/* * OpenSCAD (www.openscad.at) * Copyright (C) 2009 Clifford Wolf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #define INCLUDE_ABSTRACT_NODE_DETAILS #include "openscad.h" enum primitive_type_e { CUBE, SPHERE, CYLINDER, POLYHEDRON, SQUARE, CIRCLE, POLYGON }; class PrimitiveModule : public AbstractModule { public: primitive_type_e type; PrimitiveModule(primitive_type_e type) : type(type) { } virtual AbstractNode *evaluate(const Context *ctx, const ModuleInstantiation *inst) const; }; class PrimitiveNode : public AbstractPolyNode { public: bool center; double x, y, z, h, r1, r2; double fn, fs, fa; primitive_type_e type; int convexity; Value points, paths, triangles; PrimitiveNode(const ModuleInstantiation *mi, primitive_type_e type) : AbstractPolyNode(mi), type(type) { } virtual PolySet *render_polyset(render_mode_e mode) const; virtual QString dump(QString indent) const; }; AbstractNode *PrimitiveModule::evaluate(const Context *ctx, const ModuleInstantiation *inst) const { PrimitiveNode *node = new PrimitiveNode(inst, type); node->center = false; node->x = node->y = node->z = node->h = node->r1 = node->r2 = 1; QVector argnames; QVector argexpr; if (type == CUBE) { argnames = QVector() << "size" << "center"; } if (type == SPHERE) { argnames = QVector() << "r"; } if (type == CYLINDER) { argnames = QVector() << "h" << "r1" << "r2" << "center"; } if (type == POLYHEDRON) { argnames = QVector() << "points" << "triangles" << "convexity"; } if (type == SQUARE) { argnames = QVector() << "size" << "center"; } if (type == CIRCLE) { argnames = QVector() << "r"; } if (type == POLYGON) { argnames = QVector() << "points" << "paths" << "convexity"; } Context c(ctx); c.args(argnames, argexpr, inst->argnames, inst->argvalues); node->fn = c.lookup_variable("$fn").num; node->fs = c.lookup_variable("$fs").num; node->fa = c.lookup_variable("$fa").num; if (type == CUBE) { Value size = c.lookup_variable("size"); Value center = c.lookup_variable("center"); size.getnum(node->x); size.getnum(node->y); size.getnum(node->z); size.getv3(node->x, node->y, node->z); if (center.type == Value::BOOL) { node->center = center.b; } } if (type == SPHERE) { Value r = c.lookup_variable("r"); if (r.type == Value::NUMBER) { node->r1 = r.num; } } if (type == CYLINDER) { Value h = c.lookup_variable("h"); Value r, r1, r2; r1 = c.lookup_variable("r1"); r2 = c.lookup_variable("r2"); if (r1.type != Value::NUMBER && r1.type != Value::NUMBER) r = c.lookup_variable("r"); Value center = c.lookup_variable("center"); if (h.type == Value::NUMBER) { node->h = h.num; } if (r.type == Value::NUMBER) { node->r1 = r.num; node->r2 = r.num; } if (r1.type == Value::NUMBER) { node->r1 = r1.num; } if (r2.type == Value::NUMBER) { node->r2 = r2.num; } if (center.type == Value::BOOL) { node->center = center.b; } } if (type == POLYHEDRON) { node->points = c.lookup_variable("points"); node->triangles = c.lookup_variable("triangles"); } if (type == SQUARE) { Value size = c.lookup_variable("size"); Value center = c.lookup_variable("center"); size.getnum(node->x); size.getnum(node->y); size.getv2(node->x, node->y); if (center.type == Value::BOOL) { node->center = center.b; } } if (type == CIRCLE) { Value r = c.lookup_variable("r"); if (r.type == Value::NUMBER) { node->r1 = r.num; } } if (type == POLYGON) { node->points = c.lookup_variable("points"); node->paths = c.lookup_variable("paths"); } node->convexity = c.lookup_variable("convexity", true).num; if (node->convexity < 1) node->convexity = 1; return node; } void register_builtin_primitives() { builtin_modules["cube"] = new PrimitiveModule(CUBE); builtin_modules["sphere"] = new PrimitiveModule(SPHERE); builtin_modules["cylinder"] = new