// Load Jasmine and the HTML reporter phantom.injectJs("./lib/jasmine.js"); phantom.injectJs("./lib/jasmine-console.js"); // Load specs phantom.injectJs("./phantom-spec.js"); phantom.injectJs("./fs-spec-01.js"); //< Filesystem Specs 01 (Basic) phantom.injectJs("./fs-spec-02.js"); //< Filesystem Specs 02 (Attributes) phantom.injectJs("./fs-spec-03.js"); //< Filesystem Specs 03 (Paths) phantom.injectJs("./fs-spec-04.js"); //< Filesystem Specs 04 (Tests) // Launch tests var jasmineEnv = jasmine.getEnv(); // Add a ConsoleReporter to 1) print with colors on the console 2) exit when finished jasmineEnv.addReporter(new jasmine.ConsoleReporter(function(msg){ // Print messages straight to the console console.log(msg.replace('\n', '')); }, function(reporter){ // On complete phantom.exit(); }, true)); // Launch tests jasmineEnv.updateInterval = 1000; jasmineEnv.execute();