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exports[`test all.js 1`] = `
"// @flow
declare var pstr: Promise<string>;
declare var pnum: Promise<number>;
true, // non-Promise values passed through
]).then((xs) => {
// tuple information is preserved
let [a,b,c] = xs;
(a: number); // Error: string ~> number
(b: boolean); // Error: number ~> boolean
(c: string); // Error: boolean ~> string
// array element type is (string | number | boolean)
xs.forEach(x => {
(x: void); // Errors: string ~> void, number ~> void, boolean ~> void
// First argument is required
Promise.all(); // Error: expected array instead of undefined (too few arguments)
// Mis-typed arg
Promise.all(0); // Error: expected array instead of number
// Promise.all is a function
(Promise.all : Function);
// Promise.all supports iterables
function test(val: Iterable<Promise<number>>) {
const r: Promise<Array<number>> = Promise.all(val);
function tes2(val: Map<string, Promise<number>>) {
const r: Promise<Array<number>> = Promise.all(val.values());
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
// @flow
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
declare var pstr: Promise<string>;
declare var pnum: Promise<number>;
true // non-Promise values passed through
]).then(xs => {
// tuple information is preserved
let [a, b, c] = xs;
(a: number); // Error: string ~> number
(b: boolean); // Error: number ~> boolean
(c: string); // Error: boolean ~> string
// array element type is (string | number | boolean)
xs.forEach(x => {
(x: void); // Errors: string ~> void, number ~> void, boolean ~> void
// First argument is required
Promise.all(); // Error: expected array instead of undefined (too few arguments)
// Mis-typed arg
Promise.all(0); // Error: expected array instead of number
// Promise.all is a function
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
(Promise.all: Function);
// Promise.all supports iterables
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
function test(val: Iterable<Promise<number>>) {
const r: Promise<Array<number>> = Promise.all(val);
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
function tes2(val: Map<string, Promise<number>>) {
const r: Promise<Array<number>> = Promise.all(val.values());
2017-01-11 18:16:38 +03:00
exports[`test covariance.js 1`] = `
"/* @flow */
async function testAll() {
/* This is a test case from
2016-12-30 19:56:42 +03:00
* which was previously an error due to Array\'s invariance and an improper
* definition of Promise.all */
const x: Array<Promise<?string>> = [];
const y: Promise<Array<?string>> = Promise.all(x);
const z: Array<?string> = await y;
async function testRace() {
const x: Array<Promise<?string>> = [];
const y: Promise<?string> = Promise.race(x);
const z: ?string = await y;
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
/* @flow */
async function testAll() {
/* This is a test case from
2016-12-30 19:56:42 +03:00
* which was previously an error due to Array\'s invariance and an improper
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
* definition of Promise.all */
const x: Array<Promise<?string>> = [];
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
const y: Promise<Array<?string>> = Promise.all(x);
const z: Array<?string> = await y;
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
async function testRace() {
const x: Array<Promise<?string>> = [];
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
const y: Promise<?string> = Promise.race(x);
const z: ?string = await y;
2017-01-11 18:16:38 +03:00
exports[`test promise.js 1`] = `
* @flow
// == Promise constructor resolve() function == //
// Promise constructor resolve(T) -> then(T)
new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
}).then(function(num) {
var a: number = num;
// TODO: The error message that results from this is almost useless
var b: string = num; // Error: number ~> string
// Promise constructor with arrow function resolve(T) -> then(T)
new Promise((resolve, reject) => resolve(0))
.then(function(num) {
var a: number = num;
// TODO: The error message that results from this is almost useless
var b: string = num; // Error: number ~> string
// Promise constructor resolve(Promise<T>) -> then(T)
new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
resolve(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
}).then(function(num) {
var a: number = num;
var b: string = num; // Error: number ~> string
// Promise constructor resolve(Promise<Promise<T>>) -> then(T)
