function checkClipRect(page, clipRect) { expectHasProperty(page, 'clipRect'); it("should have clipRect with height "+clipRect.height, function () { expect(page.clipRect.height).toEqual(clipRect.height); }); it("should have clipRect with left "+clipRect.left, function () { expect(page.clipRect.left).toEqual(clipRect.left); }); it("should have clipRect with top ", function () { expect(; }); it("should have clipRect with width "+clipRect.width, function () { expect(page.clipRect.width).toEqual(clipRect.width); }); } function checkScrollPosition(page, scrollPosition) { expectHasProperty(page, 'scrollPosition'); it("should have scrollPosition with left "+scrollPosition.left, function () { expect(page.scrollPosition.left).toEqual(scrollPosition.left); }); it("should have scrollPosition with top ", function () { expect(; }); } function checkViewportSize(page, viewportSize) { expectHasProperty(page, 'viewportSize'); it("should have viewportSize with height "+viewportSize.height, function () { expect(page.viewportSize.height).toEqual(viewportSize.height); }); it("should have viewportSize with width "+viewportSize.width, function () { expect(page.viewportSize.width).toEqual(viewportSize.width); }); } function checkPageCallback(page) { it("should pass variables from/to window.callPhantom/page.onCallback", function() { var msgA = "a", msgB = "b", result, expected = msgA + msgB; page.onCallback = function(a, b) { return a + b; }; result = page.evaluate(function(a, b) { return callPhantom(a, b); }, msgA, msgB); expect(result).toEqual(expected); }); } function checkPageConfirm(page) { it("should pass result from/to window.confirm/page.onConfirm", function() { var msg = "message body", result, expected = true; page.onConfirm = function(msg) { return true; }; result = page.evaluate(function(m) { return window.confirm(m); }, msg); expect(result).toEqual(expected); }); } function checkPagePrompt(page) { it("should pass result from/to window.prompt/page.onPrompt", function() { var msg = "message", value = "value", result, expected = "extra-value"; page.onPrompt = function(msg, value) { return "extra-"+value; }; result = page.evaluate(function(m, v) { return window.prompt(m, v); }, msg, value); expect(result).toEqual(expected); }); } describe("WebPage constructor", function() { it("should exist in window", function() { expect(window.hasOwnProperty('WebPage')).toBeTruthy(); }); it("should be a function", function() { expect(typeof window.WebPage).toEqual('function'); }); }); describe("WebPage object", function() { var page = new WebPage(); it("should be creatable", function() { expect(typeof page).toEqual('object'); expect(page).toNotEqual(null); }); it("should be able to get any signal handler that are currently set on it", function() { page.onInitialized = undefined; expect(page.onInitialized).toBeUndefined(); var onInitialized1 = function() { var x = "x"; }; page.onInitialized = onInitialized1; expect(page.onInitialized).toEqual(onInitialized1); var onInitialized2 = function() { var y = "y"; }; page.onInitialized = onInitialized2; expect(page.onInitialized).toEqual(onInitialized2); expect(page.onInitialized).toNotEqual(onInitialized1); page.onInitialized = null; // Will only allow setting to a function value, so setting it to `null` returns `undefined` expect(page.onInitialized).toBeUndefined(); page.onInitialized = undefined; expect(page.onInitialized).toBeUndefined(); }); it("should be able to get any callback handler that are currently set on it", function() { page.onConfirm = undefined; expect(page.onConfirm).toBeUndefined(); var onConfirmFunc1 = function() { return !"x"; }; page.onConfirm = onConfirmFunc1; expect(page.onConfirm).toEqual(onConfirmFunc1); var onConfirmFunc2 = function() { return !!"y"; }; page.onConfirm = onConfirmFunc2; expect(page.onConfirm).toEqual(onConfirmFunc2); expect(page.onConfirm).toNotEqual(onConfirmFunc1); page.onConfirm = null; // Will only allow setting to a function value, so setting it to `null` returns `undefined` expect(page.onConfirm).toBeUndefined(); page.onConfirm = undefined; expect(page.onConfirm).toBeUndefined(); }); it("should be able to get the error signal handler that is currently set on it (currently a special 1-off case)", function() { page.onError = undefined; expect(page.onError).toBeUndefined(); var onErrorFunc1 = function() { return !"x"; }; page.onError = onErrorFunc1; expect(page.onError).toEqual(onErrorFunc1); var onErrorFunc2 = function() { return !!"y"; }; page.onError = onErrorFunc2; expect(page.onError).toEqual(onErrorFunc2); expect(page.onError).toNotEqual(onErrorFunc1); page.onError = null; // Will only allow setting to a function value, so setting it to `null` returns `undefined` expect(page.onError).toBeUndefined(); page.onError = undefined; expect(page.onError).toBeUndefined(); }); checkPageCallback(page); checkPageConfirm(page); checkPagePrompt(page); checkClipRect(page, {height:0,left:0,top:0,width:0}); expectHasPropertyString(page, 'content'); expectHasPropertyString(page, 'plainText'); expectHasPropertyString(page, 'libraryPath'); expectHasPropertyString(page, 'offlineStoragePath'); expectHasProperty(page, 'offlineStorageQuota'); it("should have objectName as 'WebPage'", function() { expect(page.objectName).toEqual('WebPage'); }); expectHasProperty(page, 'paperSize'); it("should have paperSize as an empty object", function() { expect(page.paperSize).toEqual({}); }); checkScrollPosition(page, {left:0,top:0}); expectHasProperty(page, 'settings'); it("should have non-empty settings", function() { expect(page.settings).toNotEqual(null); expect(page.settings).toNotEqual({}); }); expectHasProperty(page, 'customHeaders'); it("should have customHeaders as an empty object", function() { expect(page.customHeaders).toEqual({}); }); expectHasProperty(page, 'zoomFactor'); it("should have zoomFactor of 1", function() { expect(page.zoomFactor).toEqual(1.0); }); expectHasProperty(page, 'event'); expectHasProperty(page, 'cookies'); checkViewportSize(page, {height:300,width:400}); expectHasFunction(page, 'deleteLater'); expectHasFunction(page, 'destroyed'); expectHasFunction(page, 'evaluate'); expectHasFunction(page, 'initialized'); expectHasFunction(page, 'injectJs'); expectHasFunction(page, 'javaScriptAlertSent'); expectHasFunction(page, 'javaScriptConsoleMessageSent'); expectHasFunction(page, 'loadFinished'); expectHasFunction(page, 'loadStarted'); expectHasFunction(page, 'openUrl'); expectHasFunction(page, 'release'); expectHasFunction(page, 'close'); expectHasFunction(page, 'render'); expectHasFunction(page, 'resourceReceived'); expectHasFunction(page, 'resourceRequested'); expectHasFunction(page, 'resourceError'); expectHasFunction(page, 'uploadFile'); expectHasFunction(page, 'sendEvent'); expectHasFunction(page, 'childFramesCount'); expectHasFunction(page, 'childFramesName'); expectHasFunction(page, 'switchToChildFrame'); expectHasFunction(page, 'switchToMainFrame'); expectHasFunction(page, 'switchToParentFrame'); expectHasFunction(page, 'currentFrameName'); expectHasFunction(page, 'addCookie'); expectHasFunction(page, 'deleteCookie'); expectHasFunction(page, 'clearCookies'); expectHasFunction(page, 'setContent'); it("should set content and location", function() { runs(function() { var expectedContent = "