PrimitiveModule(CYLINDER); builtin_modules["polyhedron"] = new PrimitiveModule(POLYHEDRON); builtin_modules["square"] = new PrimitiveModule(SQUARE); builtin_modules["circle"] = new PrimitiveModule(CIRCLE); builtin_modules["polygon"] = new PrimitiveModule(POLYGON); } /*! Returns the number of subdivision of a whole circle, given radius and the three special variables $fn, $fs and $fa */ int get_fragments_from_r(double r, double fn, double fs, double fa) { if (fn > 0.0) return (int)fn; return (int)ceil(fmax(fmin(360.0 / fa, r*M_PI / fs), 5)); } PolySet *PrimitiveNode::render_polyset(render_mode_e) const { PolySet *p = new PolySet(); if (type == CUBE && x > 0 && y > 0 && z > 0) { double x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2; if (center) { x1 = -x/2; x2 = +x/2; y1 = -y/2; y2 = +y/2; z1 = -z/2; z2 = +z/2; } else { x1 = y1 = z1 = 0; x2 = x; y2 = y; z2 = z; } p->append_poly(); // top p->append_vertex(x1, y1, z2); p->append_vertex(x2, y1, z2); p->append_vertex(x2, y2, z2); p->append_vertex(x1, y2, z2); p->append_poly(); // bottom p->append_vertex(x1, y2, z1); p->append_vertex(x2, y2, z1); p->append_vertex(x2, y1, z1); p->append_vertex(x1, y1, z1); p->append_poly(); // side1 p->append_vertex(x1, y1, z1); p->append_vertex(x2, y1, z1); p->append_vertex(x2, y1, z2); p->append_vertex(x1, y1, z2); p->append_poly(); // side2 p->append_vertex(x2, y1, z1); p->append_vertex(x2, y2, z1); p->append_vertex(x2, y2, z2); p->append_vertex(x2, y1, z2); p->append_poly(); // side3 p->append_vertex(x2, y2, z1); p->append_vertex(x1, y2, z1); p->append_vertex(x1, y2, z2); p->append_vertex(x2, y2, z2); p->append_poly(); // side4 p->append_vertex(x1, y2, z1); p->append_vertex(x1, y1, z1); p->append_vertex(x1, y1, z2); p->append_vertex(x1, y2, z2); } if (type == SPHERE && r1 > 0) { struct point2d { double x, y; }; struct ring_s { int fragments; point2d *points; double r, z; }; int rings = get_fragments_from_r(r1, fn, fs, fa); ring_s ring[rings]; for (int i = 0; i < rings; i++) { double phi = (M_PI * (i + 0.5)) / rings; ring[i].r = r1 * sin(phi); ring[i].z = r1 * cos(phi); ring[i].fragments = get_fragments_from_r(ring[i].r, fn, fs, fa); ring[i].points = new point2d[ring[i].fragments]; for (int j = 0; j < ring[i].fragments; j++) { phi = (M_PI*2*j) / ring[i].fragments; ring[i].points[j].x = ring[i].r * cos(phi); ring[i].points[j].y = ring[i].r * sin(phi); } } p->append_poly(); for (int i = 0; i < ring[0].fragments; i++) p->append_vertex(ring[0].points[i].x, ring[0].points[i].y, ring[0].z); for (int i = 0; i < rings-1; i++) { ring_s *r1 = &ring[i]; ring_s *r2 = &ring[i+1]; int r1i = 0, r2i = 0; while (r1i < r1->fragments || r2i < r2->fragments) { if (r1i >= r1->fragments) goto sphere_next_r2; if (r2i >= r2->fragments) goto sphere_next_r1; if ((double)r1i / r1->fragments < (double)r2i / r2->fragments) { sphere_next_r1: p->append_poly(); int r1j = (r1i+1) % r1->fragments; p->insert_vertex(r1->points[r1i].x, r1->points[r1i].y, r1->z); p->insert_vertex(r1->points[r1j].x, r1->points[r1j].y, r1->z); p->insert_vertex(r2->points[r2i % r2->fragments].x, r2->points[r2i % r2->fragments].y, r2->z); r1i++; } else { sphere_next_r2: p->append_poly(); int r2j = (r2i+1) % r2->fragments; p->append_vertex(r2->points[r2i].x, r2->points[r2i].y, r2->z); p->append_vertex(r2->points[r2j].x, r2->points[r2j].y, r2->z); p->append_vertex(r1->points[r1i % r1->fragments].x, r1->points[r1i % r1->fragments].y, r1->z); r2i++; } } } p->append_poly(); for (int i = 0; i < ring[rings-1].fragments; i++) p->insert_vertex(ring[rings-1].points[i].x, ring[rings-1].points[i].y, ring[rings-1].z); } if (type == CYLINDER && h > 0 && r1 >=0 && r2 >= 0 && (r1 > 0 || r2 > 0)) { int fragments = get_fragments_from_r(fmax(r1, r2), fn, fs, fa); double