new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
resolve(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
resolve(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
}).then(function(num) {
var a: number = num;
var b: string = num; // Error: number ~> string
// Promise constructor resolve(T); resolve(U); -> then(T|U)
new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
if (Math.random()) {
} else {
2016-12-30 19:56:42 +03:00
}).then(function(numOrStr) {
2016-12-30 19:56:42 +03:00
if (typeof numOrStr === \'string\') {
var a: string = numOrStr;
} else {
var b: number = numOrStr;
var c: string = numOrStr; // Error: number|string -> string
// == Promise constructor reject() function == //
// TODO: Promise constructor reject(T) -> catch(T)
new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
}).catch(function(num) {
var a: number = num;
var b: string = num; // Error: number ~> string
// TODO: Promise constructor reject(Promise<T>) ~> catch(Promise<T>)
new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
reject(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
}).catch(function(num) {
var a: Promise<number> = num;
var b: number = num; // Error: Promise<Number> ~> number
// TODO: Promise constructor reject(T); reject(U); -> then(T|U)
new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
if (Math.random()) {
} else {
2016-12-30 19:56:42 +03:00
}).catch(function(numOrStr) {
2016-12-30 19:56:42 +03:00
if (typeof numOrStr === \'string\') {
var a: string = numOrStr;
} else {
var b: number = numOrStr;
var c: string = numOrStr; // Error: number|string -> string
// == Promise.resolve() == //
// Promise.resolve(T) -> then(T)
Promise.resolve(0).then(function(num) {
var a: number = num;
var b: string = num; // Error: number ~> string
// Promise.resolve(Promise<T>) -> then(T)
Promise.resolve(Promise.resolve(0)).then(function(num) {
var a: number = num;
var b: string = num; // Error: number ~> string
// Promise.resolve(Promise<Promise<T>>) -> then(T)
Promise.resolve(Promise.resolve(Promise.resolve(0))).then(function(num) {
var a: number = num;
var b: string = num; // Error: number ~> string
// == Promise.reject() == //
// TODO: Promise.reject(T) -> catch(T)
Promise.reject(0).catch(function(num) {
var a: number = num;
var b: string = num; // Error: number ~> string
// TODO: Promise.reject(Promise<T>) -> catch(Promise<T>)
Promise.reject(Promise.resolve(0)).then(function(num) {
var a: Promise<number> = num;
var b: number = num; // Error: Promise<number> ~> number
// == Promise.prototype.then == //
// resolvedPromise.then():T -> then(T)
2016-12-30 19:56:42 +03:00
.then(function(num) { return \'asdf\'; })
.then(function(str) {
var a: string = str;
var b: number = str; // Error: string ~> number
// resolvedPromise.then():Promise<T> -> then(T)
2016-12-30 19:56:42 +03:00
.then(function(num) { return Promise.resolve(\'asdf\'); })
.then(function(str) {
var a: string = str;
var b: number = str; // Error: string ~> number
// resolvedPromise.then():Promise<Promise<T>> -> then(T)
2016-12-30 19:56:42 +03:00
.then(function(num) { return Promise.resolve(Promise.resolve(\'asdf\')); })
.then(function(str) {
var a: string = str;
var b: number = str; // Error: string ~> number
// TODO: resolvedPromise.then(<throw(T)>) -> catch(T)
.then(function(num) {
2016-12-30 19:56:42 +03:00
throw \'str\';
.catch(function(str) {
var a: string = str;
var b: number = str; // Error: string ~> number
// == Promise.prototype.catch == //
// rejectedPromise.catch():U -> then(U)
2016-12-30 19:56:42 +03:00
.catch(function(num) { return \'asdf\'; })
.then(function(str) {
var a: string = str;
var b: number = str; // Error: string ~> number
// rejectedPromise.catch():Promise<U> -> then(U)
2016-12-30 19:56:42 +03:00
.catch(function(num) { return Promise.resolve(\'asdf\'); })
.then(function(str) {
var a: string = str;
var b: number = str; // Error: string ~> number
// rejectedPromise.catch():Promise<Promise<U>> -> then(U)
2016-12-30 19:56:42 +03:00
.catch(function(num) { return Promise.resolve(Promise.resolve(\'asdf\')); })
.then(function(str) {
var a: string = str;
var b: number = str; // Error: string ~> number
// TODO: resolvedPromise<T> -> catch() -> then():T
.catch(function(err) {})
.then(function(num) {
var a: number = num;
var b: string = num; // Error: string ~> number
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
* @flow
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
// == Promise constructor resolve() function == //