Test div
"; var expectedLocation = ""; page.setContent(expectedContent, expectedLocation); var actualLocation = page.evaluate(function(){ return window.location.href; }); var actualContent = page.evaluate(function(){ return document.documentElement.textContent; }); expect(expectedLocation).toEqual(actualLocation); expect(expectedContent).toContain("Test div"); }); }); it("should handle keydown event", function() { runs(function() { page.evaluate(function() { window.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) { window.loggedEvent = window.loggedEvent || {}; window.loggedEvent.keydown = event; }, false); }); page.sendEvent('keydown', page.event.key.A); }); waits(50); runs(function() { var event = page.evaluate(function() { return window.loggedEvent.keydown; }); expect(event.which).toEqual(page.event.key.A); }); }); it("should handle keyup event", function() { runs(function() { page.evaluate(function() { window.addEventListener('keyup', function(event) { window.loggedEvent = window.loggedEvent || {}; window.loggedEvent.keyup = event; }, false); }); page.sendEvent('keyup', page.event.key.A); }); waits(50); runs(function() { var event = page.evaluate(function() { return window.loggedEvent.keyup; }); expect(event.which).toEqual(page.event.key.A); }); }); it("should handle keypress event", function() { runs(function() { page.evaluate(function() { window.addEventListener('keypress', function(event) { window.loggedEvent = window.loggedEvent || {}; window.loggedEvent.keypress = event; }, false); }); page.sendEvent('keypress', page.event.key.A); }); waits(50); runs(function() { var event = page.evaluate(function() { return window.loggedEvent.keypress; }); expect(event.which).toEqual(page.event.key.A); }); }); it("should handle keypress event with inputs", function() { runs(function() { page.content = ''; page.evaluate(function() { document.querySelector('input').focus(); }); var getText = function() { return page.evaluate(function() { return document.querySelector('input').value; }); }; page.sendEvent('keypress', page.event.key.A); expect(getText()).toEqual("A"); page.sendEvent('keypress', page.event.key.B); expect(getText()).toEqual("AB"); page.sendEvent('keypress', page.event.key.Backspace); expect(getText()).toEqual("A"); }); }); it("should handle keypress event of string with inputs", function() { runs(function() { page.content = ''; page.evaluate(function() { document.querySelector('input').focus(); }); page.sendEvent('keypress', "ABCD"); // 0x02000000 is the Shift modifier. page.sendEvent('keypress', page.event.key.Home, null, null, 0x02000000); page.sendEvent('keypress', page.event.key.Delete); var text = page.evaluate(function() { return document.querySelector('input').value; }); expect(text).toEqual(""); }); }); it("should handle key events with modifier keys", function() { runs(function() { page.content = ''; page.evaluate(function() { document.querySelector('input').focus(); }); page.sendEvent('keypress', "ABCD"); var text = page.evaluate(function() { return document.querySelector('input').value; }); expect(text).toEqual("ABCD"); }); }); it("should send proper key codes for text", function () { runs(function() { page.content = ''; page.evaluate(function() { document.querySelector('input').focus(); }); page.sendEvent('keypress', "ABCD"); // 0x02000000 is the Shift modifier. page.sendEvent('keypress', page.event.key.Home, null, null, 0x02000000); // 0x04000000 is the Control modifier. page.sendEvent('keypress', 'x', null, null, 0x04000000); var text = page.evaluate(function() { return document.querySelector('input').value; }); expect(text).toEqual(""); page.sendEvent('keypress', 'v', null, null, 0x04000000); text = page.evaluate(function() { return document.querySelector('input').value; }); expect(text).toEqual("ABCD"); }); }); it("should handle keypress event of umlaut char with inputs", function() { runs(function() { page.content = ''; page.evaluate(function() { document.querySelector('input').focus(); }); page.sendEvent('keypress', "ä"); var text = page.evaluate(function() { return document.querySelector('input').value; }); expect(text).toEqual("ä"); }); }); it("should handle mousedown event", function() { runs(function() { page.evaluate(function() { window.addEventListener('mousedown', function(event) { window.loggedEvent = window.loggedEvent || {}; window.loggedEvent.mousedown = event; }, false); }); page.sendEvent('mousedown', 42, 217); }); runs(function() { var event = page.evaluate(function() { return window.loggedEvent.mousedown; }); expect(event.clientX).toEqual(42); expect(event.clientY).toEqual(217); }); }); it("should handle mouseup event", function() { runs(function() { page.evaluate(function() { window.addEventListener('mouseup', function(event) { window.loggedEvent = window.loggedEvent || {}; window.loggedEvent.mouseup = event; }, false); }); page.sendEvent('mouseup', 14, 3); }); waits(50); runs(function() { var event = page.evaluate(function() { return window.loggedEvent.mouseup; }); expect(event.clientX).toEqual(14); expect(event.clientY).toEqual(3); }); }); it("should handle mousemove event", function() { runs(function() { page.evaluate(function() { window.addEventListener('mousemove', function(event) { window.loggedEvent = window.loggedEvent || {}; window.loggedEvent.mousemove = event; }, false); }); page.sendEvent('mousemove', 14, 7); }); waits(50); runs(function() { var event = page.evaluate(function() { return window.loggedEvent.mousemove; }); expect(event.clientX).toEqual(14); expect(event.clientY).toEqual(7); }); }); it("should handle click event", function() { runs(function() { page.evaluate(function() { window.addEventListener('mousedown', function(event) { window.loggedEvent = window.loggedEvent || {}; window.loggedEvent.mousedown = event; }, false); window.addEventListener('mouseup', function(event) { window.loggedEvent = window.loggedEvent || {}; window.loggedEvent.mouseup = event; }, false); }); page.sendEvent('click', 42, 217); }); waits(50); runs(function() { var event = page.evaluate(function() { return window.loggedEvent; }); expect(event.mouseup.clientX).toEqual(42); expect(event.mouseup.clientY).toEqual(217); expect(event.mousedown.clientX).toEqual(42); expect(event.mousedown.clientY).toEqual(217); }); }); it("should