
78 lines
2.8 KiB

#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <libintl.h>
#include <locale.h>
inline char * _( const char * msgid ) { return gettext( msgid ); }
typedef void (OutputHandlerFunc)(const std::string &msg, void *userdata);
extern OutputHandlerFunc *outputhandler;
extern void *outputhandler_data;
namespace OpenSCAD { extern std::string debug; }
void set_output_handler(OutputHandlerFunc *newhandler, void *userdata);
extern std::list<std::string> print_messages_stack;
void print_messages_push();
void print_messages_pop();
void printDeprecation(const std::string &str);
void resetPrintedDeprecations();
#define PRINT_DEPRECATION(_fmt, _arg) do { printDeprecation(str(boost::format(_fmt) % _arg)); } while (0)
/* PRINT statements come out in same window as ECHO.
usage: PRINTB("Var1: %s Var2: %i", var1 % var2 ); */
void PRINT(const std::string &msg);
#define PRINTB(_fmt, _arg) do { PRINT(str(boost::format(_fmt) % _arg)); } while (0)
void PRINT_NOCACHE(const std::string &msg);
#define PRINTB_NOCACHE(_fmt, _arg) do { PRINT_NOCACHE(str(boost::format(_fmt) % _arg)); } while (0)
void PRINT_CONTEXT(const class Context *ctx, const class Module *mod, const class ModuleInstantiation *inst);
/*PRINTD: debugging/verbose output. Usage in code:
CGAL_Point_3 p0(0,0,0),p1(1,0,0),p2(0,1,0);
PRINTD(" Created 3 points: ");
PRINTDB("point0, point1, point2: %s %s %s", p0 % p1 % p2 );
Usage on command line:
openscad x.scad --debug=all # prints all debug messages
openscad x.scad --debug=<srcfile> # prints only debug msgs from srcfile.*.cc
(example: openscad --debug=export # prints only debug msgs from )
For a debug with heavy computation cost, you can guard so that the computation
only occurs when debugging is turned on. For example:
if (OpenSCAD::debug!="") PRINTDB("PolySet dump: %s",ps->dump());
void PRINTDEBUG(const std::string &filename,const std::string &msg);
#define PRINTD(_arg) do { PRINTDEBUG(std::string(__FILE__),_arg); } while (0)
#define PRINTDB(_fmt, _arg) do { try { PRINTDEBUG(std::string(__FILE__),str(boost::format(_fmt) % _arg)); } catch(const boost::io::format_error &e) { PRINTDEBUG(std::string(__FILE__),"bad PRINTDB usage"); } } while (0)
std::string two_digit_exp_format( std::string doublestr );
std::string two_digit_exp_format( double x );
// extremely simple logging, eventually replace with something like boost.log
// usage: logstream out(5); openscad_loglevel=6; out << "hi";
static int openscad_loglevel = 0;
class logstream
std::ostream *out;
int loglevel;
logstream( int level = 0 ) {
loglevel = level;
out = &(std::cout);
template <typename T> logstream & operator<<( T const &t ) {
if (out && loglevel <= openscad_loglevel) {
(*out) << t ;
return *this;