// example016.stl is derived from Mblock.stl // (c) 2009 Will Langford licensed under // the Creative Commons - GNU GPL license. // http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:753 // // Jonas Pfeil converted the file to binary // STL and duplicated its content. module blk1() { cube([ 65, 28, 28 ], center = true); } module blk2() { difference() { translate([ 0, 0, 7.5 ]) cube([ 60, 28, 14 ], center = true); cube([ 8, 32, 32 ], center = true); } } module chop() { translate([ -14, 0, 0 ]) import_stl(file = "example016.stl", convexity = 12); } difference() { blk1(); for (alpha = [0, 90, 180, 270]) { rotate(alpha, [ 1, 0, 0]) render(convexity = 12) difference() { blk2(); chop(); } } }