#!/bin/bash # Generates debugging symbols for breakpad. qt and phantomjs must have # been compiled in debug mode. So do: # # $ make distclean && cd src/qt && make clean && cd ../.. # $ ./build.sh --qt-config "-debug -webkit-debug" # $ tools/dump-symbols.sh # # To display the crash report: # # $ tools/crash-report.sh /tmp/5e2cc287-96c8-7a1b-59c79999-00fa22a2.dmp mkdir -p symbols rm -r symbols/* if [[ $OSTYPE = darwin* ]]; then # To compile this program, run ../src/qt/bin/qmake dump-syms-mac.pro && make from tools/ dump_syms="tools/dump_syms.app/Contents/MacOS/dump_syms" else # To compile this program, run ./configure && make from src/breakpad/ dump_syms="src/breakpad/src/tools/linux/dump_syms/dump_syms" fi $dump_syms bin/phantomjs > phantomjs.sym dir=symbols/phantomjs/`head -n1 phantomjs.sym | cut -d ' ' -f 4` mkdir -p $dir mv phantomjs.sym $dir