#!/bin/sh -e # uni-build-dependencies by don bright 2012. copyright assigned to # Marius Kintel and Clifford Wolf, 2012. released under the GPL 2, or # later, as described in the file named 'COPYING' in OpenSCAD's project root. # This script builds most dependencies, both libraries and binary tools, # of OpenSCAD for Linux/BSD. It is based on macosx-build-dependencies.sh # # By default it builds under $HOME/openscad_deps. You can alter this by # setting the BASEDIR environment variable or with the 'out of tree' # feature # # Usage: # cd openscad # . ./scripts/setenv-unibuild.sh # ./scripts/uni-build-dependencies.sh # # Out-of-tree usage: # # cd somepath # . /path/to/openscad/scripts/setenv-unibuild.sh # /path/to/openscad/scripts/uni-build-dependencies.sh # # Prerequisites: # - wget or curl # - OpenGL (GL/gl.h) # - GLU (GL/glu.h) # - gcc # - Qt4 # # If your system lacks qt4, build like this: # # ./scripts/uni-build-dependencies.sh qt4 # . ./scripts/setenv-unibuild.sh #(Rerun to re-detect qt4) # # If your system lacks glu, gettext, or glib2, you can build them as well: # # ./scripts/uni-build-dependencies.sh glu # ./scripts/uni-build-dependencies.sh glib2 # ./scripts/uni-build-dependencies.sh gettext # # If you want to try Clang compiler (experimental, only works on linux): # # . ./scripts/setenv-unibuild.sh clang # # If you want to try Qt5 (experimental) # # . ./scripts/setenv-unibuild.sh qt5 # printUsage() { echo "Usage: $0" echo } check_env() { SLEEP=0 if [ x != x"$CFLAGS" ] then echo "*** WARNING: You have CFLAGS set to '$CFLAGS'" SLEEP=2 fi if [ x != x"$CXXFLAGS" ] then echo "*** WARNING: You have CXXFLAGS set to '$CXXFLAGS'" SLEEP=2 fi if [ x != x"$LDFLAGS" ] then echo "*** WARNING: You have LDFLAGS set to '$LDFLAGS'" SLEEP=2 fi [ $SLEEP -gt 0 ] && sleep $SLEEP || true } detect_glu() { detect_glu_result= if [ -e $DEPLOYDIR/include/GL/glu.h ]; then detect_glu_result=1; fi if [ -e /usr/include/GL/glu.h ]; then detect_glu_result=1; fi if [ -e /usr/local/include/GL/glu.h ]; then detect_glu_result=1; fi if [ -e /usr/pkg/X11R7/include/GL/glu.h ]; then detect_glu_result=1; fi return } build_glu() { version=$1 if [ -e $DEPLOYDIR/lib/libGLU.so ]; then echo "GLU already installed. not building" return fi echo "Building GLU" $version "..." cd $BASEDIR/src rm -rf glu-$version if [ ! -f glu-$version.tar.gz ]; then curl -O http://cgit.freedesktop.org/mesa/glu/snapshot/glu-$version.tar.gz fi tar xzf glu-$version.tar.gz cd glu-$version ./autogen.sh --prefix=$DEPLOYDIR make -j$NUMCPU make install } build_qt4() { version=$1 if [ -e $DEPLOYDIR/include/Qt ]; then echo "qt already installed. not building" return fi echo "Building Qt" $version "..." cd $BASEDIR/src rm -rf qt-everywhere-opensource-src-$version if [ ! -f qt-everywhere-opensource-src-$version.tar.gz ]; then curl -O http://releases.qt-project.org/qt4/source/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-$version.tar.gz fi tar xzf qt-everywhere-opensource-src-$version.tar.gz cd qt-everywhere-opensource-src-$version ./configure -prefix $DEPLOYDIR -opensource -confirm-license -fast -no-qt3support -no-svg -no-phonon -no-audio-backend -no-multimedia -no-javascript-jit -no-script -no-scripttools -no-declarative -no-xmlpatterns -nomake demos -nomake examples -nomake docs -nomake translations -no-webkit make -j$NUMCPU make install QTDIR=$DEPLOYDIR export QTDIR echo "----------" echo " Please set QTDIR to $DEPLOYDIR ( or run '. scripts/setenv-unibuild.sh' )" echo "----------" } build_bison() { version=$1 echo "Building bison" $version cd $BASEDIR/src rm -rf