#!/usr/bin/env bash cd `dirname $0`/.. echo "Building Qt and PhantomJS in debug mode. If you have previously" \ "built in release mode, you should run:" echo echo " $ make clean && cd src/qt && make clean && cd ../.." echo # This incantation will cause Qt and WebKit and PhantomJS to all build in "release" # mode, with compiler optimisations, but also with debug symbols. (We will strip the # symbols in package.sh.) CFLAGS=-g CXXFLAGS=-g ./build.sh --qt-config '-webkit-debug' --qmake-args "QMAKE_CFLAGS=-g QMAKE_CXXFLAGS=-g" || exit 1 # Package the release tarball rm deploy/*.tar.bz2 2>/dev/null ./deploy/package.sh || exit 1 # Build the dump_syms program for dumping breakpad debugging symbols if [[ $OSTYPE = darwin* ]]; then pushd tools ../src/qt/bin/qmake dump-syms-mac.pro popd else pushd src/breakpad ./configure && make || exit 1 popd fi # Dump and package the breakpad debugging symbols... ./tools/dump-symbols.sh version=$(bin/phantomjs --version | sed 's/ /-/' | sed 's/[()]//g') if [[ $OSTYPE = darwin* ]]; then symbols="phantomjs-$version-macosx-static-symbols" else symbols="phantomjs-$version-linux-$(uname -m)-dynamic-symbols" fi cp -r symbols/ $symbols # The minidump_stackwalk program is architecture-specific, so copy the # binary for later use. This means that e.g. a developer on x86_64 can # analyse a crash dump produced by a i686 user. # # We don't yet have a process for building minidump_stackwalk on OS X if [[ $OSTYPE != darwin* ]]; then cp src/breakpad/src/processor/minidump_stackwalk $symbols read -r -d '' README < $symbols/README fi tar -cjf deploy/$symbols.tar.bz2 $symbols rm -r $symbols echo "PhantomJS built and packaged:" echo cd deploy ls -1 *.tar.bz2