WHAT IS IT? =========== OpenSCAD (Open Solid CAD) is a tool for designing solid 3D objects using CSG techniques. Basically OpenSCAD is a compiler that transforms descriptions of 3D objects written in a special computer language to 3D models. FIXME: Add some more introduction.. PREREQUISITES ============= To build OpenSCAD, you need some libraries and tools. The version numbers in brakets specify the versions I have used for my tests. Other versions may or may not work as well.. * Qt4 (4.5.1): http://www.qtsoftware.com/ * CGAL (3.4): http://www.cgal.org/ * boost (1.35, required by CGAL) http://www.boost.org/ * cmake (2.6.2, required by CGAL) http://www.cmake.org/ * OpenCSG (1.1.0): http://www.opencsg.org/ * GLEW (bundled with OpenCSG) http://glew.sourceforge.net/ * GCC C++ Compiler (4.3.1): http://gcc.gnu.org/ * Bison (2.4): http://www.gnu.org/software/bison/ * Flex (2.5.35): http://flex.sourceforge.net/ LANGUAGE DESCRIPTION ==================== FIXME: This still needs to be written..