#!/bin/bash QT_CFG='' COMPILE_JOBS=1 MAKEFLAGS_JOBS=$(echo $MAKEFLAGS | egrep -o '\-j[0-9]+' | egrep -o '[0-9]+') if [[ "$MAKEFLAGS_JOBS" != "" ]]; then # user defined number of jobs in MAKEFLAGS, re-use that number COMPILE_JOBS=$MAKEFLAGS_JOBS elif [[ $OSTYPE = darwin* ]]; then # We only support modern Mac machines, they are at least using # hyperthreaded dual-core CPU. COMPILE_JOBS=4 else CPU_CORES=`grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo` if [[ "$CPU_CORES" -gt 1 ]]; then COMPILE_JOBS=$CPU_CORES if [[ "$COMPILE_JOBS" -gt 8 ]]; then # Safety net. COMPILE_JOBS=8 fi fi fi until [ -z "$1" ]; do case $1 in "--qt-config") shift QT_CFG=" $1" shift;; "--jobs") shift COMPILE_JOBS=$1 shift;; "--help") echo "Usage: $0 [--qt-config CONFIG] [--jobs NUM]" echo echo " --qt-config CONFIG Specify extra config options to be used when configuring Qt" echo " --jobs NUM How many parallel compile jobs to use. Defaults to 4." echo exit 0 ;; *) echo "Unrecognised option: $1" exit 1;; esac done cd src/qt && ./preconfig.sh --jobs $COMPILE_JOBS --qt-config "$QT_CFG" && cd ../.. src/qt/bin/qmake make -j$COMPILE_JOBS