Juliusz Gonera a02cf63984 Add support for CoffeeScript modules
Instead of using a C++ wrapper, I used a Node version of CoffeeScript
with a small JS wrapper (src/modules/_coffee-script.js). This way, since
the module system is similar enough to the Node.js module system, I only
need to require CoffeeScript in bootstrap.js and all the support for
.coffee is added by CoffeeScript itself.

To include a newer version of CoffeeScript in the source tree, see
2012-07-12 23:14:13 -07:00
extras Add support for CoffeeScript modules 2012-07-12 23:14:13 -07:00
lib/coffee-script Add support for CoffeeScript modules 2012-07-12 23:14:13 -07:00
.gitignore Add support for CoffeeScript modules 2012-07-12 23:14:13 -07:00
.npmignore Add support for CoffeeScript modules 2012-07-12 23:14:13 -07:00
LICENSE Add support for CoffeeScript modules 2012-07-12 23:14:13 -07:00
README Add support for CoffeeScript modules 2012-07-12 23:14:13 -07:00
package.json Add support for CoffeeScript modules 2012-07-12 23:14:13 -07:00


         }   }   {
        {   {  }  }
         }   }{  {
        {  }{  }  }                    _____       __  __
       ( }{ }{  { )                   / ____|     / _|/ _|
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    (  ( } { } { } }  )              | |    / _ \|  _|  _/ _ \/ _ \
    |`-..________ ..-'|              | |___| (_) | | | ||  __/  __/
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    |                 |/  /          | (___   ___ _ __ _ _ __ | |_
    |                 (  /            \___ \ / __| '__| | '_ \| __|
    |                 |/              ____) | (__| |  | | |_) | |_
    |                 |              |_____/ \___|_|  |_| .__/ \__|
     `-.._________..-'                                  | |

  CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript.

  Install Node.js, and then the CoffeeScript compiler:
  sudo bin/cake install

  Or, if you have the Node Package Manager installed:
  npm install -g coffee-script
  (Leave off the -g if you don't wish to install globally.)

  Execute a script:
  coffee /path/to/

  Compile a script:
  coffee -c /path/to/

  For documentation, usage, and examples, see:

  To suggest a feature, report a bug, or general discussion:

  If you'd like to chat, drop by #coffeescript on Freenode IRC,
  or on

  The source repository:

  All contributors are listed here: