
529 lines
16 KiB

# test_pretty_print by don bright 2012. Copyright assigned to Marius Kintel and
# Clifford Wolf 2012. Released under the GPL 2, or later, as described in
# the file named 'COPYING' in OpenSCAD's project root.
# This program 'pretty prints' the ctest output, including
# - log files from builddir/Testing/Temporary/
# - .png and .txt files from testname-output/*
# The result is a single html report file with images data-uri encoded
# into the file. It can be uploaded as a single static file to a web server
# or the '' script can be used.
# Design philosophy
# 1. parse the data (images, logs) into easy-to-use data structures
# 2. wikifiy the data
# 3. save the wikified data to disk
# 4. generate html, including base64 encoding of images
# 5. save html file
# 6. upload html to public site and share with others
# todo
# 1. why is hash differing
import string
import sys
import re
import os
import hashlib
import subprocess
import time
import platform
from urllib.error import URLError
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib2 import URLError
from urllib2 import urlopen
from urllib import urlencode
def tryread(filename):
data = None
f = open(filename,'rb')
data =
except Exception as e:
debug( "couldn't open file: [" + filename + "]" )
debug( str(type(e))+str(e) )
if filename==None:
# dont write a bunch of extra errors during test output.
# the reporting of test failure is sufficient to indicate a problem
return data
def trysave(filename, data):
dir = os.path.dirname(filename)
if not os.path.isdir(dir):
if not dir == '':
debug( 'creating' + dir)
except Exception as e:
print 'problem writing to',filename
print type(e), e
return None
return True
def ezsearch(pattern, str):
x =,str,re.DOTALL|re.MULTILINE)
if x and len(x.groups())>0: return
return ''
def read_gitinfo():
# won't work if run from outside of branch.
data = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'remote', '-v'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
origin = ezsearch('^origin *?(.*?)\(fetch.*?$', data)
upstream = ezsearch('^upstream *?(.*?)\(fetch.*?$', data)
data = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'branch'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
branch = ezsearch('^\*(.*?)$', data)
out = 'Git branch: ' + branch + ' from origin ' + origin + '\n'
out += 'Git upstream: ' + upstream + '\n'
out = 'Git branch: Unknown (could not run git)\n'
return out
def read_sysinfo(filename):
data = tryread(filename)
if not data:
sinfo = platform.sys.platform
sinfo += '\nsystem cannot create offscreen GL framebuffer object'
sinfo += '\nsystem cannot create GL based images'
sysid = platform.sys.platform+'_no_GL_renderer'
return sinfo, sysid
machine = ezsearch('Machine:(.*?)\n',data)
machine = machine.replace(' ','-').replace('/','-')
osinfo = ezsearch('OS info:(.*?)\n',data)
osplain = osinfo.split(' ')[0].strip().replace('/','-')
if 'windows' in osinfo.lower():
osplain = 'win'
renderer = ezsearch('GL Renderer:(.*?)\n',data)
tmp = renderer.split(' ')
tmp = string.join(tmp[0:min(len(tmp),4)],'-')
tmp = tmp.split('/')[0]
renderer = tmp
data += read_gitinfo()
data = data.strip()
# create 4 letter hash and stick on end of sysid
nondate_data = re.sub("\n.*?ompile date.*?\n", "\n", data).strip()
hexhash = hashlib.md5(nondate_data).hexdigest()[-4:].upper()
hash_ = ''.join(chr(ord(c) + 97 - 48) for c in hexhash)
sysid = '_'.join([osplain, machine, renderer, hash_])
sysid = sysid.replace('(', '_').replace(')', '_')
sysid = sysid.lower()
return data, sysid
class Test:
def __init__(self, fullname, subpr, passed, output, type, actualfile,
expectedfile, scadfile, log):
self.fullname= fullname
self.passed, self.output = passed, output
self.type, self.actualfile = type, actualfile
self.expectedfile, self.scadfile = expectedfile, scadfile
self.fulltestlog = log
self.actualfile_data = None
self.expectedfile_data = None
def __str__(self):
x = 'fullname: ' + self.fullname
x+= '\nactualfile: ' + self.actualfile
x+= '\nexpectedfile: ' + self.expectedfile
if self.actualfile_data:
x+= '\nactualfile_data (#bytes): ' + str(len(self.actualfile_data))
if self.expectedfile_data:
x+= '\nexpectedfile_data (#bytes): ' + str(len(self.expectedfile_data))
x+= '\ntesttype: ' + str(self.type)
x+= '\npassed: ' + str(self.passed)