z1, z2; if (center) { z1 = -h/2; z2 = +h/2; } else { z1 = 0; z2 = h; } struct point2d { double x, y; }; point2d circle1[fragments]; point2d circle2[fragments]; for (int i=0; i 0) { circle1[i].x = r1*cos(phi); circle1[i].y = r1*sin(phi); } else { circle1[i].x = 0; circle1[i].y = 0; } if (r2 > 0) { circle2[i].x = r2*cos(phi); circle2[i].y = r2*sin(phi); } else { circle2[i].x = 0; circle2[i].y = 0; } } for (int i=0; i 0) { p->append_poly(); p->insert_vertex(circle1[i].x, circle1[i].y, z1); p->insert_vertex(circle2[i].x, circle2[i].y, z2); p->insert_vertex(circle1[j].x, circle1[j].y, z1); } if (r2 > 0) { p->append_poly(); p->insert_vertex(circle2[i].x, circle2[i].y, z2); p->insert_vertex(circle2[j].x, circle2[j].y, z2); p->insert_vertex(circle1[j].x, circle1[j].y, z1); } } if (r1 > 0) { p->append_poly(); for (int i=0; iinsert_vertex(circle1[i].x, circle1[i].y, z1); } if (r2 > 0) { p->append_poly(); for (int i=0; iappend_vertex(circle2[i].x, circle2[i].y, z2); } } if (type == POLYHEDRON) { p->convexity = convexity; for (int i=0; iappend_poly(); for (int j=0; jvec.size(); j++) { int pt = triangles.vec[i]->vec[j]->num; if (pt < points.vec.size()) { double px, py, pz; if (points.vec[pt]->getv3(px, py, pz)) p->insert_vertex(px, py, pz); } } } } if (type == SQUARE) { double x1, x2, y1, y2; if (center) { x1 = -x/2; x2 = +x/2; y1 = -y/2; y2 = +y/2; } else { x1 = y1 = 0; x2 = x; y2 = y; } p->is2d = true; p->append_poly(); p->append_vertex(x1, y1); p->append_vertex(x2, y1); p->append_vertex(x2, y2); p->append_vertex(x1, y2); } if (type == CIRCLE) { int fragments = get_fragments_from_r(r1, fn, fs, fa); struct point2d { double x, y; }; point2d circle[fragments]; for (int i=0; iis2d = true; p->append_poly(); for (int i=0; iappend_vertex(circle[i].x, circle[i].y); } if (type == POLYGON) { DxfData dd; for (int i=0; ivec[0]->num; double y = points.vec[i]->vec[1]->num; dd.points.append(DxfData::Point(x, y)); } if (paths.vec.size() == 0) { dd.paths.append(DxfData::Path()); for (int i=0; i 0) { dd.paths.last().points.append(dd.paths.last().points.first()); dd.paths.last().is_closed = true; } } else { for (int i=0; ivec.size(); j++) { int idx = paths.vec[i]->vec[j]->num; if (idx < dd.points.size()) { DxfData::Point *p = &dd.points[idx]; dd.paths.last().points.append(p); } } if (dd.paths.last().points.isEmpty()) { dd.paths.removeLast(); } else { dd.paths.last().points.append(dd.paths.last().points.first()); dd.paths.last().is_closed = true; } } } p->is2d = true; p->convexity = convexity; dxf_tesselate(p, &dd, 0, true, false, 0); dxf_border_to_ps(p, &dd); } return p; } QString PrimitiveNode::dump(QString indent) const { if (dump_cache.isEmpty()) { QString text; if (type == CUBE) text.sprintf("cube(size = [%f, %f, %f], center = %s);\n", x, y, z, center ? "true" : "false"); if (type == SPHERE) text.sprintf("sphere($fn = %f, $fa = %f, $fs = %f, r = %f);\n", fn, fa, fs, r1); if (type == CYLINDER) text.sprintf("cylinder($fn = %f, $fa = %f, $fs = %f, h = %f, r1 = %f, r2 = %f, center = %s);\n", fn, fa, fs, h, r1, r2, center ? "true" : "false"); if (type == POLYHEDRON) text.sprintf("polyhedron(points = %s, triangles = %s, convexity = %d);\n", points.dump().toAscii().data(), triangles.dump().toAscii().data(), convexity); if (type == SQUARE) text.sprintf("square(size = [%f, %f], center = %s);\n", x, y, center ? "true" : "false"); if (type == CIRCLE) text.sprintf("circle($fn = %f, $fa = %f, $fs = %f, r = %f);\n", fn, fa, fs, r1); if (type == POLYGON) text.sprintf("polygon(points = %s, paths = %s, convexity = %d);\n", points.dump().toAscii().data(), paths.dump().toAscii().data(), convexity); ((AbstractNode*)this)->dump_cache = indent + QString("n%1: ").arg(idx) + text; } return dump_cache; }