#!/bin/bash LINENOISE_PATH="$PWD/../src/linenoise" LINENOISE_SRC_PATH="$LINENOISE_PATH/src" GITHUB_CLONE_URL="http://github.com/tadmarshall/linenoise.git" TO_REMOVE=".gitignore .git *.vcproj *.sln Makefile" # Make a new Linenoise source directory rm -rf $LINENOISE_SRC_PATH mkdir -p $LINENOISE_SRC_PATH # Cloning latest 'master' of Linenoise git clone $GITHUB_CLONE_URL $LINENOISE_SRC_PATH # From within the source directory... pushd $LINENOISE_SRC_PATH # Extract latest commit log info and prepare "README.md" content LATEST_COMMIT=$(git log -1) README_CONTENT=$(cat << EOF This project contains the **Linenoise project**, initially released by [Salvatore Sanfilippo](https://github.com/antirez). Here we import a fork by [Tad Marshall](https://github.com/tadmarshall) that lives at [github.com/tadmarshall/linenoise](https://github.com/tadmarshall/linenoise). The version of Linenoise included in PhantomJS refers to the commit: ----- $LATEST_COMMIT ----- Some files not needed for PhantomJS are removed. Linenoise is licensed under the BSD-license. Kudos to all the developers that contribute to this nice little pearl. EOF) # Remove unnecessary files rm -rf $TO_REMOVE popd # ... and out! # Save "README.md" echo "$README_CONTENT" > "$LINENOISE_PATH/README.md"