describe("Attributes Files API", function() { var FILENAME = "temp-02.test", CONTENT = "This is a test for PhantomJS, an awesome headless browser to do all sort of stuff :) ", CONTENT_MULTIPLIER = 1024, ABSENT = "absent-02.test"; it("should throw an exception when trying to read the size of a non existing file", function(){ expect(function(){ fs.size(ABSENT); }).toThrow("Unable to read file '"+ ABSENT +"' size"); }); it("should return a null Date object when trying to read the last modified date of a non existing file", function(){ expect(fs.lastModified(ABSENT)).toBeNull(); }); it("should create temporary file '"+ FILENAME +"' and writes some content in it", function(){ try{ var f =, "w"); expect(f).toBeDefined(); for (var i = 1; i <= CONTENT_MULTIPLIER; ++i) { f.write(CONTENT); } f.close(); } catch (e) { } }); it("should be able to read the size of a temporary file '"+ FILENAME +"'", function() { expect(fs.size(FILENAME)).toEqual(CONTENT.length * CONTENT_MULTIPLIER); }); it("should be able to read the Date on which a temporary file '"+ FILENAME +"' was last modified", function() { var flm = fs.lastModified(FILENAME), now = new Date(); expect(now.getDay()).toEqual(flm.getDay()); expect(now.getMonth()).toEqual(flm.getMonth()); expect(now.getFullYear()).toEqual(flm.getFullYear()); expect(now.getMilliseconds()).toNotEqual(flm.getMilliseconds()); }); it("should remove temporary file '"+ FILENAME +"'", function(){ fs.remove(FILENAME); }); });