
340 lines
13 KiB
Executable File

# Regression test driver for cmd-line tools
# Usage: [<options>] <tool> <arguments>
# If the -g option is given or the TEST_GENERATE environment variable is set to 1,
# *-expected.<suffix> files will be generated instead of running the tests.
# Any generated output is written to the file `basename <argument`-actual.<suffix>
# Any warning or errors are written to stderr.
# Returns 0 on passed test
# 1 on error
# 2 on invalid cmd-line options
# Author: Marius Kintel <>
import sys
import os
import glob
import subprocess
import re
import getopt
import shutil
import platform
import string
#_debug_tcct = True
_debug_tcct = False
def debug(*args):
global _debug_tcct
if _debug_tcct:
print 'test_cmdline_tool:',
for a in args: print a,
def initialize_environment():
if not options.generate: options.generate = bool(os.getenv("TEST_GENERATE"))
return True
def init_expected_filename():
global expecteddir, expectedfilename # fixme - globals are hard to use
expected_testname = options.testname
if hasattr(options, "expecteddir"):
expected_dirname = options.expecteddir
expected_dirname = expected_testname
expecteddir = os.path.join(options.regressiondir, expected_dirname)
expectedfilename = os.path.join(expecteddir, options.filename + "-expected." + options.suffix)
expectedfilename = os.path.normpath(expectedfilename)
def init_actual_filename():
global actualdir, actualfilename # fixme - globals are hard to use
cmdname = os.path.split(options.cmd)[1]
actualdir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), options.testname + "-output")
actualfilename = os.path.join(actualdir, options.filename + "-actual." + options.suffix)
actualfilename = os.path.normpath(actualfilename)
def verify_test(testname, cmd):
global expectedfilename
if not options.generate:
if not os.path.isfile(expectedfilename):
print >> sys.stderr, "Error: test '%s' is missing expected output in %s" % (testname, expectedfilename)
return False
return True
def execute_and_redirect(cmd, params, outfile):
retval = -1
proc = subprocess.Popen([cmd] + params, stdout=outfile, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
out = proc.communicate()[0]
retval = proc.wait()
print >> sys.stderr, "Error running subprocess: ", sys.exc_info()[1]
print >> sys.stderr, " cmd:", cmd
print >> sys.stderr, " params:", params
print >> sys.stderr, " outfile:", outfile
if outfile == subprocess.PIPE: return (retval, out)
else: return retval
def get_normalized_text(filename):
f = open(filename)
text =
text = ''
return text.strip("\r\n").replace("\r\n", "\n") + "\n"
def compare_text(expected, actual):
return get_normalized_text(expected) == get_normalized_text(actual)
def compare_default(resultfilename):
print >> sys.stderr, 'diff text compare: '
print >> sys.stderr, ' expected textfile: ', expectedfilename
print >> sys.stderr, ' actual textfile: ', resultfilename
if not compare_text(expectedfilename, resultfilename):
if resultfilename:
execute_and_redirect("diff", [expectedfilename, resultfilename], sys.stderr)
return False
return True
def compare_png(resultfilename):
compare_method = 'pixel'
#args = [expectedfilename, resultfilename, "-alpha", "Off", "-compose", "difference", "-composite", "-threshold", "10%", "-blur", "2", "-threshold", "30%", "-format", "%[fx:w*h*mean]", "info:"]
args = [expectedfilename, resultfilename, "-alpha", "Off", "-compose", "difference", "-composite", "-threshold", "10%", "-morphology", "Erode", "Square", "-format", "%[fx:w*h*mean]", "info:"]
# for systems with older imagemagick that doesnt support '-morphology'
if options.comparator == 'old':
args = [expectedfilename, resultfilename, "-alpha", "Off", "-compose", "difference", "-composite", "-threshold", "10%", "-gaussian-blur","3x65535", "-threshold", "99.99%", "-format", "%[fx:w*h*mean]", "info:"]
if options.comparator == 'ncc':