handle doubleclick event", function () { runs(function () { page.content = ''; var point = page.evaluate(function () { var el = document.querySelector('input'); var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x: rect.left + Math.floor(rect.width / 2), y: + (rect.height / 2) }; }); page.sendEvent('doubleclick', point.x, point.y); }); waits(50); runs(function () { var text = page.evaluate(function () { return document.querySelector('input').value; }); expect(text).toEqual("doubleclicked"); }); }); it("should handle file uploads", function() { runs(function() { page.content = '\n' + '\n' + ''; page.uploadFile("#file", "run-tests.js"); page.uploadFile("#file2", "run-tests.js"); page.uploadFile("#file3", ["run-tests.js", "webpage-spec.js"]); }); waits(50); runs(function() { var fileName; fileName = page.evaluate(function() { return document.getElementById('file').files[0].fileName; }); expect(fileName).toEqual("run-tests.js"); fileName = page.evaluate(function() { return document.getElementById('file2').files[0].fileName; }); expect(fileName).toEqual("run-tests.js"); var files = page.evaluate(function() { var files = document.getElementById('file3').files; return { length: files.length, fileNames: [files[0].fileName, files[1].fileName] } }); expect(files.length).toEqual(2) expect(files.fileNames[0]).toEqual("run-tests.js"); expect(files.fileNames[1]).toEqual("webpage-spec.js"); }); }); it("should support console.log with multiple arguments", function() { var message; runs(function() { page.onConsoleMessage = function (msg) { message = msg; }; }); waits(50); runs(function() { page.evaluate(function () { console.log('answer', 42); }); expect(message).toEqual("answer 42"); }); }); it("should not load any NPAPI plugins (e.g. Flash)", function() { runs(function() { expect(page.evaluate(function () { return window.navigator.plugins.length; })).toEqual(0); }); }); it("reports unhandled errors", function() { var lastError = null; var page = new require('webpage').create(); page.onError = function(message) { lastError = message; }; runs(function() { page.evaluate(function() { setTimeout(function() { referenceError(); }, 0); }); }); waits(0); runs(function() { expect(lastError).toEqual("ReferenceError: Can't find variable: referenceError"); page.evaluate(function() { referenceError2(); }); expect(lastError).toEqual("ReferenceError: Can't find variable: referenceError2"); page.evaluate(function() { throw "foo"; }); expect(lastError).toEqual("foo"); page.evaluate(function() { throw Error("foo"); }); expect(lastError).toEqual("Error: foo"); }); }); it("doesn't report handled errors", function() { var hadError = false; var caughtError = false; var page = require('webpage').create(); runs(function() { page.onError = function() { hadError = true; }; page.evaluate(function() { caughtError = false; try { referenceError(); } catch(e) { caughtError = true; } }); expect(hadError).toEqual(false); expect(page.evaluate(function() { return caughtError; })).toEqual(true); }); }); it("reports the sourceURL and line of errors", function() { runs(function() { var e1, e2; try { referenceError(); } catch (e) { e1 = e; } try { referenceError(); } catch (e) { e2 = e; } expect(e1.sourceURL).toMatch(/webpage-spec.js$/); expect(e1.line).toBeGreaterThan(1); expect(e2.line).toEqual(e1.line + 6); }); }); it("reports the stack of errors", function() { var helperFile = "./fixtures/error-helper.js"; phantom.injectJs(helperFile); var page = require('webpage').create(), stack; runs(function() { function test() {; } var err; try { test(); } catch (e) { err = e; } var lines = err.stack.split("\n"); expect(lines[0]).toEqual("ReferenceError: Can't find variable: referenceError"); expect(lines[1]).toEqual(" at bar (./fixtures/error-helper.js:7)"); expect(lines[2]).toEqual(" at ./fixtures/error-helper.js:3"); expect(lines[3]).toMatch(/ at test \(\.\/webpage-spec\.js:\d+\)/); page.injectJs(helperFile); page.onError = function(message, s) { stack = s; }; page.evaluate(function() { setTimeout(function() {; }, 0); }); }); waits(0); runs(function() { expect(stack[0].file).toEqual("./fixtures/error-helper.js"); expect(stack[0].line).toEqual(7); expect(stack[0]["function"]).toEqual("bar"); }); }); it("reports errors that occur in the main context", function() { var error; phantom.onError = function(e) { error = e; }; runs(function() { setTimeout(function() { zomg(); }, 0); }); waits(0); runs(function() { expect(error.toString()).toEqual("ReferenceError: Can't find variable: zomg"); phantom.onError = phantom.defaultErrorHandler; }); }); it("should set custom headers properly", function() { var server = require('webserver').create(); server.listen(12345, function(request, response) { // echo received request headers in response body response.write(JSON.stringify(request.headers)); response.close(); }); var url = "http://localhost:12345/foo/headers.txt?ab=cd"; var customHeaders = { "Custom-Key" : "Custom-Value", "User-Agent" : "Overriden-UA", "Referer" : "Overriden-Referer" }; page.customHeaders = customHeaders; var handled = false; runs(function() { expect(handled).toEqual(false);, function (status) { expect(status == 'success').toEqual(true); handled = true; var echoedHeaders = JSON.parse(page.plainText); // console.log(JSON.stringify(echoedHeaders, null, 4)); // console.log(JSON.stringify(customHeaders, null, 4)); expect(echoedHeaders["Custom-Key"]).toEqual(customHeaders["Custom-Key"]); expect(echoedHeaders["User-Agent"]).toEqual(customHeaders["User-Agent"]); expect(echoedHeaders["Referer"]).toEqual(customHeaders["Referer"]); }); }); waits(50); runs(function() { expect(handled).toEqual(true); server.close(); }); }); it("should process request body properly for POST", function() { var server = require('webserver').create(); server.listen(12345, function(request, response) { // echo received request body in response body; response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); response.write(Object.keys([0]); response.close(); }); var url = "http://localhost:12345/foo/body"; var handled = false; runs(function() { expect(handled).toEqual(false); var utfString = '안녕'; var openOptions = { operation: 'POST', data: utfString, encoding: 'utf8' }; var pageOptions = { onLoadFinished: function(status) { expect(status == 'success').toEqual(true); handled = true; expect(page.plainText).toEqual(utfString); } }; var page = new WebPage(pageOptions); page.openUrl(url, openOptions, {}); }); waits(50); runs(function() { expect(handled).toEqual(true); server.close(); }); }); it("should include post data to request object", function() { var server = require('webserver').create(); server.listen(12345, function(request, response) { response.write(JSON.stringify(request.headers)); response.close(); }); runs(function() { var pageOptions = { onResourceRequested: function (request) { expect(request.postData).toEqual("ab=cd"); } }; var page = new WebPage(pageOptions);"http://localhost:12345/", 'post', "ab=cd"); }); waits(50); runs(function() { server.close(); }); }); it("should return properly from a 401 status", function() { var server = require('webserver').create(); server.listen(12345, function(request, response) { response.statusCode = 401; response.setHeader('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="PhantomJS test"'); response.write('Authentication Required'); response.close(); }); var url = "http://localhost:12345/foo"; var handled = 0; runs(function() { expect(handled).toEqual(0); page.onResourceReceived = function(resource) { expect(resource.status).toEqual(401); handled++; };, function(status) { expect(status).toEqual('fail'); handled++; }); }); waits(50); runs(function() { expect(handled).toEqual(2); page.onResourceReceived = null; server.close(); }); }); it("should set valid cookie properly, then remove it", function() { var server = require('webserver').create(); server.listen(12345, function(request, response) { // echo received request headers in response body response.write(JSON.stringify(request.headers)); response.close(); }); var url = "http://localhost:12345/foo/headers.txt?ab=cd"; page.cookies = [{ 'name' : 'Valid-Cookie-Name', 'value' : 'Valid-Cookie-Value', 'domain' : 'localhost', 'path' : '/foo', 'httponly' : true, 'secure' : false },{ 'name' : 'Valid-Cookie-Name-Sec', 'value' : 'Valid-Cookie-Value-Sec', 'domain' : 'localhost', 'path' : '/foo', 'httponly' : true, 'secure' : false, 'expires' : new Date().getTime() + 3600 //< expires in 1h }]; var handled = false; runs(function() { expect(handled).toEqual(false);, function (status) { expect(status == 'success').toEqual(true); handled = true; var echoedHeaders = JSON.parse(page.plainText); // console.log(JSON.stringify(echoedHeaders)); expect(echoedHeaders["Cookie"]).toContain("Valid-Cookie-Name"); expect(echoedHeaders["Cookie"]).toContain("Valid-Cookie-Value"); expect(echoedHeaders["Cookie"]).toContain("Valid-Cookie-Name-Sec"); expect(echoedHeaders["Cookie"]).toContain("Valid-Cookie-Value-Sec"); }); }); waits(50); runs(function() { expect(handled).toEqual(true); expect(page.cookies.length).toNotBe(0); page.cookies = []; //< delete all the cookies visible to this URL expect(page.cookies.length).toBe(0); server.close(); }); }); it("should not set invalid cookies", function() { var server = require('webserver').create(); server.listen(12345, function(request, response) { // echo received request headers in response body response.write(JSON.stringify(request.headers)); response.close(); }); var url = "http://localhost:12345/foo/headers.txt?ab=cd"; page.cookies = [ { // domain mismatch. 'name' : 'Invalid-Cookie-Name', 'value' : 'Invalid-Cookie-Value', 'domain' : '' },{ // path mismatch: the cookie will be set, // but won't be visible from the given URL (not same path). 'name' : 'Invalid-Cookie-Name', 'value' : 'Invalid-Cookie-Value', 'domain' : 'localhost', 'path' : '/bar' },{ // cookie expired. 'name' : 'Invalid-Cookie-Name', 'value' : 'Invalid-Cookie-Value', 'domain' : 'localhost', 'expires' : 'Sat, 09 Jun 2012 00:00:00 GMT' },{ // https only: the cookie will be set, // but won't be visible from the given URL (not https). 'name' : 'Invalid-Cookie-Name', 'value' : 'Invalid-Cookie-Value', 'domain' : 'localhost', 'secure' : true },{ // cookie expired (date in "sec since epoch"). 'name' : 'Invalid-Cookie-Name', 'value' : 'Invalid-Cookie-Value', 'domain' : 'localhost', 'expires' : new Date().getTime() - 1 //< date in the past },{ // cookie expired (date in "sec since epoch" - using "expiry"). 'name' : 'Invalid-Cookie-Name', 'value' : 'Invalid-Cookie-Value', 'domain' : 'localhost', 'expiry' : new Date().getTime() - 1 //< date in the past }]; var handled = false; runs(function() { expect(handled).toEqual(false);, function (status) { expect(status == 'success').toEqual(true); handled = true; var echoedHeaders = JSON.parse(page.plainText); // console.log(JSON.stringify(echoedHeaders)); expect(echoedHeaders["Cookie"]).toBeUndefined(); }); }); waits(50); runs(function() { expect(handled).toEqual(true); expect(page.cookies.length).toBe(0); page.clearCookies(); //< delete all the cookies visible to this URL expect(page.cookies.length).toBe(0); server.close(); }); }); it("should add a cookie", function() { var server = require('webserver').create(); server.listen(12345, function(request, response) { // echo received request headers in response body response.write(JSON.stringify(request.headers)); response.close(); }); var url = "http://localhost:12345/foo/headers.txt?ab=cd"; page.addCookie({ 'name' : 'Added-Cookie-Name', 'value' : 'Added-Cookie-Value', 'domain' : 'localhost' }); var handled = false; runs(function() { expect(handled).toEqual(false);, function (status) { expect(status == 'success').toEqual(true); handled = true; var echoedHeaders = JSON.parse(page.plainText); // console.log(JSON.stringify(echoedHeaders)); expect(echoedHeaders["Cookie"]).toContain("Added-Cookie-Name"); expect(echoedHeaders["Cookie"]).toContain("Added-Cookie-Value"); }); }); waits(50); runs(function() { expect(handled).toEqual(true); server.close(); }); }); it("should delete a cookie", function() { var server = require('webserver').create(); server.listen(12345, function(request, response) { // echo received request headers in response body response.write(JSON.stringify(request.headers)); response.close(); }); var url = "http://localhost:12345/foo/headers.txt?ab=cd"; page.deleteCookie("Added-Cookie-Name"); var handled = false; runs(function() { expect(handled).toEqual(false);, function (status) { expect(status == 'success').toEqual(true); handled = true; var echoedHeaders = JSON.parse(page.plainText); // console.log(JSON.stringify(echoedHeaders)); expect(echoedHeaders["Cookie"]).toBeUndefined(); }); }); waits(50); runs(function() { expect(handled).toEqual(true); server.close(); }); }); it("should pass variables to functions properly", function() { var testPrimitiveArgs = function() { var samples = [ true, 0, "`~!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]\\{}|;':\",./<>?", undefined, null ]; for (var i = 0; i < samples.length; i++) { if (samples[i] !== arguments[i]) { console.log("FAIL"); } } }; var testComplexArgs = function() { var samples = [ {a:true, b:0, c:"string"}, function() { return true; }, [true, 0, "string"], /\d+\w*\// ]; for (var i = 0; i < samples.length; i++) { if (typeof samples[i] !