stomp Stomp client extension This extension allows php applications to communicate with any Stomp compliant Message Brokers through easy object oriented and procedural interfaces. Pierrick Charron pierrick yes XXXX-XX-XX 1.0.X1.0.X stablestable PHP License - add LICENSE file as documentation (Remi) 5.2.2 1.4.0 openssl stomp stablestable PHP License 2014-12-07 - Add two new ini options stomp.default_username and stomp.default_passowrd (Pierrick) - General performance improvements (Pierrick) - Fix stomp_read_frame when buffered (Pierrick) - Fixed bug #59217 (Connections to RabbitMQ via CLI). (Pierrick). - Fixed bug #59970 (acking a message makes rabbitmq disconnect the server). (Pierrick) - Fixed bug #67170 (Disable Nagle's Algorithm with TCP_NODELAY, it delays sending small messages). (Yarek Tyshchenko) - Fixed bug #68497 (Stomp client doesn't parse ERROR response on CONNECT). (Lorenzo Fontana) - Fixed bug #64671 (Add stomp_nack and Stomp::nack functions). (Pierrick) stablestable PHP License 2012-11-18 - Fix memory leak when Stomp can't write the message on the queue. (Pierrick) - Add a buffer for receipts. (Pierrick) - Fixed bug #62831 (Stomp module seems not initializing SSL library first). (Patch by lwhsu at lwhsu dot org) - Fixed bug #59972 (Message body are not binary safe). (Pierrick) stablestable PHP License 2012-09-17 - Fix compatibility with 5.4 stablestable PHP License 2010-10-12 - Fixed bug #18772 (setTimeout usecs not honored) stablestable PHP License 2010-08-13 - Fixed SSL connection bug introduced in 1.0.1 stablestable PHP License 2010-08-03 - Add new parameter to the constructor to allow client to send extra informations - Add zend engine runtime cache support (introduced into trunk) - Add new details property in the StompException class - Add new StompException::getDetails() method - Add the frame body content in the Stomp::Error() method - Fixed bug #17262 (Server is not responding on win32) stablestable PHP License 2010-02-11 - Bump to stable betabeta PHP License 2010-01-19 - Fix compilation issue on PHP5.2 branch betabeta PHP License 2010-01-17 - Adds the ability to specify an alternative class for readFrame betabeta PHP License 2009-11-22 - Adds alt class - Fixed bug #16936 (Module segfaults on readFrame if Frame > STOMP_BUFSIZE) - Fixed bug #16933 (readFrame does not notice when server shuts down) - Fixed bug #16930 (readFrame reports error-frames as "timeout") betabeta PHP License 2009-11-08 - Fix memory leak in stomp_send and in stomp_ack - Reduced minimum php version to 5.2.2 betabeta PHP License 2009-11-06 - new stomp_connect_error() function (pierrick) - stomp_begin, stomp_abort and stomp_commit now accept additional headers (pierrick) - new connection timeout and read timeout ini configuration (pierrick) - Fix a memory leak in stomp_read_line (pierrick) - Better set of test (Pierrick and Anis) betabeta PHP License 2009-11-01 - Windows build fix (kalle) - Add SSL support (pierrick) alphaalpha PHP License 2009-10-30 - Initial PECL release. (pierrick)