#!/bin/sh # NB! To build a release build, the VERSION and VERSIONDATE environment variables needs to be set. # See doc/release-checklist.txt if test -z "$VERSIONDATE"; then VERSIONDATE=`date "+%Y.%m.%d"` fi if test -z "$VERSION"; then VERSION=$VERSIONDATE COMMIT=-c SNAPSHOT=true fi # Turn off ccache, just for safety PATH=${PATH//\/opt\/local\/libexec\/ccache:} # This is the same location as DEPLOYDIR in macosx-build-dependencies.sh export OPENSCAD_LIBRARIES=$PWD/../libraries/install # Make sure that the correct Qt tools are used export PATH=$OPENSCAD_LIBRARIES/bin:$PATH `dirname $0`/release-common.sh -v $VERSION $COMMIT if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then exit 1 fi echo "Sanity check of the app bundle..." `dirname $0`/macosx-sanity-check.py OpenSCAD.app/Contents/MacOS/OpenSCAD if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then exit 1 fi SIGNATURE=$(openssl dgst -sha1 -binary < OpenSCAD-$VERSION.dmg | openssl dgst -dss1 -sign dsa_priv.pem | openssl enc -base64) if [[ $VERSION == $VERSIONDATE ]]; then APPCASTFILE=appcast-snapshots.xml else APPCASTFILE=appcast.xml fi echo "Creating appcast $APPCASTFILE..." sed -e "s,@VERSION@,$VERSION,g" -e "s,@VERSIONDATE@,$VERSIONDATE,g" -e "s,@DSASIGNATURE@,$SIGNATURE,g" -e "s,@FILESIZE@,$(stat -f "%z" OpenSCAD-$VERSION.dmg),g" $APPCASTFILE.in > $APPCASTFILE cp $APPCASTFILE ../openscad.github.com if [[ $VERSION == $VERSIONDATE ]]; then cp $APPCASTFILE ../openscad.github.com/appcast-snapshots.xml fi echo "Uploading..." #LABELS=OpSys-OSX,Type-Executable #if ! $SNAPSHOT; then LABELS=$LABELS,Featured; fi #`dirname $0`/googlecode_upload.py -s 'Mac OS X Snapshot' -p openscad OpenSCAD-$VERSION.dmg -l $LABELS # Update snapshot filename on web page #`dirname $0`/update-web.sh OpenSCAD-$VERSION.dmg