== typeof arguments[i] || samples[i].toString() !== arguments[i].toString()) { console.log("FAIL"); } } }; var message; runs(function() { page.onConsoleMessage = function (msg) { message = msg; }; }); waits(0); runs(function() { page.evaluate(function() { console.log("PASS"); }); page.evaluate(testPrimitiveArgs, true, 0, "`~!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]\\{}|;':\",./<>?", undefined, null); page.evaluate(testComplexArgs, {a:true, b:0, c:"string"}, function() { return true; }, [true, 0, "string"], /\d+\w*\//); expect(message).toEqual("PASS"); }); }); it('should open url using secure connection', function() { var page = require('webpage').create(); var url = ''; var loaded = false, handled = false; runs(function() {, function(status) { loaded = true; expect(status == 'success').toEqual(true); handled = true; }); }); waitsFor(function () { return loaded; }, 'Can not load ' + url, 3000); runs(function() { expect(handled).toEqual(true); }); }); it('should handle resource request errors', function() { var server = require('webserver').create(); var page = require('webpage').create(); server.listen(12345, function(request, response) { if (request.url == '/notExistResource.png') { response.statusCode = 404; response.write('Not found!'); response.close(); } else { response.statusCode = 200; response.write(''); response.close(); } }); var handled = false; runs(function() { page.onResourceError = function(errorData) { expect(errorData['url']).toEqual('http://localhost:12345/notExistResource.png'); expect(errorData['errorCode']).toEqual(203); expect(errorData['errorString']).toContain('notExistResource.png - server replied: Not Found'); handled = true; };'http://localhost:12345', function(status) { expect(status).toEqual('success'); }); }); waits(5000); runs(function() { expect(handled).toEqual(true); page.close(); server.close(); }); }); it("should change a url request with an encoded query string", function() { var page = new require('webpage').create(); var server = require('webserver').create(); server.listen(12345, function(request, response) { // echo received request headers in response body response.write(JSON.stringify(request.headers)); response.close(); }); var url = "http://localhost:12345/cdn-cgi/pe/bag?"; var handled = false; runs(function() { expect(handled).toEqual(false); page.onResourceRequested = function(requestData, request) { request.changeUrl(requestData.url); }; page.onResourceReceived = function(data) { if (data['stage'] === 'end') { expect(data.url).toEqual(url); } };, function (status) { expect(status == 'success').toEqual(true); handled = true; server.close(); }); }); }); it('should able to abort a network request', function() { var page = require('webpage').create(); var url = ''; var urlToBlock = ''; var handled = false; runs(function() { page.onResourceRequested = function(requestData, request) { if (requestData['url'] == urlToBlock) { expect(typeof request).toEqual('object'); expect(typeof request.abort).toEqual('function'); request.abort(); handled = true; } };, function(status) { expect(status).toEqual('success'); }); }); waits(5000); runs(function() { page.close(); expect(handled).toBeTruthy(); }); }); it('should fail on secure connection to url with bad cert', function() { var page = require('webpage').create(); var url = ''; /* example from: * */ var handled = false; runs(function() {, function(status) { expect(status == 'success').toEqual(false); handled = true; }); }); waits(3000); runs(function() { expect(handled).toEqual(true); }); }); it('should change the url of the request', function() { var page = require('webpage').create(); var url = ''; var urlToChange = ''; var fakeImageUrl = ''; var handled = false; runs(function() { page.onResourceRequested = function(requestData, request) { if (requestData['url'] == urlToChange) { expect(typeof request).toEqual('object'); expect(typeof request.changeUrl).toEqual('function'); request.changeUrl(fakeImageUrl); } }; page.onResourceReceived = function(data) { if (data['stage'] === 'end' && data['url'] == fakeImageUrl) { handled = true; } };, function(status) { expect(status).toEqual('success'); }); }); waits(3000); runs(function() { expect(handled).toBe(true); }); }); it('should fire `onResourceReceived` callback when the resource error occured', function() { var page = require('webpage').create(); var server = require('webserver').create(); var service = server.listen(12345, function (request, response) { var code = parseInt(/^\/(\d+)$/.exec(request.url)[1], 10); response.statusCode = code; response.write("how"); response.close(); }); var handled = 0; runs(function() { page.onResourceReceived = function(res) { handled++; };'http://localhost:12345/400', function() { server.close(); }); }); waits(5000); runs(function() { expect(handled).toEqual(2); page.close(); server.close(); }); }); }); describe("WebPage construction with options", function () { it("should accept an opts object", function() { var opts = {}, page = new WebPage(opts); expect(typeof page).toEqual('object'); expect(page).toNotEqual(null); }); describe("specifying clipRect", function() { var opts = { clipRect: { height: 100, left: 10, top: 20, width: 200 } }; checkClipRect(new WebPage(opts), opts.clipRect); }); describe("specifying onConsoleMessage", function() { var message = false, opts = { onConsoleMessage: function (msg) { message = msg; } }; var page = new WebPage(opts); it("should have onConsoleMessage that was specified",function () { page.evaluate("function () {console.log('test log')}"); expect(message).toEqual("test log"); }); }); describe("specifying onLoadStarted", function() { var started = false, opts = { onLoadStarted: function (status) { started = true; } }; var page = new WebPage(opts); it("should have onLoadStarted that was specified",function () { runs(function() { expect(started).toEqual(false);"about:blank"); }); waits(0); runs(function() { expect(started).toEqual(true); }); }); }); describe("specifying onLoadFinished", function() { var finished = false, opts = { onLoadFinished: function (status) { finished = true; } }; var page = new WebPage(opts); it("should have onLoadFinished that was specified",function () { runs(function() { expect(finished).toEqual(false);"about:blank"); }); waits(0); runs(function() { expect(finished).toEqual(true); }); }); }); describe("specifying scrollPosition", function () { var opts = { scrollPosition: { left: 1, top: 2 } }; checkScrollPosition(new WebPage(opts), opts.scrollPosition); }); describe("specifying timeout", function () { var opts = { settings: { timeout: 100 // time in ms } }; var page = new WebPage(opts); it("should have timeout as "+opts.settings.timeout,function () { expect(page.settings.timeout).toEqual(opts.settings.timeout); }); }); describe("specifying userAgent", function () { var opts = { settings: { userAgent: "PHANTOMJS-TEST-USER-AGENT" } }; var page = new WebPage(opts); it("should have userAgent as '"+opts.settings.userAgent+"'",function () { expect(page.settings.userAgent).toEqual(opts.settings.userAgent); }); }); describe("specifying viewportSize", function () { var opts = { viewportSize: { height: 100, width: 200 } }; checkViewportSize(new WebPage(opts), opts.viewportSize); }); }); describe("WebPage switch frame of execution (deprecated API)", function(){ var p = require("webpage").create(); function pageTitle(page) { return page.evaluate(function(){ return window.document.title; }); } function setPageTitle(page, newTitle) { page.evaluate(function(newTitle){ window.document.title = newTitle; }, newTitle); } it("should load a page full of frames", function(){ runs(function() {"../test/webpage-spec-frames/index.html"); }); waits(50); }); it("should be able to detect frames at level 0", function(){ expect(pageTitle(p)).toEqual("index"); expect(p.currentFrameName()).toEqual(""); expect(p.childFramesCount()).toEqual(2); expect(p.childFramesName()).toEqual(["frame1", "frame2"]); setPageTitle(p, pageTitle(p) + "-visited"); }); it("should go down to a child frame at level 1", function(){ expect(p.switchToChildFrame("frame1")).toBeTruthy(); expect(pageTitle(p)).toEqual("frame1"); expect(p.currentFrameName()).toEqual("frame1"); expect(p.childFramesCount()).toEqual(2); expect(p.childFramesName()).toEqual(["frame1-1", "frame1-2"]); setPageTitle(p, pageTitle(p) + "-visited"); }); it("should go down to a child frame at level 2", function(){ expect(p.switchToChildFrame("frame1-2")).toBeTruthy(); expect(pageTitle(p)).toEqual("frame1-2"); expect(p.currentFrameName()).toEqual("frame1-2"); expect(p.childFramesCount()).toEqual(0); expect(p.childFramesName()).toEqual([]); setPageTitle(p, pageTitle(p) + "-visited"); }); it("should go up to the parent frame at level 1", function(){ expect(p.switchToParentFrame()).toBeTruthy(); expect(pageTitle(p)).toEqual("frame1-visited"); expect(p.currentFrameName()).toEqual("frame1"); expect(p.childFramesCount()).toEqual(2); expect(p.childFramesName()).toEqual(["frame1-1", "frame1-2"]); }); it("should go down to a child frame at level 2 (again)", function(){ expect(p.switchToChildFrame(0)).toBeTruthy(); expect(pageTitle(p)).toEqual("frame1-1"); expect(p.currentFrameName()).toEqual("frame1-1"); expect(p.childFramesCount()).toEqual(0); expect(p.childFramesName()).toEqual([]); }); it("should go up to the main (top) frame at level 0", function(){ expect(p.switchToMainFrame()).toBeUndefined(); expect(pageTitle(p)).toEqual("index-visited"); expect(p.currentFrameName()).toEqual(""); expect(p.childFramesCount()).toEqual(2); expect(p.childFramesName()).toEqual(["frame1", "frame2"]); }); it("should go down to (the other) child frame at level 1", function(){ expect(p.switchToChildFrame("frame2")).toBeTruthy(); expect(pageTitle(p)).toEqual("frame2"); expect(p.currentFrameName()).toEqual("frame2"); expect(p.childFramesCount()).toEqual(3); expect(p.childFramesName()).toEqual(["frame2-1", "frame2-2", "frame2-3"]); }); }); describe("WebPage switch frame of execution", function(){ var p = require("webpage").create(); function pageTitle(page) { return page.evaluate(function(){ return window.document.title; }); } function setPageTitle(page, newTitle) { page.evaluate(function(newTitle){ window.document.title = newTitle; }, newTitle); } it("should load a page full of frames", function(){ runs(function() {"../test/webpage-spec-frames/index.html"); }); waits(50); }); it("should be able to detect frames at level 0", function(){ expect(pageTitle(p)).toEqual("index"); expect(p.frameName).toEqual(""); expect(p.framesCount).toEqual(2); expect(p.framesName).toEqual(["frame1", "frame2"]); setPageTitle(p, pageTitle(p) + "-visited"); }); it("should go down to a child frame at level 1", function(){ expect(p.switchToFrame("frame1")).toBeTruthy(); expect(pageTitle(p)).toEqual("frame1"); expect(p.frameName).toEqual("frame1"); expect(p.framesCount).toEqual(2); expect(p.framesName).toEqual(["frame1-1", "frame1-2"]); setPageTitle(p, pageTitle(p) + "-visited"); }); it("should go down to a child frame at level 2", function(){ expect(p.switchToFrame("frame1-2")).toBeTruthy(); expect(pageTitle(p)).toEqual("frame1-2"); expect(p.frameName).toEqual("frame1-2"); expect(p.framesCount).toEqual(0); expect(p.framesName).toEqual([]); setPageTitle(p, pageTitle(p) + "-visited"); }); it("should go up to the parent frame at level 1", function(){ expect(p.switchToParentFrame()).toBeTruthy(); expect(pageTitle(p)).toEqual("frame1-visited"); expect(p.frameName).toEqual("frame1"); expect(p.framesCount).toEqual(2); expect(p.framesName).toEqual(["frame1-1", "frame1-2"]); }); it("should go down to a child frame at level 2 (again)", function(){ expect(p.switchToFrame(0)).toBeTruthy(); expect(pageTitle(p)).toEqual("frame1-1"); expect(p.frameName).toEqual("frame1-1"); expect(p.framesCount).toEqual(0); expect(p.framesName).toEqual([]); }); it("should go up to the main (top) frame at level 0", function(){ expect(p.switchToMainFrame()).toBeUndefined(); expect(pageTitle(p)).toEqual("index-visited"); expect(p.frameName).toEqual(""); expect(p.framesCount).toEqual(2); expect(p.framesName).toEqual(["frame1", "frame2"]); }); it("should go down to (the other) child frame at level 1", function(){ expect(p.switchToFrame("frame2")).toBeTruthy(); expect(pageTitle(p)).toEqual("frame2"); expect(p.frameName).toEqual("frame2"); expect(p.framesCount).toEqual(3); expect(p.framesName).toEqual(["frame2-1", "frame2-2", "frame2-3"]); }); it("should have top level as focused frame", function(){ expect(p.focusedFrameName).toEqual(""); }); it("should move focus to level 1 frame", function(){ p.evaluate(function(){ window.focus(); }); expect(p.focusedFrameName).toEqual("frame2"); }); it("should move focus to level 2 frame", function(){ expect(p.switchToFrame("frame2-1")).toBeTruthy(); p.evaluate(function(){ window.focus(); }); expect(p.focusedFrameName).toEqual("frame2-1"); }); it("should move focus back to main frame", function(){ expect(p.switchToMainFrame()).toBeUndefined(); p.evaluate(function(){ window.focus(); }); expect(p.focusedFrameName).toEqual(""); }); it("should maintain focus but move current frame", function(){ p.evaluate(function(){ window.frames[0].focus(); }); expect(p.focusedFrameName).toEqual("frame1"); expect(p.frameName).toEqual(""); }); it("should change current frame to focused frame", function(){ expect(p.switchToFocusedFrame()).toBeUndefined(); expect(p.frameName).toEqual("frame1"); }); }); describe("WebPage opening and closing of windows/child-pages", function(){ var p = require("webpage").create(); it("should call 'onPageCreated' every time a call to '' is done", function(){ p.onPageCreated = jasmine.createSpy("onPageCreated spy"); p.evaluate(function() { // yeah, I know globals. YIKES! window.w1 ="", "google"); window.w2 ="", "yahoo"); window.w3 ="", "bing"); }); expect(p.onPageCreated).