Running regression tests: ------------------------- Prerequisites: cmake, python, ImageMagick or newer A) Building test environment Linux, Mac: $ cd tests $ cmake . $ make Windows: First, get a normal build working by following instructions at Then, from the QT command prompt: > cd tests > cmake . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release > sed -i s/\/MD/\/MT/ CMakeCache.txt > cmake . > nmake -f Makefile B) Running tests $ ctest Runs tests enabled by default $ ctest -R Runs only matching tests, e.g. ctest -R dxf $ ctest -C Adds extended tests belonging to configs. Valid configs: Default - Run default tests Heavy - Run more time consuming tests (> ~10 seconds) Examples - test all examples All - test everything Adding a new regression test: ------------------------------ 1) create a test file at an appropriate location under testdata/ 2) if the test is non-obvious, create a human readable description of the test in the same directory (e.g testdata/scad/mytest.txt) 3) if a new test app was written, this must be added to tests/CMakeLists.txt 4) Add the tests to the test apps for which you want them to run (in tests/CMakeLists.txt) 5) run the test with the environment variable TEST_GENERATE=1, e.g.: $ TEST_GENERATE=1 ctest -R mytest (this will generate a mytest-expected.txt file which is used for regression testing) 6) manually verify that the output is correct (tests/regression//mytest-expected.) 7) run the test normally and verify that it passes: $ ctest -R mytest Troubleshooting: ------------------------------ 0. Headless unix servers (no X11) $ Xvfb :5 -screen 0 800x600x24 & $ DISPLAY=:5 ctest 1. Trouble finding libraries To help CMAKE find eigen2, OpenCSG, CGAL, Boost, and GLEW, you can use environment variables, just like for the main qmake & Examples: OPENCSGDIR=~/OpenCSG-1.3.2 EIGEN2DIR=~/eigen2 cmake . Valid variables are as follows (see CMakeLists.txt for more info): BOOSTDIR, CGALDIR, EIGEN2DIR, GLEWDIR, OPENCSGDIR, OPENSCAD_LIBRARIES 2. Logs Logs of test runs are found in tests/build/Testing/Temporary Pretty-printed index.html is in a subdir of tests/build/Testing/Temporary Expected results are found in tests/regression/* Actual results are found in tests/build/testname-output/* 3. Cross-compiling Cross-compiling of tests has not been automated nor tested 4. Image-based tests takes a long time, they fail, and it says 'return -11' Imagemagick may have crashed. You can try using the alternate IM comparator based on Normalized Cross Correlation. Pass -DCOMPARATOR=ncc to cmake 5. Testing images fails with 'morphology' not found for ImageMagick Your version of imagemagick is old. Upgrade, or pass -DCOMPARATOR=old to cmake. The comparison will be of lowered reliability. 6. Unexplained or bizarre errors. This can happen on dynamic-library systems (linux) where you try to use your own version of a library while the system still has another version under the system paths. You can diagnose this by looking at your cmake log as well as your sysinfo.txt file, as well as running 'ldd' against your binaries, to make sure that the proper versions of libraries are getting compiled and linked with the test binaries. 7. Other issues The OpenSCAD User Manual has a section on buildling. Check there for updates: