getCode() == 1062; } } if (!interface_exists('Database')) { interface Database {} } class DatabaseMysql extends MysqlQueryBuilder implements Database { var $host, $port, $socket, $username, $password, $dbname, $isSphinx; var $tableNames = array(); var $init = array(); var $queryLogFile, $loggedQueries = ''; var $reconnect = true; var $autoBegin; var $ondestroy = 'commit'; var $queryCount = 0; var $link; var $transactions = array(); /** * Creates a MySQL connection object. * * @param array $options Possible options: * host Host name or IP address to connect to [localhost] * socket Path to UNIX socket to connect to [/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock] * port TCP port to connect to [3306] * dbname DB name to use * username Username * password Password * tableNames Table name mappings (virtual => real) * queryLogFile Path to query log file * reconnect Whether to reconnect on idle timeout [true] * autoBegin Whether to automatically begin a transaction on first query [false] * ondestroy commit/rollback/none during destruction [commit] * init Initialisation queries (array) */ function __construct($options) { $defOpts = array( 'host' => 'localhost', 'port' => 3306, 'socket' => '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock', 'dbname' => '', 'username' => '', 'password' => '', 'reconnect' => true, 'tableNames' => array(), 'queryLogFile' => '', 'autoBegin' => false, 'ondestroy' => 'commit', 'init' => array(), ); $options += $defOpts; if ($options['socket']) { $options['host'] = 'localhost'; } foreach ($defOpts as $k => $v) { $this->$k = $options[$k]; } $this->isSphinx = !$this->username && !$this->password && !$this->dbname; if (!$this->isSphinx) { // READ COMMITTED is more consistent for average usage $this->init[] = 'SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED'; } } function __destruct() { $o = $this->ondestroy; if (($o === 'commit' || $o === 'rollback') && $this->transactions) { $this->transactions = array(false); $this->$o(); } if ($this->queryLogFile) { file_put_contents($this->queryLogFile, $this->loggedQueries, FILE_APPEND); } } function connect() { if ($this->socket !== NULL) $this->link = new mysqli($this->host, $this->username, $this->password, $this->dbname, $this->port, $this->socket); elseif ($this->port !== NULL) $this->link = new mysqli($this->host, $this->username, $this->password, $this->dbname, $this->port); else $this->link = new mysqli($this->host, $this->username, $this->password, $this->dbname); $errno = $this->link->connect_errno; $error = $this->link->connect_error; if ($errno) { $this->link = NULL; throw new DatabaseMysqlException($error, $errno); } else { $this->transactions = array(); $this->link->set_charset('utf8'); foreach ($this->init as $q) $this->link->query($q); } } function getDBName() { return $this->dbname; } function quote($value) { if ($value === NULL) return "NULL"; if (!$this->link) $this->connect(); return "'" . $this->link->real_escape_string($value) . "'"; } function query($sql, $streamResult = false) { if (!$this->link) $this->connect(); if ($this->autoBegin && !$this->transactions) $this->begin(); $this->queryCount++; if ($this->queryLogFile) { $begin = explode(' ', microtime(), 2); } $r = $this->link->query($sql, $streamResult ? MYSQLI_USE_RESULT : MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT); if (!$r) $r = $this->check_reconnect('query', [ $sql, $fetchMode ]); if ($this->queryLogFile) { $end = explode(' ', microtime(), 2); $this->loggedQueries .= date("[Y-m-d H:i:s.").substr($end[0], 2, 6)."] [". sprintf("%.05fs", $end[1]-$begin[1]+$end[0]-$begin[0])."] $sql\n"; } return $r; } protected function check_reconnect($f, $args) { $r = false; if ($this->link->errno == 2006 && $this->reconnect && (!$this->transactions || $args[0] == "BEGIN")) { // "MySQL server has gone away" $this->connect(); $r = call_user_func_array([ $this->link, $f ], $args); if (!$r && $this->link->errno == 2006) $this->link = false; if (!$r) $st = " (reconnect failed)"; } elseif ($this->link->errno != 2006) $st = ""; elseif (!$this->reconnect) $st = " (reconnect disabled"; elseif ($this->transactions) $st = " (not reconnecting because of active transactions)"; if (!$r) throw new DatabaseMysqlException('#'.$this->link->errno.': '.$this->link->error . $st . "\nQuery: ".$args[0], $this->link->errno); return $r; } function multi_select(array $queries, $format = 0) { if (!$this->link) $this->connect(); if ($this->autoBegin && !$this->transactions) $this->begin(); $this->queryCount += count($queries); $log = ''; foreach ($queries as &$sql) { if (!is_string($sql)) { $sql = $this->select_builder($sql[0], $sql[1], $sql[2], @$sql[3]); } $log .= date("[Y-m-d H:i:s] ").$sql."\n"; } unset($sql); if ($this->queryLogFile) { file_put_contents($this->queryLogFile, $log, FILE_APPEND); } $sql = implode('; ', $queries); $r = $this->link->multi_query($sql); if (!$r) $this->check_reconnect('multi_query', [ $sql ]); $results = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($queries as $k => $q) { if ($i++) { $this->link->next_result(); } $r = $this->link->store_result(); $results[$k] = $this->fetch_all($r, $format); } return $results; } /** * Starts a transaction, supports nested calls and savepoints. * @param boolean $savepoint Creates savepoints only this parameter is true. */ function begin($savepoint = false) { $n = count($this->transactions)+1; $this->transactions[] = $savepoint ? "sp$n" : false; if ($n == 1) return $this->query("BEGIN"); elseif ($savepoint) return $this->query("SAVEPOINT sp$n"); return true; } /** * Commits transaction or releases last savepoint. * If there is no last savepoint, just returns true. */ function commit() { $r = true; $savepoint = array_pop($this->transactions); if (!