# for systems where imagemagick crashes when using the above comparators
args = [expectedfilename, resultfilename, "-alpha", "Off", "-compose", "difference", "-metric", "NCC", "tmp.png"]
options.convert_exec = 'compare'
compare_method = 'NCC'
msg = 'ImageMagick image comparison: ' + options.convert_exec + ' '+ ' '.join(args[2:])
msg += '\n expected image: ' + expectedfilename + '\n'
print >> sys.stderr, msg
if not resultfilename:
print >> sys.stderr, "Error: Error during test image generation"
return False
print >> sys.stderr, ' actual image: ', resultfilename
(retval, output) = execute_and_redirect(options.convert_exec, args, subprocess.PIPE)
print "Imagemagick return", retval, "output:", output
if retval == 0:
if compare_method=='pixel':
pixelerr = int(float(output.strip()))
if pixelerr < 32: return True
else: print >> sys.stderr, pixelerr, ' pixel errors'
elif compare_method=='NCC':
thresh = 0.95
ncc_err = float(output.strip())
if ncc_err > thresh or ncc_err==0.0: return True
else: print >> sys.stderr, ncc_err, ' Images differ: NCC comparison < ', thresh
return False
def compare_with_expected(resultfilename):
if not options.generate:
if "compare_" + options.suffix in globals(): return globals()["compare_" + options.suffix](resultfilename)
else: return compare_default(resultfilename)
return True
def run_test(testname, cmd, args):
cmdname = os.path.split(options.cmd)[1]
if options.generate:
if not os.path.exists(expecteddir): os.makedirs(expecteddir)
outputname = expectedfilename
if not os.path.exists(actualdir): os.makedirs(actualdir)
outputname = actualfilename
outputname = os.path.normpath(outputname)
outfile = open(outputname, "wb")
if os.path.isfile(cmd+'.exe') and options.mingw_cross_env:
cmdline = ['wine']+[cmd+'.exe'] + args + [outputname]
elif cmd[-4:].lower() == '.exe' and options.mingw_cross_env:
cmdline = ['wine']+[cmd] + args + [outputname]
cmdline = [cmd] + args + [outputname]
print 'cmdline:',cmdline
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
errtext = proc.communicate()[1]
if errtext != None and len(errtext) > 0:
print >> sys.stderr, "stderr output: " + errtext
if proc.returncode != 0:
print >> sys.stderr, "Error: %s failed with return code %d" % (cmdname, proc.returncode)
return None
return outputname
except OSError, err:
print >> sys.stderr, "Error: %s \"%s\"" % (err.strerror, cmd)
return None
class Options:
def __init__(self):
self.__dict__['options'] = {}
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
self.options[name] = value
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self.options[name]
def usage():
print >> sys.stderr, "Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " [<options>] <cmdline-tool> <argument>"
print >> sys.stderr, "Options:"
print >> sys.stderr, " -g, --generate Generate expected output for the given tests"
print >> sys.stderr, " -s, --suffix=<suffix> Write -expected and -actual files with the given suffix instead of .txt"
print >> sys.stderr, " -e, --expected-dir=<dir> Use -expected files from the given dir (to share files between test drivers)"
print >> sys.stderr, " -t, --test=<name> Specify test name instead of deducting it from the argument (defaults to basename <exe>)"
print >> sys.stderr, " -f, --file=<name> Specify test file instead of deducting it from the argument (default to basename <first arg>)"
print >> sys.stderr, " -c, --convexec=<name> Path to ImageMagick 'convert' executable"
print >> sys.stderr, " -x, --mingw-cross-env Mingw-cross-env cross compilation"