bison-$version if [ ! -f bison-$version.tar.gz ]; then curl --insecure -O http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/bison/bison-$version.tar.gz fi tar zxf bison-$version.tar.gz cd bison-$version ./configure --prefix=$DEPLOYDIR make -j$NUMCPU make install } build_git() { version=$1 echo "Building git" $version "..." cd $BASEDIR/src rm -rf git-$version if [ ! -f git-$version.tar.gz ]; then curl --insecure -O http://git-core.googlecode.com/files/git-$version.tar.gz fi tar zxf git-$version.tar.gz cd git-$version ./configure --prefix=$DEPLOYDIR make -j$NUMCPU make install } build_cmake() { version=$1 echo "Building cmake" $version "..." cd $BASEDIR/src rm -rf cmake-$version if [ ! -f cmake-$version.tar.gz ]; then curl --insecure -O http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.8/cmake-$version.tar.gz fi tar zxf cmake-$version.tar.gz cd cmake-$version mkdir build cd build ../configure --prefix=$DEPLOYDIR make -j$NUMCPU make install } build_curl() { version=$1 echo "Building curl" $version "..." cd $BASEDIR/src rm -rf curl-$version if [ ! -f curl-$version.tar.bz2 ]; then wget http://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-$version.tar.bz2 fi tar xjf curl-$version.tar.bz2 cd curl-$version mkdir build cd build ../configure --prefix=$DEPLOYDIR make -j$NUMCPU make install } build_gmp() { version=$1 if [ -e $DEPLOYDIR/include/gmp.h ]; then echo "gmp already installed. not building" return fi echo "Building gmp" $version "..." cd $BASEDIR/src rm -rf gmp-$version if [ ! -f gmp-$version.tar.bz2 ]; then curl --insecure -O ftp://ftp.gmplib.org/pub/gmp-$version/gmp-$version.tar.bz2 fi tar xjf gmp-$version.tar.bz2 cd gmp-$version mkdir build cd build ../configure --prefix=$DEPLOYDIR --enable-cxx make -j$NUMCPU make install } build_mpfr() { version=$1 if [ -e $DEPLOYDIR/include/mpfr.h ]; then echo "mpfr already installed. not building" return fi echo "Building mpfr" $version "..." cd $BASEDIR/src rm -rf mpfr-$version if [ ! -f mpfr-$version.tar.bz2 ]; then curl --insecure -O http://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-$version/mpfr-$version.tar.bz2 fi tar xjf mpfr-$version.tar.bz2 cd mpfr-$version mkdir build cd build ../configure --prefix=$DEPLOYDIR --with-gmp=$DEPLOYDIR make -j$NUMCPU make install cd .. } build_boost() { if [ -e $DEPLOYDIR/include/boost ]; then echo "boost already installed. not building" return fi version=$1 bversion=`echo $version | tr "." "_"` echo "Building boost" $version "..." cd $BASEDIR/src rm -rf boost_$bversion if [ ! -f boost_$bversion.tar.bz2 ]; then curl --insecure -LO http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/boost/boost/$version/boost_$bversion.tar.bz2 fi if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then echo download failed. exit 1 fi tar xjf boost_$bversion.tar.bz2 cd boost_$bversion if [ "`gcc --version|grep 4.7`" ]; then if [ "`echo $version | grep 1.47`" ]; then echo gcc 4.7 incompatible with boost 1.47. edit boost version in $0 exit fi fi # We only need certain portions of boost if [ -e ./bootstrap.sh ]; then BSTRAPBIN=./bootstrap.sh else BSTRAPBIN=./configure fi $BSTRAPBIN --prefix=$DEPLOYDIR --with-libraries=thread,program_options,filesystem,system,regex if [ -e ./b2 ]; then BJAMBIN=./b2; elif [ -e ./bjam ]; then BJAMBIN=./bjam elif [ -e ./Makefile ]; then BJAMBIN=make fi if [ $CXX ]; then if [ $CXX = "clang++" ]; then $BJAMBIN -j$NUMCPU toolset=clang fi else $BJAMBIN -j$NUMCPU fi if [ $? = 0 ]; then $BJAMBIN install else echo boost build failed exit 1 fi if [ "`ls $DEPLOYDIR/include/ | grep boost.