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This file is part of the PyPhantomJS project.
Copyright (C) 2011 James Roe <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
from glob import glob
from collections import defaultdict
from os.path import dirname, split, splitext
plugins = defaultdict(list)
hook_count = {}
class Bunch(object):
''' Simple class to bunch a dict into
an object that with attributes
def __init__(self, adict):
self.__dict__ = adict
def add_action(*hooks):
''' Decorator to be used for registering a function to
a specific hook or list of hooks.
def register(func):
for hook in hooks:
return func
return register
def did_action(hook):
'''Find out how many times a hook was fired'''
return hook_count[hook]
def do_action(hook, *args, **kwargs):
''' Trigger a hook. It will run any functions that have registered
themselves to the hook. Any additional arguments or keyword
arguments you pass in will be passed to the functions.
hook_count[hook] = 0
for plugin in plugins[hook]:
hook_count[hook] += 1
plugin(*args, **kwargs)
def has_action(hook, func=None):
'''Check if hook exists. If function is specified,
check if function has been registered for hook.
if hook in plugins:
if not func:
return True
for f in plugins[hook]:
if f == func:
return True
return False
def remove_action(hook, func=None):
'''Remove hook if hook exists. If function is specified,
remove function from hook.
if hook in plugins:
if not func:
del plugins[hook]
return True
for f in plugins[hook]:
if f == func:
del plugins[hook][plugins[hook].index(func)]
return True
return False
def remove_all_actions(hook):
'''Remove all functions that have been registered to hook'''
if hook in plugins:
del plugins[hook][:]
return True
return False
def load_plugins():
''' Loads the plugins.
Plugins must be in folders under plugins/ ,
and must also be the same name as the plugin folder.
E.g. a plugin folder named plugins/my_plugin will
have inside the folder called.
# get plugin list
plugin_list = glob('plugins/*/*.py')
# now convert list to [('plugin_folder', 'file'), ...]
plugin_list = [(split(dirname(f))[1], splitext(split(f)[1])[0]) for f in plugin_list]
# initialize plugins
for plugin in plugin_list:
if plugin[0] == plugin[1]:
__import__('plugins.%s.%s' % (plugin[0], plugin[1]), globals(), locals(), [], -1)