**Language Features:** * Added diameter argument: circle(d), cylinder(d, d1, d2) and sphere(d) * Added parent_module() and $parent_modules * Added children() as a replacement for child() * Unicode strings (using UTF-8) are now correctly handled * Ranges can have a negative step value * Added norm() and cross() functions **Program Features:** * Cmd-line: --info parameter prints system/library info * Cmd-line: --csglimit parameter to change CSG rendering limit * Cmd-line: Better handling of cmd-line arguments under Windows * GUI: Added Reset View * GUI: Added Search&Replace in editor * GUI: Syntax highlighting now has a dark background theme * GUI: We now create a backup file before rendering to allow for recovery if OpenSCAD crashes/freezes * GUI: Accessibility features enabled (e.g. screenreading) **Bugfixes/improvements:** * Reading empty STL files sometimes caused a crash * OPENSCADPATH now uses semicolon as path separator under Windows * polyhedron() is now much more robust handling almost planar polygons * Automatic reloads of large designs are more robust * Boolean logic in if() statements are now correctly short-circuited * rands() with zero range caused an infinite loop * resize(, auto=true) didn't work when shrinking objects * The $children variable sometimes misbehaved due to dynamic scoping * The --camera cmd-line option behaved differently then the corresponding GUI function * PNG export now doesn't leak transparency settings into the target image * Improved performance of 3D hull() operations * Some editor misbehaviors were fixed * Stability fixes of CGAL-related crashes * Windows cmd-line can now handle spaces in filenames * Default CSG rendering limit is now 100K elements * Fixed a crash reading DXF files using comma as decimal separator * Fixed a crash running the cmd-line without a HOME env. variable * Intersecting something with nothing now correctly results in an empty object **Deprecations:** * child() is no longer supported. Use children() instead. * polyhedron(triangles=[...]): Use polyhedron(faces=[...]) instead. **Misc:** * Test framework now shares more code with the GUI app * Test report can now be automatically uploaded to dinkypage.com * Better compatibility with BSD systems * Qt5 support