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(p.onPageCreated.calls.length).toEqual(3); }); it("should correctly resize the 'pages' array if a page gets closed", function(){ expect(p.pages.length).toEqual(3); expect(p.pagesWindowName).toEqual(["google", "yahoo", "bing"]); p.evaluate(function() { window.w1.close(); }); waitsFor(function(){ return p.pages.length === 2; }, "'pages' array didn't shrink after 1sec", 1000); runs(function(){ expect(p.pages.length).toEqual(2); expect(p.pagesWindowName).toEqual(["yahoo", "bing"]); }); }); it("should resize the 'pages' array even more, when closing a page directly", function() { expect(p.pages.length).toEqual(2); expect(p.pagesWindowName).toEqual(["yahoo", "bing"]); var yahoo = p.getPage("yahoo"); expect(yahoo).not.toBe(null); yahoo.close(); waitsFor(function(){ return p.pages.length === 1; }, "'pages' array didn't shrink after 1sec", 1000); runs(function(){ expect(p.pages.length).toEqual(1); expect(p.pagesWindowName).toEqual(["bing"]); p.close(); }); }); }); describe("WebPage timeout handling", function(){ it("should call 'onResourceTimeout' on timeout", function(){ var p = require("webpage").create(), spy; // assume that requesting a web page will take longer than a millisecond p.settings.resourceTimeout = 1; spy = jasmine.createSpy("onResourceTimeout spy"); p.onResourceTimeout = spy; expect(spy.calls.length).toEqual(0);""); waitsFor(function() { return spy.calls.length==1; }, "after 1+ milliseconds 'onResourceTimeout' should have been invoked", 10); runs(function() { expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); //< called expect(spy.calls.length).toEqual(1); //< only once expect(1).toEqual(1); }); }); }); describe("WebPage closing notification/alerting", function(){ it("should call 'onClosing' when 'page.close()' is called", function(){ var p = require("webpage").create(), spy; spy = jasmine.createSpy("onClosing spy"); p.onClosing = spy; expect(spy.calls.length).toEqual(0); p.close(); waitsFor(function() { return spy.calls.length === 1; }, "after 2sec 'onClosing' had still not been invoked", 2000); runs(function() { expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); //< called expect(spy.calls.length).toEqual(1); //< only once expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(p); //< called passing reference to the closing page 'p' }); }); it("should call 'onClosing' when a page closes on it's own", function(){ var p = require("webpage").create(), spy; spy = jasmine.createSpy("onClosing spy"); p.onClosing = spy; expect(spy.calls.length).toEqual(0); p.evaluate(function() { window.close(); }); waitsFor(function() { return spy.calls.length === 1; }, "after 2sec 'onClosing' had still not been invoked", 2000); runs(function() { expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); //< called expect(spy.calls.length).toEqual(1); //< only once expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(p); //< called passing reference to the closing page 'p' }); }); }); describe("WebPage closing notification/alerting: closing propagation control", function(){ it("should close all 4 pages if parent page is closed (default value for 'ownsPages')", function(){ var p = require("webpage").create(), pages, openPagesCount = 0; p.onPageCreated = jasmine.createSpy("onPageCreated spy"); expect(p.ownsPages).toBeTruthy(); p.evaluate(function() { // yeah, I know globals. YIKES! window.w1 ="", "google"); window.w2 ="", "yahoo"); window.w3 ="", "bing"); }); pages = p.pages; openPagesCount = p.pages.length + 1; expect(p.onPageCreated).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(p.onPageCreated.calls.length).toEqual(3); expect(p.pages.length).toEqual(3); p.onClosing = function() { --openPagesCount; }; pages[0].onClosing = function() { --openPagesCount; }; pages[1].onClosing = function() { --openPagesCount; }; pages[2].onClosing = function() { --openPagesCount; }; p.close(); waitsFor(function() { return openPagesCount === 0; }, "after 2sec pages were still open", 2000); runs(function() { expect(openPagesCount).toBe(0); }); }); it("should NOT close all 4 pages if parent page is closed, just parent itself ('ownsPages' set to false)", function(){ var p = require("webpage").create(), pages, openPagesCount = 0; p.ownsPages = false; p.onPageCreated = jasmine.createSpy("onPageCreated spy"); expect(p.ownsPages).toBeFalsy(); p.evaluate(function() { // yeah, I know globals. YIKES! window.w1 ="", "google"); window.w2 ="", "yahoo"); window.w3 ="", "bing"); }); pages = p.pages; openPagesCount = 1; expect(p.onPageCreated).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(p.onPageCreated.calls.length).toEqual(3); expect(p.pages.length).toEqual(0); p.onClosing = function() { --openPagesCount; }; p.close(); waitsFor(function() { return openPagesCount === 0; }, "after 2sec pages were still open", 2000); runs(function() { expect(openPagesCount).toBe(0); }); }); }); describe("WebPage 'onFilePicker'", function() { it("should be able to set the file to upload when the File Picker is invoked (i.e. clicking on a 'input[type=file]')", function() { var system = require('system'), fileToUpload = === "windows" ? "C:\\Windows\\System32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts" : "/etc/hosts", server = require("webserver").create(), page = require("webpage").create(); // Create a webserver that returns a page with an "input type=file" element server.listen(12345, function(request, response) { response.statusCode = 200; response.write(''); response.close(); }); // Register "onFilePicker" handler page.onFilePicker = function(oldFile) { return fileToUpload; }; runs(function() {"http://localhost:12345", function() { // Before clicking on the file selector element expect(page.evaluate(function() { var fileUp = document.querySelector("#fileup"); return fileUp.files.length; })).toBe(0); // Click on file selector element, so the "onFilePicker" is invoked page.evaluate(function() { var fileUp = document.querySelector("#fileup"); var ev = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); ev.initEvent("click", true, true); fileUp.dispatchEvent(ev); }); // After clicking on the file selector element expect(page.evaluate(function() { var fileUp = document.querySelector("#fileup"); return fileUp.files.length; })).toBe(1); expect(page.evaluate(function() { var fileUp = document.querySelector("#fileup"); return