[0-9]`" ]; then if [ ! -e $DEPLOYDIR/include/boost ]; then echo "boost is old, make a symlink to $DEPLOYDIR/include/boost & rerun" exit 1 fi fi } build_cgal() { if [ -e $DEPLOYDIR/include/CGAL/version.h ]; then echo "CGAL already installed. not building" return fi version=$1 echo "Building CGAL" $version "..." cd $BASEDIR/src rm -rf CGAL-$version ver4_2="curl --insecure -O https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/32360/CGAL-4.2.tar.bz2" ver4_1="curl --insecure -O https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/31640/CGAL-4.1.tar.bz2" ver4_0_2="curl --insecure -O https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/31174/CGAL-4.0.2.tar.bz2" ver4_0="curl --insecure -O https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/30387/CGAL-4.0.tar.gz" ver3_9="curl --insecure -O https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/29125/CGAL-3.9.tar.gz" ver3_8="curl --insecure -O https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/28500/CGAL-3.8.tar.gz" ver3_7="curl --insecure -O https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/27641/CGAL-3.7.tar.gz" vernull="echo already downloaded..skipping" download_cmd=ver`echo $version | sed s/"\."/"_"/ | sed s/"\."/"_"/` if [ -e CGAL-$version.tar.gz ]; then download_cmd=vernull; fi if [ -e CGAL-$version.tar.bz2 ]; then download_cmd=vernull; fi eval echo "$"$download_cmd `eval echo "$"$download_cmd` zipper=gzip suffix=gz if [ -e CGAL-$version.tar.bz2 ]; then zipper=bzip2 suffix=bz2 fi $zipper -f -d CGAL-$version.tar.$suffix; tar xf CGAL-$version.tar cd CGAL-$version # older cmakes have buggy FindBoost that can result in # finding the system libraries but OPENSCAD_LIBRARIES include paths FINDBOOST_CMAKE=$OPENSCAD_SCRIPTDIR/../tests/FindBoost.cmake cp $FINDBOOST_CMAKE ./cmake/modules/ mkdir bin cd bin rm -rf ./* if [ "`uname -a| grep ppc64`" ]; then CGAL_BUILDTYPE="Release" # avoid assertion violation else CGAL_BUILDTYPE="Debug" fi DEBUGBOOSTFIND=0 # for debugging FindBoost.cmake (not for debugging boost) Boost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS=1 if [ "`echo $2 | grep use-sys-libs`" ]; then cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$DEPLOYDIR -DWITH_CGAL_Qt3=OFF -DWITH_CGAL_Qt4=OFF -DWITH_CGAL_ImageIO=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$CGAL_BUILDTYPE -DBoost_DEBUG=$DEBUGBOOSTFIND .. else cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$DEPLOYDIR -DGMP_INCLUDE_DIR=$DEPLOYDIR/include -DGMP_LIBRARIES=$DEPLOYDIR/lib/libgmp.so -DGMPXX_LIBRARIES=$DEPLOYDIR/lib/libgmpxx.so -DGMPXX_INCLUDE_DIR=$DEPLOYDIR/include -DMPFR_INCLUDE_DIR=$DEPLOYDIR/include -DMPFR_LIBRARIES=$DEPLOYDIR/lib/libmpfr.so -DWITH_CGAL_Qt3=OFF -DWITH_CGAL_Qt4=OFF -DWITH_CGAL_ImageIO=OFF -DBOOST_LIBRARYDIR=$DEPLOYDIR/lib -DBOOST_INCLUDEDIR=$DEPLOYDIR/include -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$CGAL_BUILDTYPE -DBoost_DEBUG=$DEBUGBOOSTFIND -DBoost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS=1 .. fi make -j$NUMCPU make install } build_glew() { GLEW_INSTALLED= if [ -e $DEPLOYDIR/lib64/libGLEW.so ]; then GLEW_INSTALLED=1 fi if [ -e $DEPLOYDIR/lib/libGLEW.so ]; then GLEW_INSTALLED=1 fi if [ $GLEW_INSTALLED ]; then echo "glew already installed. not building" return fi version=$1 echo "Building GLEW" $version "..." cd $BASEDIR/src rm -rf glew-$version if [ ! -f glew-$version.tgz ]; then curl --insecure -LO http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/glew/glew/$version/glew-$version.tgz fi tar xzf glew-$version.tgz cd glew-$version mkdir -p $DEPLOYDIR/lib/pkgconfig # Glew's makefile is not built for Linux Multiarch. We aren't trying # to fix everything here, just the test machines OScad normally runs on # Fedora 64-bit if [ "`uname -m | grep 64`" ]; then if [ -e /usr/lib64/libXmu.so.6 ]; then sed -ibak s/"\-lXmu"/"\-L\/usr\/lib64\/libXmu.so.6"/ config/Makefile.linux fi fi # debian hurd i386 if [ "`uname -m | grep 386`" ]; then if [ -e /usr/lib/i386-gnu/libXi.so.6 ]; then sed -ibak s/"-lXi"/"\-L\/usr\/lib\/i386-gnu\/libXi.so.6"/ config/Makefile.gnu fi fi # clang linux if [ $CC ]; then sed -ibak s/"CC = cc"/"# CC = cc"/ config/Makefile.linux fi MAKER=make if [ "`uname | grep BSD`" ]; then if [ "`command -v gmake`" ]; then MAKER=gmake else echo "building glew on BSD requires gmake (gnu make)" exit fi fi GLEW_DEST=$DEPLOYDIR $MAKER -j$NUMCPU GLEW_DEST=$DEPLOYDIR $MAKER install } build_opencsg() { if [ -e $DEPLOYDIR/lib/libopencsg.so ]; then echo "OpenCSG already installed. not building" return fi version=$1 echo "Building OpenCSG" $version "..." cd $BASEDIR/src rm -rf OpenCSG-$version if [ ! -f OpenCSG-$version.tar.gz ]; then curl --insecure -O http://www.opencsg.org/OpenCSG-$version.tar.gz fi tar xzf OpenCSG-$version.tar.gz cd OpenCSG-$version # modify the .pro file for qmake, then use qmake to # manually rebuild the src/Makefile (some systems don't auto-rebuild it) cp opencsg.pro opencsg.pro.bak cat opencsg.pro.bak | sed s/example// > opencsg.pro if [ "`command -v qmake-qt4`" ]; then OPENCSG_QMAKE=qmake-qt4 elif [ "`command -v qmake4`" ]; then OPENCSG_QMAKE=qmake4 elif [ "`command -v qmake`" ]; then OPENCSG_QMAKE=qmake else echo qmake not found... using standard OpenCSG makefiles OPENCSG_QMAKE=make cp Makefile Makefile.bak cp src/Makefile src/Makefile.bak cat Makefile.bak | sed s/example// |sed s/glew// > Makefile cat src/Makefile.bak | sed s@^INCPATH.*@INCPATH\ =\ -I$BASEDIR/include\ -I../include\ -I..\ -I.@ > src/Makefile cp src/Makefile src/Makefile.bak2 cat src/Makefile.bak2 | sed s@^LIBS.*@LIBS\ =\ -L$BASEDIR/lib\ -L/usr/X11R6/lib\ -lGLU\ -lGL@ > src/Makefile tmp=$version detect_glu if [ ! $detect_glu_result ]; then build_glu 9.0.0 ; fi version=$tmp fi cd $BASEDIR/src/OpenCSG-$version/src $OPENCSG_QMAKE cd $BASEDIR/src/OpenCSG-$version $OPENCSG_QMAKE make ls lib/* include/* if [ -e lib/.libs ]; then ls lib/.libs/*; fi # netbsd echo "installing to -->" $DEPLOYDIR mkdir -p $DEPLOYDIR/lib mkdir -p $DEPLOYDIR/include install lib/* $DEPLOYDIR/lib install include/* $DEPLOYDIR/include if [ -e lib/.libs ]; then install lib/.libs/* $DEPLOYDIR/lib; fi #netbsd cd $BASEDIR } build_eigen() { version=$1 if [ -e $DEPLOYDIR/include/eigen3 ]; then if [ `echo $version | grep 3....` ]; then echo "Eigen3 already installed. not building" return fi fi echo "Building eigen" $version "..." cd $BASEDIR/src rm -rf eigen-$version EIGENDIR="none" if [ $version = "3.1.1" ]; then EIGENDIR=eigen-eigen-43d9075b23ef; fi if [ $EIGENDIR = "none" ]; then echo Unknown eigen version. Please edit script. exit 1 fi rm -rf ./$EIGENDIR if [ ! -f eigen-$version.tar.bz2 ]; then curl --insecure -LO http://bitbucket.org/eigen/eigen/get/$version.tar.bz2 mv $version.tar.bz2 eigen-$version.tar.bz2 fi tar xjf eigen-$version.tar.bz2 ln -s ./$EIGENDIR eigen-$version cd eigen-$version mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$DEPLOYDIR -DEIGEN_TEST_NO_OPENGL=1 .. make -j$NUMCPU make install } # glib2 and dependencies #build_gettext() #{ # version=$1 # ls -l $DEPLOYDIR/include/gettext-po.h # if [ -e $DEPLOYDIR/include/gettext-po.h ]; then # echo "gettext already installed. not building" # return # fi # # echo "Building gettext $version..." # # cd "$BASEDIR"/src # rm -rf "gettext-$version" # if [ ! -f "glib-$version.tar.gz" ]; then # curl --insecure -LO "http://ftpmirror.gnu.org/gettext/gettext-$version.tar.gz" # fi # tar xzf "gettext-$version.tar.gz" # cd "gettext-$version" # # ./configure --prefix="$DEPLOYDIR" # make -j$NUMCPU # make install #} build_pkgconfig() { if [ "`command -v pkg-config`" ]; then echo "pkg-config already installed. not building" return fi version=$1 echo "Building pkg-config $version..." cd "$BASEDIR"/src rm -rf "pkg-config-$version" if [ ! -f "pkg-config-$version.tar.gz" ]; then curl --insecure -LO "http://pkgconfig.freedesktop.org/releases/pkg-config-$version.tar.gz" fi tar xzf "pkg-config-$version.tar.gz" cd "pkg-config-$version" ./configure --prefix="$DEPLOYDIR" --with-internal-glib make -j$NUMCPU make install } build_libffi() { if [ -e $DEPLOYDIR/include/ffi.h ]; then echo "libffi already installed. not building" return fi version=$1 echo "Building libffi $version..." cd "$BASEDIR"/src rm -rf "libffi-$version" if [ ! -f "libffi-$version.tar.gz" ]; then curl --insecure -LO "ftp://sourceware.org/pub/libffi/libffi-$version.tar.gz" curl --insecure -LO "http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/blfs/svn/libffi-$version-includedir-1.patch" fi tar xzf "libffi-$version.tar.gz" cd "libffi-$version" if [ ! "`command -v patch`" ]; then echo cannot proceed, need 'patch' program exit 1 fi patch -Np1 -i ../libffi-3.0.13-includedir-1.patch ./configure --prefix="$DEPLOYDIR" make -j$NUMCPU make install } #build_glib2() #{ # version="$1" # maj_min_version="${version%.*}" #Drop micro# # # if [ -e $DEPLOYDIR/lib/glib-2.0 ]; then # echo "glib2 already installed. not building" # return # fi # # echo "Building glib2 $version..." # cd "$BASEDIR"/src # rm -rf "glib-$version" # if [ ! -f "glib-$version.tar.xz" ]; then # curl --insecure -LO "http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/glib/$maj_min_version/glib-$version.tar.xz" # fi # tar xJf "glib-$version.tar.xz" # cd "glib-$version" # ./configure --disable-gtk-doc --disable-man --prefix="$DEPLOYDIR" CFLAGS="-I$DEPLOYDIR/include" LDFLAGS="-L$DEPLOYDIR/lib" # make -j$NUMCPU # make install #} ## end of glib2 stuff # this section allows 'out of tree' builds, as long as the system has # the 'dirname' command installed if [ "`command -v dirname`" ]; then RUNDIR=$PWD OPENSCAD_SCRIPTDIR=`dirname $0` cd $OPENSCAD_SCRIPTDIR OPENSCAD_SCRIPTDIR=$PWD cd $RUNDIR else if [ ! -f openscad.pro ]; then echo "Must be run from the OpenSCAD source root directory (dont have 'dirname')" exit 1 else OPENSCAD_SCRIPTDIR=$PWD fi fi check_env . $OPENSCAD_SCRIPTDIR/setenv-unibuild.sh # '.' is equivalent to 'source' . $OPENSCAD_SCRIPTDIR/common-build-dependencies.sh SRCDIR=$BASEDIR/src if [ ! $NUMCPU ]; then echo "Note: The NUMCPU environment variable can be set for parallel builds" NUMCPU=1 fi if [ ! -d $BASEDIR/bin ]; then mkdir -p $BASEDIR/bin fi echo "Using basedir:" $BASEDIR echo "Using deploydir:" $DEPLOYDIR echo "Using srcdir:" $SRCDIR echo "Number of CPUs for parallel builds:" $NUMCPU mkdir -p $SRCDIR $DEPLOYDIR # this section builds some basic tools, if they are missing or outdated # they are installed under $BASEDIR/bin which we have added to our PATH if [ ! "`command -v curl`" ]; then build_curl 7.26.0 fi if [ ! "`command -v bison`" ]; then build_bison 2.6.1 fi # NB! For cmake, also update the actual download URL in the function if [ ! "`command -v cmake`" ]; then build_cmake 2.8.8 fi # see README for needed version (this should match 1