$this->transactions) $r = $this->query("COMMIT"); elseif ($savepoint) $r = $this->query("RELEASE SAVEPOINT $savepoint"); return $r; } /** * Commits transaction */ function commitAll() { $r = true; if ($this->transactions) { $r = $this->query("COMMIT"); $this->transactions = []; } return $r; } /** * Rollbacks transaction */ function rollbackAll() { $r = true; if ($this->transactions) { $r = $this->query("ROLLBACK"); $this->transactions = []; } return $r; } /** * Rollbacks transaction or last savepoint. * If there is no savepoint, returns false. */ function rollback() { $r = false; $savepoint = array_pop($this->transactions); if (!$this->transactions) $r = $this->query("ROLLBACK"); elseif ($savepoint) $r = $this->query("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT $savepoint"); return $r; } function errno() { return $this->link->errno; } function error() { return $this->link->error; } /** * Run a SELECT query and return results. * * Usage: either * $this->select($tables, $fields, $where, $options, $format) * using $this->select_builder() or * $this->select($sql_text, $format) * using query text. * * @param int $format Return format, bitmask of MS_XX constants: * MS_RESULT = return mysqli result object to manually fetch from * MS_LIST = return rows as indexed arrays * MS_HASH = return rows as associative arrays (default) * MS_ROW = only return the first row * MS_COL = only return the first column * MS_VALUE = only return the first cell (just 1 value) */ function select($tables, $fields = '*', $where = 1, $options = NULL, $format = 0) { if (is_int($fields)) { $sql = $tables; $format = $fields; } else $sql = $this->select_builder($tables, $fields, $where, $options); if ($format & MS_RESULT) return $this->query($sql, MYSQLI_USE_RESULT); $res = $this->query($sql); return $this->fetch_all($res, $format); } function fetch_all($res, $format = 0) { if ($format & MS_LIST) $r = $this->get_rows($res); else $r = $this->get_assocs($res); if (!$r) $r = array(); if ($format & MS_ROW) { if (!count($r)) return NULL; if ($format & MS_COL) { $r = $r[0]; $k = array_keys($r); $r = $r[$k[0]]; } else $r = $r[0]; } elseif ($format & MS_COL) { $k = false; foreach ($r as $i => $v) { if (!$k) { $k = array_keys($v); $k = $k[0]; } $r[$i] = $v[$k]; } } return $r; } function found_rows() { return $this->select('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()', MS_VALUE); } /** * Delete a set of rows. * @param mixed $tables see $this->tables_builder() * @param mixed $where see $this->where_builder() * @param array $options Options for query: * 'LIMIT' => array($limit, $offset) or array($limit) or just $limit * 'OFFSET' => $offset, for the case when 'LIMIT' is just $limit */ function delete($tables, $where, $options = NULL) { $this->query($this->delete_builder($tables, $where, $options)); return $this->link->affected_rows; } /** * Insert a single row into $table and return inserted ID. * @param string $table Table name to insert row to. * @param array $rows Row to be inserted. * @return int $insert_id Autoincrement ID of inserted row (if appropriate). */ function insert_row($table, $row) { $sql = $this->insert_builder($table, array($row)); if ($this->query($sql)) return $this->link->insert_id; return NULL; } function insert_id() { return $this->link->insert_id; } /** * Update row(s) in $table. * $this->update($table, $set, $where, $options); * * @param string $table Table name to update. * @param array $set Assoc array with values for update query. * @param array $where Conditions for update query, see $this->where_builder(). * @param array $options Options for update query: * 'LIMIT' => array($limit, $offset) or array($limit) or just $limit * 'OFFSET' => $offset, for the case when 'LIMIT' is just $limit */ function update($table, $rows, $where = NULL, $options = NULL) { if (!$rows) return false; if ($this->query($this->update_builder($tables, $rows, $where, $options))) return $this->link->affected_rows; return false; } /** * INSERT / REPLACE / INSERT IGNORE / INSERT OR UPDATE */ function insert($table, $rows, $onConflict = NULL, $uniqueKey = NULL) { if (!$rows || !is_array($rows)) return false; if ($this->query($this->insert_builder($table, $rows, $onConflict, $uniqueKey))) return $this->link->affected_rows; return false; } function insert_ignore($table, $rows, $uniqueKey = NULL) { return $this->insert($table, $rows, 'IGNORE', $uniqueKey); } function upsert($table, $rows, $uniqueKey = NULL, $updateCols = NULL) { return $this->insert($table, $rows, 'UPDATE', $uniqueKey, $updateCols); } function replace($table, $rows, $uniqueKey = NULL) { return $this->insert($table, $rows, 'REPLACE', $uniqueKey); } protected function get_rows($res) { $r = array(); if ($res) { while ($row = $res->fetch_row()) $r[] = $row; $res->free(); } return $r; } protected function get_assocs($res) { $r = array(); if ($res) { while ($row = $res->fetch_assoc()) $r[] = $row; $res->free(); } return $r; } }