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2018-09-10 02:33:47 +03:00
* Simple file upload layer. Handles file metadata and storage
* FileUtils: part that handles image metadata and thumbnails
* Version 2019-05-01
* (c) Vitaliy Filippov 2018+
2018-09-10 02:33:47 +03:00
class FileUtils
const ONLY_BINARY = 1;
const ONLY_IMAGES = 2;
const ONLY_SWF = 4;
const ONLY_VIDEO = 8;
const IMAGES_VIDEO = 10;
const ANY_MEDIA = 14;
const ANYTHING = 15;
const CROP_XY = 1;
const CROP_Y = 2;
const CROP_X = 3;
public static $quality = 90;
public static $exifProps = [
public static function magick()
static $class;
if (!$class)
// Use GraphicsMagick if possible
$class = class_exists('Gmagick') ? 'Gmagick' : 'Imagick';
return new $class();
* Get image or file properties (content SHA1, width, height, selected EXIF properties)
2018-09-10 02:33:47 +03:00
public static function getProps($allowed_types, $mime_blacklist, $fs_path, $orig_name)
if (!file_exists($fs_path))
throw new UserException('no-file-uploaded');
$mime = self::checkMime($fs_path);
if (!$mime)
throw new UserException('file-mime-type-unknown');
2018-09-10 02:33:47 +03:00
elseif (preg_match($mime_blacklist, $mime))
// Prevent uploads with dangerous MIME types
throw new UserException('file-mime-type-blacklisted');
$stdProps = [
'mimetype' => $mime,
'sha1' => sha1_file($fs_path),
'size' => filesize($fs_path),
'format' => '',
'width' => 0,
'height' => 0,
$flag = FileUtils::ONLY_BINARY;
$props = NULL;
if ($mime == 'application/x-shockwave-flash')
$props = self::getSWFProps($fs_path);
if ($props)
$flag = FileUtils::ONLY_SWF;
elseif (substr($mime, 0, 6) == 'image/')
$props = self::getImageProps($fs_path);
if ($props)
$flag = FileUtils::ONLY_IMAGES;
elseif (substr($mime, 0, 6) == 'video/')
$props = VideoUtils::getVideoProps($fs_path);
if ($props)
$flag = FileUtils::ONLY_VIDEO;
if (!($allowed_types & $flag))
throw new UserException('file-type-denied', [ 'allowed' => $allowed_types, 'type' => $flag ]);
$props = ($props ?: []) + $stdProps;
if (!$props['format'])
if (!empty($props['filename']))
$orig_name = preg_replace('#^.*/#is', '', $props['filename']);
$p = strrpos($orig_name, '.');
if ($p)
$props['format'] = strtolower(substr($orig_name, $p+1));
return $props;
* Get image properties + compress uploaded BMP images to JPEG
protected static function getImageProps($fn)
$format = NULL;
$props = [];
$exif = @exif_read_data($fn);
if ($exif)
foreach (self::$exifProps as $p)
if (isset($exif[$p]))
$props[$p] = $exif[$p];
// FIXME Сначала проверять ширину/высоту, не читая саму картинку в память
$im = static::magick();
$format = strtolower($im->getImageFormat());
if ($format == 'jpeg')
$format = 'jpg';
if ($format != 'png' &&
$format != 'gif' &&
$format != 'jpeg' &&
$format != 'jpg' &&
$format != 'pdf' &&
$format != 'djvu' &&
$format != 'djv' &&
($format != 'ico' || $im->getImageWidth() > 48 || $im->getImageHeight() > 48)) // bmp, tiff, psd...
if (!empty($props['Orientation']))
self::fixOrientation($im, $props['Orientation']);
$format = 'jpg';
$fn = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'imguniq');
$width = $im->getImageWidth();
$height = $im->getImageHeight();
if (!empty($props['Orientation']) && $props['Orientation'] >= 5)
$t = $width;
$width = $height;
$height = $t;
catch (Exception $e)
// Not an image
return NULL;
return [
'filename' => $fn,
'width' => $width,
'height' => $height,
'format' => $format,
'props' => $props,
* Get MIME type of a file
protected static function checkMime($filename)
$mime = false;
if (class_exists('finfo'))
static $finfo;
if (!$finfo)
$finfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
if ($finfo)
$mime = $finfo->file($filename);
elseif (function_exists('mime_content_type'))
$mime = mime_content_type($filename);
$mime = shell_exec("file ".escapeshellarg($filename));
return $mime;
protected static function getSWFProps($fn)
$size = shell_exec("swfdump -X -Y ".escapeshellarg($fn));
if (preg_match('/-X (\d+) -Y (\d+)/', $size, $m))
return [
'format' => 'swf',
'width' => $m[1],
'height' => $m[2],
return NULL;
* Fix ImageMagick image $im orientation based on EXIF orientation $orient
public static function fixOrientation($im, $orient)
$orient = intval($orient);
if ($orient > 1 && $orient <= 8)
if ($orient == 2)
elseif ($orient == 3)
$im->rotateImage($im instanceof Imagick ? new ImagickPixel() : new GmagickPixel(), 180);
elseif ($orient == 4)
elseif ($orient == 5)
if (method_exists($im, 'transposeImage'))
// GraphicsMagick doesn't have Transpose
$im->rotateImage($im instanceof Imagick ? new ImagickPixel() : new GmagickPixel(), 90);
elseif ($orient == 6)
$im->rotateImage($im instanceof Imagick ? new ImagickPixel() : new GmagickPixel(), 90);
elseif ($orient == 7)
if (method_exists($im, 'transverseImage'))
// GraphicsMagick doesn't have Transverse
$im->rotateImage($im instanceof Imagick ? new ImagickPixel() : new GmagickPixel(), 270);
elseif ($orient == 8)
$im->rotateImage($im instanceof Imagick ? new ImagickPixel() : new GmagickPixel(), 270);
public static function getGPS($file)
$props = $file['props'];
if (empty($props['GPSLatitude']) && empty($props['GPSLongitude']))
return NULL;
$latitude = FileUtils::exifGPS($props['GPSLatitude'], $props['GPSLatitudeRef']);
$longitude = FileUtils::exifGPS($props['GPSLongitude'], $props['GPSLongitudeRef']);
return [ $latitude, $longitude ];
public static function exifGPS($coordinate, $hemisphere)
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++)
$part = explode('/', $coordinate[$i]);
if (count($part) == 1)
$coordinate[$i] = $part[0];
elseif (count($part) == 2)
$coordinate[$i] = floatval($part[0])/floatval($part[1]);
$coordinate[$i] = 0;
list($degrees, $minutes, $seconds) = $coordinate;
$sign = ($hemisphere == 'W' || $hemisphere == 'S') ? -1 : 1;
return $sign * ($degrees + $minutes/60 + $seconds/3600);
* Calculate thumbnail image width and height
public static function thumbnailSize($cw, $ch, $maxw, $maxh)
if ($maxw <= 0 && $maxh <= 0 || $cw <= 0 || $ch <= 0)
return [ $cw, $ch ];
if ($maxw > 0 && ($maxh <= 0 || $maxh/$ch >= $maxw/$cw))
$nw = $maxw;
$nh = $ch * $maxw / $cw;
elseif ($maxh > 0 && ($maxw <= 0 || $maxh/$ch < $maxw/$cw))
$nw = $cw * $maxh / $ch;
$nh = $maxh;
return [ intval($nw), intval($nh) ];
* Return file size description
static $sizeSuffix = [
'Кб' => [
'bytes' => 'bytes',
'Kb' => 'Кб',
'Mb' => 'Мб',
'Gb' => 'Гб',
public static function sizeString($bytes, $lang = 'ru')
$r = $bytes;
if (is_numeric($r))
if ($r >= 0 && $r < 1024)
