Contribution guide is now in the repo itself.
Ariya Hidayat 2012-09-18 00:00:05 -07:00
parent 43b0b1cb7d
commit bdc882480f
1 changed files with 2 additions and 77 deletions

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<p>This page describes how to contribute changes to the PhantomJS source control repository.</p>
<p><strong>Note</strong>: Please do not create a GitHub pull request without reading this guide first. Failure to do so may result in the rejection of the pull request.</p>
<p><em>Second opinion is always important</em>.</p>
<p>If you have a fix for a bug, please attach your patch in the corresponding issue in the <a href="">issue tracker</a>. If there is no entry for the bug yet, then please create a new one. If you are convenient working with Git, see the <em>Get Ready</em> section below on how to submit your change.</p>
<p>If you have an idea for improvement, then please send an email to <a href="">mailing list</a> (preferable than contacting the developers directly) so that other people can give their insights and opinions. This is also important to avoid duplicate work.</p>
<p>Once the feature idea is agreed upon and translated into concrete actions and tasks, please use the <a href="">issue tracker</a> to create an issue for each individual task. Further technical discussion about the task and the implementation details should be carried out in the issue tracker.
<p>Whenever you want to introduce a new API, please send an email to the mailing list along with the link to the issue. Consider good API name for the object or function, read the <a href="">API Design Principle</a> article. It may require few iterations to agree on the final API and hence it is important to engage all interested parties as early as possible.</p>
<h2>Get Ready</h2>
<p>For your proposed change, you need to have:</p>
<li>an issue (in the issue tracker) which describe your bug or feature</li>
<li>a feature branch in your git fork</li>
<p><strong>Refer the Issue</strong></p>
<p>The commit message needs to link to the issue. This cross-reference is <a href="">very important</a> for the following reasons.</p>
<p>First, the commit log is <em>frozen</em> and can not be changed. If it contains a mistake or outdated information, the log can not be amended. However, further updates can be still posted to the linked issue, which can be followed from the commit log itself.</p>
<p>Second, it provides a placeholder to place code review and other feedback. Reviewing the change using GitHub commenting system is not encouraged because it is <strong>not</strong> <a href="">searchable</a> at all (if there is a future need to refer the previous discussion again, the comment is almost impossible to locate)</p>
<p>An example of a bad commit log:</p>
<pre>Fix Mountain Lion</pre>
<p>The above log is too short and useless in the long run. A better version (and note the issue link):</p>
<pre>Better support for OS X Mountain Lion.
require('system').os.version should give "10.8 (Mountain Lion)".</pre>
<p><strong>Use Feature Branch</strong></p>
<p>To isolate your change, please avoid working on the master branch. Instead, work on a <em>feature branch</em> (often also known as topic branch). You can create a new branch (example here crash-fix) off the master branch by using:</p>
<pre>git checkout -b crash-fix master</pre>
<p>Refer to your favorite Git tutorial/book for further detailed help.</p>
<p>Some good practices for the feature branch:</p>
<li>Give it a meaningful name instead of, e.g. <em>prevent-zero-divide</em> instead of just <em>fix</em>
<li>Make <strong>granular and atomic</strong> commits, e.g. do not mix a typo fix with some major refactoring
<li>Keep one branch for one specific issue. If you need to work on other unrelated issues, create another branch.
<h2>Review and Merge</h2>
<p>When your branch is ready, send the pull request.</p>
<p>While it is not always the case, often it is necessary to improve parts of your code in the branch. This is the actual review process.</p>
<p>Here is a check list for the review:</p>
<li>It does not break the test suite
<li>There is no typo
<li>The coding style follows the existing one
<li>There is a reasonable amount of comment
<li>The license header is intact
<li>All examples are still working
<p>The content of this page is moved to <a href="">Contributing Guide</a>.</p>