describe("Files and Directories API", function() { var TEST_DIR = "testdir", TEST_FILE = "testfile", START_CWD = fs.workingDirectory; it("should create a new temporary directory and change the Current Working Directory to it", function() { expect(fs.makeDirectory(TEST_DIR)).toBeTruthy(); expect(fs.changeWorkingDirectory(TEST_DIR)).toBeTruthy(); }); it("should create a file in the Current Working Directory and check it's absolute path", function() { fs.write(TEST_FILE, TEST_FILE, "w"); var suffix = fs.separator + TEST_DIR + fs.separator + TEST_FILE, abs = fs.absolute(".." + suffix), lastIndex = abs.lastIndexOf(suffix); expect(lastIndex).toNotEqual(-1); expect(lastIndex + suffix.length === abs.length); }); it("should return to previous Current Working Directory and remove temporary directory", function() { expect(fs.changeWorkingDirectory(START_CWD)).toBeTruthy(); fs.removeTree(TEST_DIR); }); it("should copy Content of the '/test/' Directory in a temporary directory, compare with the original and then remove", function() { var phantomLibraryPathListingLength = fs.list(phantom.libraryPath).length; fs.copyTree(phantom.libraryPath, "/tmp/"+TEST_DIR); expect(phantomLibraryPathListingLength === fs.list("/tmp/"+TEST_DIR).length); fs.removeTree("/tmp/"+TEST_DIR); }); // TODO: test the actual functionality once we can create symlink. it("should have readLink function", function() { expect(typeof fs.readLink).toEqual('function'); }); fs.removeTree(TEST_DIR); });