# export3d mesh tests
# every export3d test is named 'export3d_xxx_testname' where xxx is a
# format, like stl, off,&c. This script will parse the testname and then
# run openscad to generate an 3d output file. This script will then
# create a new .scad code file containing only a single 'import()'
# command on the generated 3d file. It will then re-run openscad on that
# newly generated 'import()' scad file and output a png image with
# Monotone colorscheme. Then the script will treat the generated PNG
# just like an ordinary test, looking for an 'expected' image and
# fuzz-comparing it to the actual generated image. During TEST_GENERATE,
# all of this is skipped, only a PNG is generated
# modify the 'actualfilename' so that the first test run will generate a
# 3d file, like .stl
def export3d_filename( actualfilename, options ):
debug('export3d test. modifying actualfilename to generate 3d output')
debug('options cmd',options.cmd)
debug('options testname',options.testname)
debug('actualfilename, before: ',actualfilename)
if options.testname[9:12]=='stl':
actualfilename = actualfilename[0:-4] + '.stl'
elif options.testname[9:12]=='off':
actualfilename = actualfilename[0:-4] + '.off'
elif options.testname[9:12]=='obj':
actualfilename = actualfilename[0:-4] + '.obj'
debug('actualfilename, after: ',actualfilename)
return actualfilename
# using the previously generated 3d file, create a new .scad file
# to import that 3d file, and then generate a PNG image for comparison.
def create_png_for_export3d( actualfilename, options ):
scadcode = 'import("'+actualfilename+'");'
scadfilename = actualfilename+'.import.scad'
f = open(scadfilename,'wb')
debug('export3d test. importing generated 3d file and creating png image')
#expectedfilename = expectedfilename[0:-4] + '.png'
actualfilename = actualfilename[0:-4] + '.png'
verification = verify_test(options.testname, options.cmd)
if not verification: exit(1)
newargs = [ scadfilename ] + args[2:]
return actualfilename, newargs
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Handle command-line arguments
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "gs:e:c:t:f:m:x", ["generate", "convexec=", "suffix=", "expected_dir=", "test=", "file=", "comparator=", "mingw-cross-env"])
debug('getopt args:'+str(sys.argv))
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
global options
options = Options()
options.regressiondir = os.path.join(os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0], "regression")
options.generate = False
options.suffix = "txt"
options.comparator = ""
for o, a in opts:
if o in ("-g", "--generate"): options.generate = True
elif o in ("-s", "--suffix"):
if a[0] == '.': options.suffix = a[1:]
else: options.suffix = a
elif o in ("-e", "--expected-dir"):
options.expecteddir = a
elif o in ("-t", "--test"):
options.testname = a
elif o in ("-f", "--file"):
options.filename = a
elif o in ("-c", "--convexec"):
options.convert_exec = os.path.normpath( a )
elif o in ("-m", "--comparator"):
options.comparator = a
elif o in ("-x", "--mingw-cross-env"):
options.mingw_cross_env = True
# <cmdline-tool> and <argument>
if len(args) < 2:
options.cmd = args[0]
# If only one test file, we can usually deduct the test name from the file
if len(args) == 2:
basename = os.path.splitext(args[1])[0]
path, options.filename = os.path.split(basename)
if not hasattr(options, "filename"):
print >> sys.stderr, "Filename cannot be deducted from arguments. Specify test filename using the -f option"
if not hasattr(options, "testname"):
options.testname = os.path.split(args[0])[1]
# Initialize and verify run-time environment
if not initialize_environment(): sys.exit(1)
# Verify test environment
verification = verify_test(options.testname, options.cmd)
if not verification: exit(1)
if options.testname[0:8]=='export3d' and not options.generate:
actualfilename = export3d_filename( actualfilename, options )
resultfile = run_test(options.testname, options.cmd, args[1:])
if not resultfile: exit(1)
if options.testname[0:8]=='export3d' and not options.generate:
actualfilename,newargs = create_png_for_export3d( actualfilename, options )
resultfile = run_test(options.testname, options.cmd, newargs)
if not resultfile: exit(1)
if not compare_with_expected(resultfile): exit(1)