describe("System object", function() { var system = require('system'); it("should exist", function() { expect(typeof system).toEqual('object'); expect(system).toNotEqual(null); }); it("should have platform as string", function() { expect(typeof system.platform).toEqual('string'); }); it("should have platform set to 'phantomjs'", function() { expect(system.platform).toEqual('phantomjs'); }); it("should have args as array", function() { expect(system.args instanceof Array).toBeTruthy(); }); it("should have args with at least one item", function() { expect(system.args.length >= 1).toBeTruthy(); }); it("should have args[0] as the this test runner", function() { expect(system.args[0]).toMatch(/run-tests.js$/); }); it("should have env as object", function() { expect(typeof system.env).toEqual('object'); }); it("should have os as object", function() { expect(typeof system.os).toEqual('object'); }); it("should have isSSLSupported as boolean", function() { expect(typeof system.isSSLSupported).toEqual('boolean'); }); });