OpenSCAD 20xx.yy ================ Features: o The MCAD library is now bundled with OpenSCAD o Added import and export of the OFF file format o New import() statement reads the correct file format based on the filename extension (.stl, .dxf and .off is supported) o The color() statement now supports an alpha parameter, e.g. color(c=[1,0,0], alpha=0.4) o The color() statement now supports specifying colors as strings, e.g. color("Red") o if() and else() can now take any value type as parameter. false, 0, empty string and empty vector or illegal value type will evaluate as false, everything else as true. Bugfixes: o square() crashed if any of the dimensions were zero o Flush Caches didn't flush cached USE'd modules o STL export should be a bit more robust Deprecations: o dxf_linear_extrude() and dxf_rotate_extrude() are now deprecated. Use linear_extrude() and rotate_extrude() instead. o The file, layer, origin and scale parameters to linear_extrude() and rotate_extrude() are now deprecated. Use an import() child instead. o import_dxf(), import_stl() and import_off() are now deprecated. Use import() instead. OpenSCAD 2011.06 ================ o Added "Export as Image" menu. Bugfixes: o Cylinder tesselation broke existing models which are using cylinders for e.g. captured nut slots and are dependent on the orientation not changing. o DXF output couldn't be imported into e.g. AutoCAD and Solidworks after updating to using the AutoCAD 2000 (AC1015) format. Reverted to the old entity-only output, causing LWPOLYLINES to not exported allowed anymore. OpenSCAD 2011.04 ================ o Added hull() for convex hulls (2D object only) o minkowski() now supports 2D objects o Added functions: rands(), sign() o Now supports escaping of the following characters in strings: \n, \t, \r, \\, \" o Support nested includes o Improved parsing of numbers o DXF: output LWPOLYLINE instead of just LINE entities o Bugfixes: More robust DXF export, setting $fs/$fa to 0 caused a crash o Some bugs fixed, maybe some new bugs added OpenSCAD 2010.05 ================ o Added functions and statements - Added abs() function - Added exp(x), log(b, x), log(x) and ln(x) functions - Added minkowski() statement for 3d minkowski sums o Added 'include ' and 'use ' statements - Old implicit '' include statement is now obsolete o Some bugs fixed, maybe some new bugs added OpenSCAD 2010.02 ================ o Added functions and statements - Added sqrt() function - Added round(), ceil() and floor() functions - Added lookup() function for linear interpolation in value list - Added projection(cut = true/false) statement - Added child() statement for accessing child nodes of module instances - Added mirror() statement o Improved DXF import code (more entities and some bugs fixed) o Added feature for dumping animation as PNG files o Added a preferences dialog o Now using CGAL's delaunay tesselator o Now using eigen2 for linear algebra o Reorganisation of the source tree o Some bugs fixed, maybe some new bugs added OpenSCAD 2010.01 ================ o Added functions and statements - Added intersection_for() - Added str function - Added min and max function - Added color() statement o Added 2D Subsystem - New primitives: circle(), square() and polygon() - 2D->3D path: linear_extrude() and rotate_extrude() - Import of DXF to 2d subsystem: import_dxf() - Export of 2D data as DXF files o Some bugs fixed, maybe some new bugs added