$r = $r . ' ' . (isset(self::$sizeString[$lang]['bytes']) ? self::$sizeString[$lang]['bytes'] : 'bytes');
elseif ($r >= 1024 && $r < 1024*1024)
$r = sprintf('%.2f ', $r/1024) . (isset(self::$sizeString[$lang]['Kb']) ? self::$sizeString[$lang]['Kb'] : 'Kb');
elseif ($r >= 1024*1024 && $r < 1024*1024*1024)
$r = sprintf('%.2f ', $r/1024/1024) . (isset(self::$sizeString[$lang]['Mb']) ? self::$sizeString[$lang]['Mb'] : 'Mb');
elseif ($r >= 1024*1024*1024)
$r = sprintf('%.2f ', $r/1024/1024/1024) . (isset(self::$sizeString[$lang]['Gb']) ? self::$sizeString[$lang]['Gb'] : 'Gb');
elseif ($r < 0)
$r = sprintf('%.2f ', 2-($r/1024/1024/1024)) . (isset(self::$sizeString[$lang]['Gb']) ? self::$sizeString[$lang]['Gb'] : 'Gb');
return $r;
* Recursively create a directory
public static function mkpath($path, $throw_error = true)
if (is_dir($path) || @mkdir($path, 0777, true))
return true;
if ($throw_error)
$error = error_get_last();
throw new Exception("Failed to create path $path: ".$error['message']);
return false;
* Get thumbnail size for $file
public static function getThumbSize($file, $width, $height, $crop = false)
if (empty($file['id']))
return NULL;
if ($width < 0)
$width = 0;
if ($height < 0)
$height = 0;
if (!$width || !$height)
$crop = false;
if (!$file['width'] || !$width && !$height ||
(!$width || $file['width'] <= $width) &&
(!$height || $file['height'] < $height) && !$crop ||
($file['format'] == 'swf' || $file['format'] == 'video'))
return NULL;
if (!$crop)
return self::thumbnailSize($file['width'], $file['height'], $width, $height);
return [ $width, $height ];
* Convert ImageMagick image $im to a thumbnail
public static function makeThumb($im, $width, $height, $crop, $orientation, $alignY)
$cl = get_class($im);
if ($crop)
$iw = $im->getImageWidth();
$ih = $im->getImageHeight();
if ($crop == FileUtils::CROP_Y && $ih*$width/$iw < $height)
$height = $ih*$width/$iw;
elseif ($crop == FileUtils::CROP_X && $iw*$height/$ih < $width)
$width = $iw*$height/$ih;
if ($width/$height < $iw/$ih)
$cw = intval($width*$ih/$height);
$im->cropImage($cw, $ih, intval(($iw-$cw)/2), 0);
elseif ($width/$height > $iw/$ih)
$ch = intval($height*$iw/$width);
$im->cropImage($iw, $ch, 0, intval(($ih-$ch)*$alignY));
$im->resizeImage($width, $height, $cl::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1);
$im->setImagePage($width, $height, 0, 0); /* for gif cropping */
$iw = $im->getImageWidth();
$ih = $im->getImageHeight();
$im->resizeImage($width, $height, $cl::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1);
if ($orientation !== NULL)
self::fixOrientation($im, $orientation);
* Get thumbnail type
public static function getThumbType($file, $width, $height, $crop = false, $alignY = 0.5)
$size = FileUtils::getThumbSize($file, $width, $height, $crop);
if (!$size)
return NULL;
list($width, $height) = $size;
if (!$crop)
$type = intval($width);
$p = $crop == FileUtils::CROP_Y ? 'cy' : ($crop == FileUtils::CROP_X ? 'cx' : 'c');
$type = intval($width).'x'.intval($height).'_'.$alignY;
return [ 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'type' => $type ];
public static function generateThumbnail($sourcefn, $thumbfn, $file, $width, $height, $crop = false, $alignY = 0.5)
$im = FileUtils::magick();
$props = $file['props'];
if (!empty($props['Orientation']) && $props['Orientation'] > 5)
/* swap width & height */
$t = $width;
$width = $height;
$height = $t;
if ($crop == FileUtils::CROP_X || $crop == FileUtils::CROP_Y)
$crop = 5-$crop;
FileUtils::makeThumb($im, $width, $height, $crop, isset($props['Orientation']) ? $props['Orientation'] : NULL, $alignY);
catch (Exception $e)
return false;
return true;