fileUp.files[0].name; })).toContain("hosts"); }); }); waits(100); runs(function() { server.close(); }); }); }); describe('WebPage navigation events', function() { it('should navigate to relative url using window.location', function () { var page = require("webpage").create(); var base = ''; var path = '/n1k0'; var expected = ''; var isHandled = false; runs(function() { page.onNavigationRequested = function(url, navigationType, navigationLocked, isMainFrame) { if (!page.testStarted) { return; } if (url === expected) { isHandled = true; } };, function(status) { page.testStarted = true; page.evaluate(function(path) { window.location = path; }, path); }); }); waits(10000); runs(function() { expect(isHandled).toEqual(true); }); }); }); describe("WebPage loading/loadingProgress properties", function() { var p = require("webpage").create(); it("should not be loading when page has just been created", function() { expect(p.loading).toBeFalsy(); expect(p.loadingProgress).toEqual(0); }); it("should be loading when '' is invoked", function() { var s = require("webserver").create(); s.listen(12345, function(request, response) { setTimeout(function() { response.statusCode = 200; response.write('Loaded!'); response.close(); }, 200); }); runs(function() {"http://localhost:12345"); expect(p.loading).toBeTruthy(); expect(p.loadingProgress).toBeGreaterThan(0); }); waits(500); runs(function() { s.close(); }); }); it("should be completed when page is fully loaded", function() { var s = require("webserver").create(); s.listen(12345, function(request, response) { setTimeout(function() { response.statusCode = 200; response.write('Loaded!'); response.close(); }, 500); }); var loaded = false; runs(function() {"http://localhost:12345", function () { loaded = true; }); }); waitsFor(function () { return loaded; }, 'Can not test loading progress' , 3000); runs(function() { expect(p.loading).toBeFalsy(); expect(p.loadingProgress).toEqual(100); s.close(); }); }); }); describe("WebPage render image", function(){ var TEST_FILE_DIR = "webpage-spec-renders/"; var p = require("webpage").create(); p.paperSize = { width: '300px', height: '300px', border: '0px' }; p.clipRect = { top: 0, left: 0, width: 300, height: 300}; p.viewportSize = { width: 300, height: 300}; function render_test( format, option ){ var opt = option || {}; var content, expect_content; try { var FILE_EXTENSION = format; var FILE_NAME = "test"; var EXPECT_FILE; if( opt.quality ){ EXPECT_FILE = TEST_FILE_DIR + FILE_NAME + opt.quality + "." + FILE_EXTENSION; } else{ EXPECT_FILE = TEST_FILE_DIR + FILE_NAME + "." + FILE_EXTENSION; } var TEST_FILE; if( opt.format ){ TEST_FILE = TEST_FILE_DIR + "temp_" + FILE_NAME; } else{ TEST_FILE = TEST_FILE_DIR + "temp_" + FILE_NAME + "." + FILE_EXTENSION; } p.render(TEST_FILE, opt); expect_content =, "b"); content =, "b"); fs.remove(TEST_FILE); } catch (e) { console.log(e) } // for PDF test if (format === "pdf") { content = content.replace(/CreationDate \(D:\d+\)Z\)/,''); expect_content = expect_content.replace(/CreationDate \(D:\d+\)Z\)/,''); } // Files may not be exact, compare rought size (KB) only. expect(content.length >> 10).toEqual(expect_content.length >> 10); // Content comparison works for PNG and JPEG. if (format === "png" || format === "jpg") { expect(content).toEqual(expect_content); } } it("should render PDF file", function(){ TEST_FILE_DIR + "index.html", function () { render_test("pdf"); }); }); it("should render PDF file with format option", function(){ TEST_FILE_DIR + "index.html", function () { render_test("pdf", { format: "pdf" }); }); }); it("should render GIF file", function(){ TEST_FILE_DIR + "index.html", function () { render_test("gif"); }); }); it("should render GIF file with format option", function(){ TEST_FILE_DIR + "index.html", function () { render_test("gif", { format: "gif" }); }); }); it("should render PNG file", function(){ TEST_FILE_DIR + "index.html", function () { render_test("png"); }); }); it("should render PNG file with format option", function(){ TEST_FILE_DIR + "index.html", function () { render_test("png", { format: "png" }); }); }); it("should render JPEG file with quality option", function(){ TEST_FILE_DIR + "index.html", function () { render_test("jpg", { quality: 50 }); }); }); it("should render JPEG file with format and quality option", function(){ TEST_FILE_DIR + "index.html", function () { render_test("jpg", { format: 'jpg', quality: 50 }); }); }); }); describe("WebPage network request headers handling", function() { it("should add HTTP header to a network request", function() { var page = require("webpage").create(); var server = require("webserver").create(); var isCustomHeaderPresented = false; server.listen(12345, function(response) { if (response.headers["CustomHeader"] && response.headers["CustomHeader"] === "CustomValue") { isCustomHeaderPresented = true; } }); page.onResourceRequested = function(requestData, request) { expect(typeof request.setHeader).toEqual("function"); request.setHeader("CustomHeader", "CustomValue"); }; runs(function() {"http://localhost:12345", function(status) { expect(status).toEqual("success"); }); }); waits(3000); runs(function() { expect(isCustomHeaderPresented).toBeTruthy(); page.close(); server.close(); }); }); it("should remove HTTP header from a network request", function() { var page = require("webpage").create(); page.customHeaders = {"CustomHeader": "CustomValue"}; var server = require("webserver").create(); var handled = false; server.listen(12345, function(request) { if (request.headers["CustomHeader"] == null) { handled = true; } }); page.onResourceRequested = function(requestData, request) { expect(typeof request.setHeader).toEqual("function"); request.setHeader("CustomHeader", null); }; runs(function() {"http://localhost:12345", function(status) { expect(status).toEqual("success"); }); }); waits(3000); runs(function() { expect(handled).toBeTruthy(); page.close(); server.close(); }); }); it("should set HTTP header value for a network request", function() { var page = require("webpage").create(); page.customHeaders = {"CustomHeader": "CustomValue"}; var server = require("webserver").create(); var handled = false; server.listen(12345, function(request) { if (request.headers["CustomHeader"] && request.headers["CustomHeader"] === "ChangedCustomValue") { handled = true; } }); page.onResourceRequested = function(requestData, request) { expect(typeof request.setHeader).toEqual("function"); request.setHeader("CustomHeader", "ChangedCustomValue"); }; runs(function() {"http://localhost:12345", function(status) { expect(status).toEqual("success"); }); }); waits(3000); runs(function() { expect(handled).toBeTruthy(); page.close(); server.close(); }); }); });