dump = false; const char *filename, *outfilename = NULL; po::variables_map vm; try { vm = parse_options(argc, argv); } catch ( po::error e ) { cerr << "error parsing options\n"; } if (vm.count("info")) sysinfo_dump = true; if (vm.count("input-file")) filename = vm["input-file"].as< vector >().begin()->c_str(); if (vm.count("output-file")) outfilename = vm["output-file"].as< vector >().begin()->c_str(); if ((!filename || !outfilename) && !sysinfo_dump) { cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " \n"; exit(1); } Builtins::instance()->initialize(); QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); fs::path original_path = fs::current_path(); std::string currentdir = boosty::stringy( fs::current_path() ); parser_init(QCoreApplication::instance()->applicationDirPath().toStdString()); add_librarydir(boosty::stringy(fs::path(QCoreApplication::instance()->applicationDirPath().toStdString()) / "../libraries")); Context root_ctx; register_builtin(root_ctx); AbstractModule *root_module; ModuleInstantiation root_inst; if (sysinfo_dump) root_module = parse("sphere();","",false); else root_module = parsefile(filename); if (!root_module) { exit(1); } if (!sysinfo_dump) { if (fs::path(filename).has_parent_path()) { fs::current_path(fs::path(filename).parent_path()); } } AbstractNode::resetIndexCounter(); AbstractNode *absolute_root_node = root_module->evaluate(&root_ctx, &root_inst); AbstractNode *root_node; // Do we have an explicit root node (! modifier)? if (!(root_node = find_root_tag(absolute_root_node))) root_node = absolute_root_node; Tree tree(root_node); CsgInfo csgInfo = CsgInfo(); if ( !csgInfo.compile_chains( tree ) ) return 1; fs::current_path(original_path); try { csgInfo.glview = new OffscreenView(512,512); } catch (int error) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't create OpenGL OffscreenView. Code: %i. Exiting.\n", error); exit(1); } if (sysinfo_dump) cout << info_dump(csgInfo.glview); Camera camera(Camera::VECTOR); camera.center << 0,0,0; double radius = 1.0; if (csgInfo.root_chain) { BoundingBox bbox = csgInfo.root_chain->getBoundingBox(); camera.center = (bbox.min() + bbox.max()) / 2; radius = (bbox.max() - bbox.min()).norm() / 2; } Vector3d cameradir(1, 1, -0.5); camera.eye = camera.center - radius*1.8*cameradir; csgInfo.glview->setCamera(camera); OpenCSGRenderer opencsgRenderer(csgInfo.root_chain, csgInfo.highlights_chain, csgInfo.background_chain, csgInfo.glview->shaderinfo); ThrownTogetherRenderer thrownTogetherRenderer(csgInfo.root_chain, csgInfo.highlights_chain, csgInfo.background_chain); if (test_type == TEST_THROWNTOGETHER) csgInfo.glview->setRenderer(&thrownTogetherRenderer); else csgInfo.glview->setRenderer(&opencsgRenderer); OpenCSG::setContext(0); OpenCSG::setOption(OpenCSG::OffscreenSetting, OpenCSG::FrameBufferObject); csgInfo.glview->paintGL(); if (outfilename) csgInfo.glview->save(outfilename); delete root_node; delete root_module; Builtins::instance(true); return 0; }