x+= '\nscadfile: ' + self.scadfile
x+= '\noutput bytes: ' + str(len(self.output))
x+= '\ntestlog bytes: ' + str(len(self.fulltestlog))
x+= '\n'
return x
def parsetest(teststring):
patterns = ["Test:(.*?)\n", # fullname
"Test time =(.*?) sec\n",
"Test time.*?Test (Passed)", # pass/fail
"Output:(.*?)<end of output>",
'Command:.*?-s" "(.*?)"', # type
"^ actual .*?:(.*?)\n",
"^ expected .*?:(.*?)\n",
'Command:.*?(testdata.*?)"' # scadfile
hits = map( lambda pattern: ezsearch(pattern, teststring), patterns)
test = Test(hits[0], hits[1], hits[2]=='Passed', hits[3], hits[4], hits[5],
hits[6], hits[7], teststring)
if len(test.actualfile) > 0:
test.actualfile_data = tryread(test.actualfile)
if len(test.expectedfile) > 0:
test.expectedfile_data = tryread(test.expectedfile)
debug(" Parsed test\n" + str(test)+'\n')
return test
def parselog(data):
startdate = ezsearch('Start testing: (.*?)\n', data)
enddate = ezsearch('End testing: (.*?)\n', data)
pattern = '([0-9]*/[0-9]* Testing:.*?time elapsed.*?\n)'
test_chunks = re.findall(pattern,data, re.S)
tests = map( parsetest, test_chunks )
tests = sorted(tests, key = lambda t: t.passed)
if '--comparator=diffpng' in data: imgcomparer='diffpng'
return startdate, tests, enddate, imgcomparer
def load_makefiles(builddir):
filelist = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(builddir):
for fname in files: filelist += [ os.path.join(root, fname) ]
files = [file for file in filelist if 'build.make' in os.path.basename(file)
or 'flags.make' in os.path.basename(file)]
files = [file for file in files if 'esting' not in file and 'emporary' not in file]
result = {}
for fname in files:
result[fname.replace(builddir, '')] = tryread(fname)
return result
def png_encode64(fname, width=512, data=None, alt=''):
data = data or tryread(fname) or ''
data_uri = data.encode('base64').replace('\n', '')
tag = '''<img src="data:image/png;base64,%s" width="%s" %s/>'''
if alt=="": alt = 'alt="openscad_test_image:' + fname + '" '
tag %= (data_uri, width, alt)
return tag
def findlogfile(builddir):
logpath = os.path.join(builddir, 'Testing', 'Temporary')
logfilename = os.path.join(logpath, 'LastTest.log.tmp')
if not os.path.isfile(logfilename):
logfilename = os.path.join(logpath, 'LastTest.log')
if not os.path.isfile(logfilename):
print 'can\'t find and/or open logfile', logfilename
return logfilename
# --- Templating ---
class Templates(object):
html_template = '''<html>
<head><title>Test run for {sysid}</title>
<h1>{project_name} test run report</h1>
<b>Sysid</b>: {sysid}
<b>Result summary</b>: {numpassed} / {numtests} tests passed ({percent}%)
<b>System info</b>
<b>Image comparer</b>: {imgcomparer}
<b>Tests start time</b>: {startdate}
<b>Tests end time</b>: {enddate}
<h2>Image tests</h2>
<h2>Text tests</h2>
<h2>build.make and flags.make</h2>
style = '''
body {
color: black;
table {
border-collapse: collapse;
table td, th {
border: 2px solid gray;
.text-name {
border: 2px solid black;
padding: 0.14em;
image_template = '''<table>
<tr><td colspan="2">{test_name}</td></tr>
<tr><td> Expected image </td><td> Actual image </td></tr>
<tr><td> {expected} </td><td> {actual} </td></tr>
text_template = '''
<span class="text-name">{test_name}</span>
makefile_template = '''
def __init__(self, **defaults):
self.filled = {}
self.defaults = defaults
def fill(self, template, *args, **kwargs):
kwds = self.defaults.copy()
return getattr(self, template).format(*args, **kwds)
def add(self, template, var, *args, **kwargs):
self.filled[var] = self.filled.get(var, '') + self.fill(template, *args, **kwargs)
return self.filled[var]
def get(self, var):
return self.filled.get(var, '')
def to_html(project_name, startdate, tests, enddate, sysinfo, sysid, imgcomparer, makefiles):
passed_tests = [test for test in tests if test.passed]
failed_tests = [test for test in tests if not test.passed]
report_tests = failed_tests
if include_passed:
report_tests = tests
percent = '%.0f' % (100.0 * len(passed_tests) / len(tests)) if tests else 'n/a'
image_test_count = 0
text_test_count = 0
templates = Templates()
for test in report_tests:
if test.type in ('txt', 'ast', 'csg', 'term', 'echo'):
text_test_count += 1
templates.add('text_template', 'text_tests',
elif test.type == 'png':
image_test_count += 1
alttxt = 'OpenSCAD test image'
if not os.path.exists(test.actualfile):
