# Get twitter status for given account (or for the default one, "sencha") page = new WebPage() twitterId = 'sencha' #< default value # Route "console.log()" calls from within the Page context to the main Phantom context (i.e. current "this") page.onConsoleMessage = (msg) -> console.log msg # Print usage message, if no twitter ID is passed if phantom.args.length < 1 console.log 'Usage: tweets.coffee [twitter ID]' else twitterId = phantom.args[0] # Heading console.log "*** Latest tweets from @#{twitterId} ***\n" # Open Twitter Mobile and, onPageLoad, do... page.open encodeURI("http://mobile.twitter.com/#{twitterId}"), (status) -> # Check for page load success if status isnt 'success' console.log 'Unable to access network' else # Execute some DOM inspection within the page context page.evaluate -> list = document.querySelectorAll 'span.status' for i, j in list console.log "#{j + 1}: #{i.innerHTML.replace /<.*?>/g, ''}" phantom.exit()