
88 lines
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#pragma once
For usage, see,,,
There are two different types of cameras represented in this class:
*Gimbal camera - uses Euler Angles, object translation, and viewer distance
*Vector camera - uses 'eye', 'center', and 'up' vectors ('lookat' style)
They are not necessarily kept in sync. There are two modes of
projection, Perspective and Orthogonal.
#include <vector>
#include <Eigen/Geometry>
#include "rendersettings.h"
class Camera
enum CameraType { NONE, GIMBAL, VECTOR } type;
enum ProjectionType { ORTHOGONAL, PERSPECTIVE } projection;
Camera() {
type = Camera::NONE;
projection = Camera::PERSPECTIVE;
Camera( enum CameraType e )
type = e;
if ( e == Camera::GIMBAL ) {
object_trans << 0,0,0;
object_rot << 35,0,25;
viewer_distance = 500;
} else if ( e == Camera::VECTOR ) {
center << 0,0,0;
Eigen::Vector3d cameradir(1, 1, -0.5);
eye = center - 500 * cameradir;
pixel_width = RenderSettings::inst()->img_width;
pixel_height = RenderSettings::inst()->img_height;
projection = Camera::PERSPECTIVE;
void setup( std::vector<double> params )
if ( params.size() == 7 ) {
type = Camera::GIMBAL;
object_trans << params[0], params[1], params[2];
object_rot << params[3], params[4], params[5];
viewer_distance = params[6];
} else if ( params.size() == 6 ) {
type = Camera::VECTOR;
eye << params[0], params[1], params[2];
center << params[3], params[4], params[5];
} else {
assert( "Gimbal cam needs 7 numbers, Vector camera needs 6" );
void gimbalDefaultTranslate()
{ // match the GUI viewport numbers (historical reasons)
object_trans.x() *= -1;
object_trans.y() *= -1;
object_trans.z() *= -1;
object_rot.x() = fmodf(360 - object_rot.x() + 90, 360 );
object_rot.y() = fmodf(360 - object_rot.y(), 360);
object_rot.z() = fmodf(360 - object_rot.z(), 360);
// Vectorcam
Eigen::Vector3d eye;
Eigen::Vector3d center; // (aka 'target')
Eigen::Vector3d up; // not used currently
// Gimbalcam
Eigen::Vector3d object_trans;
Eigen::Vector3d object_rot;
double viewer_distance;
unsigned int pixel_width;
unsigned int pixel_height;