alttxt = 'image missing for ' + test.fullname
actual_img = png_encode64(test.actualfile,
data=test.actualfile_data, alt=alttxt)
if not os.path.exists(test.expectedfile):
alttxt = 'no img generated for ' + test.fullname
expected_img = png_encode64(test.expectedfile,
data=test.expectedfile_data, alt=alttxt)
templates.add('image_template', 'image_tests',
raise TypeError('Unknown test type %r' % test.type)
for mf in sorted(makefiles.keys()):
mfname = mf.strip().lstrip(os.path.sep)
text = open(os.path.join(builddir, mfname)).read()
templates.add('makefile_template', 'makefiles', name=mfname, text=text)
text_tests = templates.get('text_tests')
image_tests = templates.get('image_tests')
makefiles_str = templates.get('makefiles')
if not include_passed:
if image_test_count==0:
image_tests = 'all given tests passed'
if text_test_count==0:
text_tests = 'all given tests passed'
return templates.fill('html_template',,
sysid=sysid, sysinfo=sysinfo,
startdate=startdate, enddate=enddate,
percent=percent, image_tests=image_tests,
text_tests=text_tests, makefiles=makefiles_str,
# --- End Templating ---
# --- Web Upload ---
def postify(data):
return urlencode(data).encode()
def create_page():
data = {
'action': 'create',
'type': 'html'
response = urlopen('', data=postify(data))
return None
return response.geturl()
def upload_html(page_url, title, html):
data = {
'mode': 'editor',
'title': title,
'html': html,
'ajax': '1'
response = urlopen(page_url, data=postify(data))
except URLError, e:
print 'Upload error: ' + str(e)
return False
return 'success' in
# --- End Web Upload ---
debug_test_pp = False
#debug_test_pp = True
debugfile = None
def debug(x):
global debugfile
if debug_test_pp:
print 'test_pretty_print debug: ' + x
builddir = os.getcwd()
include_passed = False
def main():
global builddir, debug_test_pp
global maxretry, dry, include_passed
project_name = 'OpenSCAD'
if bool(os.getenv("TEST_GENERATE")):
# --- Command Line Parsing ---
if '--debug' in ' '.join(sys.argv):
debug_test_pp = True
maxretry = 10
if '--include-passed' in sys.argv:
include_passed = True
dry = False
debug('running test_pretty_print')
if '--dryrun' in sys.argv:
dry = True
suffix = ezsearch('--suffix=(.*?) ', ' '.join(sys.argv) + ' ')
builddir = ezsearch('--builddir=(.*?) ', ' '.join(sys.argv) + ' ')
if not builddir or not os.path.exists(builddir):
builddir = os.getcwd()
print 'warning: couldnt find --builddir, trying to use current dir:',
print builddir
debug('build dir set to ' + builddir)
upload = False
if '--upload' in sys.argv:
upload = True
debug('will upload test report')
# Workaround for old cmake's not being able to pass parameters
if bool(os.getenv("OPENSCAD_UPLOAD_TESTS")):
upload = True
# --- End Command Line Parsing ---
sysinfo, sysid = read_sysinfo(os.path.join(builddir, 'sysinfo.txt'))
makefiles = load_makefiles(builddir)
logfilename = findlogfile(builddir)
testlog = tryread(logfilename)
debug('found log file: '+logfilename+'\n')
startdate, tests, enddate, imgcomparer = parselog(testlog)
if debug_test_pp:
print 'found sysinfo.txt,',
print 'found', len(makefiles),'makefiles,',
print 'found', len(tests),'test results'
print 'comparer', imgcomparer
html = to_html(project_name, startdate, tests, enddate, sysinfo, sysid, imgcomparer, makefiles)
html_basename = sysid + '_report.html'
html_filename = os.path.join(builddir, 'Testing', 'Temporary', html_basename)
debug('saving ' + html_filename + ' ' + str(len(html)) + ' bytes')
trysave(html_filename, html)
print "report saved:\n", html_filename.replace(os.getcwd()+os.path.sep,'')
failed_tests = [test for test in tests if not test.passed]
if upload and failed_tests:
build = os.getenv("TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER")
if build: filename = 'travis-' + build + '_report.html'
else: filename = html_basename
os.system('scp "%s" "%s:%s"' %
(html_filename, '', 'www/tests/' + filename) )
share_url = '' + filename;
print 'html report uploaded:'
print share_url
# page_url = create_page()
# if upload_html(page_url, title='OpenSCAD test results', html=html):
# share_url = page_url.partition('?')[0]
# print 'html report uploaded at', share_url
# else:
# print 'could not upload html report'
debug('test_pretty_print complete')
if __name__=='__main__':
debugfile = open('test_pretty_print.log.txt','w')