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<title>PhantomJS: Headless WebKit with JavaScript API</title>
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<div id="intro">
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<a href="" class="grid_4 alpha"><img src="images/phantomjs-logo.png" alt="PhantomJS" id="logo" width="240" height="80"></a>
<ul id="nav" class="grid_8 omega">
<li><a href="">Source Code</a></li>
<li><a href="">Documentation</a></li>
<li><a href="">API</a></li>
<li><a href="">Examples</a></li>
<li><a href="">FAQ</a></li>
<div id="introduction" class="container_12">
<div class="grid_7 alpha">
Full web stack<br>
No browser required
<p class="explanation">
PhantomJS is a headless WebKit with JavaScript API.
It has <strong>fast</strong> and <strong>native</strong> support for various web standards:
DOM handling, CSS selector, JSON, Canvas, and SVG.<br>
PhantomJS is created by <a href="">Ariya Hidayat</a>.
<p class="action">
<a href="" id="download">Download <span class="version">v1.5</span></a>
<a href="">Get started</a>
<div id="intro-example" class="grid_5 omega">
<pre class="solarized">
<strong>Simple Javascript example</strong>
<span class="object">console</span>.<span class="function">log</span>(<span class="literal">'Loading a web page'</span>);
var <span class="object">page</span> = new <span class="object">WebPage</span>();
var <span class="object">url</span> = <span class="literal">""</span>;
<span class="object">page</span>.<span class="function">open</span>(url, <span class="function">function</span> (status) {
<span class="comment">//Page is loaded!</span>
<span class="object">phantom</span>.<span class="function">exit</span>();
<div id="community">
<a href="" id="link-release">Read the release notes</a>
<a href="!forum/phantomjs" id="link-ml">Join the mailing list</a>
<a href="" id="link-bugs">Report bugs</a>
<div id="description" class="container_12">
<h2>PhantomJS is an optimal solution for</h2>
<div id="feature-01" class="feature grid_3 alpha">
<h3>Headless Website Testing</h3>
Run functional tests with frameworks such as Jasmine, QUnit or CasperJS.
<a href="">Learn more</a>
<div id="feature-02" class="feature grid_3">
<h3>Site Scraping</h3>
Access and manipulate webpages
with the standard DOM API, or with
usual libraries like jQuery.
<a href="">Learn more</a>
<div id="feature-03" class="feature grid_3">
<h3>SVG Rendering</h3>
Render SVG graphics with the built-in Webkit rendering engine.
<a href="">Learn more</a>
<div id="feature-04" class="feature grid_3 omega">
<h3>Network Monitoring</h3>
Monitor page speed loading. Export as standard HAR files.
<a href="">Learn more</a>
<div id="feature-end" class="grid_12">
PhantomJS can also integrate with webservices (XML, JSONP, YQL) and with test frameworks (Jasmine, QUnit).
<a href="">See more examples</a>
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&copy; Copyright 2010-2012 <a href="">Ariya Hidayat</a> &mdash; Website design by <a href="">Maurice Svay</a>
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