#!/bin/bash # # usage: just run this script (after having run build.sh) # and deploy the created tarball to your target machine. # # It creates a phantomjs-$version folder and copies the binary, # example, license etc. together with all shared library dependencies # to that folder. Furthermore brandelf is used to make the lib # and binary compatible with older unix/linux machines that don't # know the new Linux ELF ABI. # cd $(dirname $0) if [[ ! -f ../bin/phantomjs ]]; then echo "phantomjs was not built yet, please run build.sh first" exit 1 fi if [[ "$1" = "--bundle-libs" ]]; then bundle_libs=1 else bundle_libs=0 fi version=$(../bin/phantomjs --version | sed 's/ /-/' | sed 's/[()]//g') src=.. echo "packaging phantomjs $version" if [[ $OSTYPE = darwin* ]]; then dest="phantomjs-$version-macosx" else dest="phantomjs-$version-linux-$(uname -m)" fi rm -Rf $dest{.tar.bz2,} &> /dev/null mkdir -p $dest/bin echo echo -n "copying files..." cp $src/bin/phantomjs $dest/bin cp -r $src/{ChangeLog,examples,LICENSE.BSD,third-party.txt,README.md} $dest/ echo "done" echo phantomjs=$dest/bin/phantomjs if [[ "$bundle_libs" = "1" ]]; then mkdir -p $dest/lib if [[ ! -f brandelf ]]; then echo echo "brandelf executable not found in current dir" echo -n "compiling it now..." g++ brandelf.c -o brandelf || exit 1 echo "done" fi libs=$(ldd $phantomjs | egrep -o "/[^ ]+ ") echo -n "copying shared libs..." libld= for l in $libs; do ll=$(basename $l) cp $l $dest/lib/$ll if [[ "$bundle_libs" = "1" ]]; then # ensure OS ABI compatibility ./brandelf -t SVR4 $dest/lib/$ll if [[ "$l" == *"ld-linux"* ]]; then libld=$ll fi fi done echo "done" echo echo -n "writing run script..." mv $phantomjs $phantomjs.bin phantomjs=$phantomjs.bin run=$dest/bin/phantomjs echo '#!/bin/sh' >> $run echo 'path=$(dirname $(dirname $(readlink -f $0)))' >> $run echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$path/lib' >> $run echo 'exec $path/lib/'$libld' $phantomjs $@' >> $run chmod +x $run echo "done" echo fi echo -n "stripping binary and libs..." if [[ $OSTYPE = darwin* ]]; then strip -x $phantomjs else strip -s $phantomjs [[ -d $dest/lib ]] && strip -s $dest/lib/* fi echo "done" echo echo -n "compressing binary..." if [[ ! -z upx ]]; then upx -qqq -9 $phantomjs echo "done" else echo "upx not found" fi echo echo -n "creating archive..." if [[ $OSTYPE = darwin* ]]; then zip -r $dest.zip $dest else tar -cjf $dest{.tar.bz2,} fi echo "done" echo