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
// Promise constructor resolve(T) -> then(T)
new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
}).then(function(num) {
var a: number = num;
// TODO: The error message that results from this is almost useless
var b: string = num; // Error: number ~> string
// Promise constructor with arrow function resolve(T) -> then(T)
new Promise((resolve, reject) => resolve(0)).then(function(num) {
var a: number = num;
// TODO: The error message that results from this is almost useless
var b: string = num; // Error: number ~> string
// Promise constructor resolve(Promise<T>) -> then(T)
new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
resolve(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
}).then(function(num) {
var a: number = num;
var b: string = num; // Error: number ~> string
// Promise constructor resolve(Promise<Promise<T>>) -> then(T)
new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
resolve(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
resolve(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
}).then(function(num) {
var a: number = num;
var b: string = num; // Error: number ~> string
// Promise constructor resolve(T); resolve(U); -> then(T|U)
new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
if (Math.random()) {
} else {
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
}).then(function(numOrStr) {
if (typeof numOrStr === \"string\") {
var a: string = numOrStr;
} else {
var b: number = numOrStr;
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
var c: string = numOrStr; // Error: number|string -> string
// == Promise constructor reject() function == //
// TODO: Promise constructor reject(T) -> catch(T)
new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
}).catch(function(num) {
var a: number = num;
var b: string = num; // Error: number ~> string
// TODO: Promise constructor reject(Promise<T>) ~> catch(Promise<T>)
new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
reject(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
}).catch(function(num) {
var a: Promise<number> = num;
var b: number = num; // Error: Promise<Number> ~> number
// TODO: Promise constructor reject(T); reject(U); -> then(T|U)
new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
if (Math.random()) {
} else {
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
}).catch(function(numOrStr) {
if (typeof numOrStr === \"string\") {
var a: string = numOrStr;
} else {
var b: number = numOrStr;
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
var c: string = numOrStr; // Error: number|string -> string
// == Promise.resolve() == //
// Promise.resolve(T) -> then(T)
Promise.resolve(0).then(function(num) {
var a: number = num;
var b: string = num; // Error: number ~> string
// Promise.resolve(Promise<T>) -> then(T)
Promise.resolve(Promise.resolve(0)).then(function(num) {
var a: number = num;
var b: string = num; // Error: number ~> string
// Promise.resolve(Promise<Promise<T>>) -> then(T)
Promise.resolve(Promise.resolve(Promise.resolve(0))).then(function(num) {
var a: number = num;
var b: string = num; // Error: number ~> string
// == Promise.reject() == //
// TODO: Promise.reject(T) -> catch(T)
Promise.reject(0).catch(function(num) {
var a: number = num;
var b: string = num; // Error: number ~> string
// TODO: Promise.reject(Promise<T>) -> catch(Promise<T>)
Promise.reject(Promise.resolve(0)).then(function(num) {
var a: Promise<number> = num;
var b: number = num; // Error: Promise<number> ~> number
// == Promise.prototype.then == //
// resolvedPromise.then():T -> then(T)
.then(function(num) {
return \"asdf\";
.then(function(str) {
var a: string = str;
var b: number = str; // Error: string ~> number
// resolvedPromise.then():Promise<T> -> then(T)
.then(function(num) {
return Promise.resolve(\"asdf\");
.then(function(str) {
var a: string = str;
var b: number = str; // Error: string ~> number
// resolvedPromise.then():Promise<Promise<T>> -> then(T)
.then(function(num) {
return Promise.resolve(Promise.resolve(\"asdf\"));
.then(function(str) {
var a: string = str;
var b: number = str; // Error: string ~> number
// TODO: resolvedPromise.then(<throw(T)>) -> catch(T)
.then(function(num) {
throw \"str\";
.catch(function(str) {
var a: string = str;
var b: number = str; // Error: string ~> number
// == Promise.prototype.catch == //
// rejectedPromise.catch():U -> then(U)
.catch(function(num) {
return \"asdf\";
.then(function(str) {
var a: string = str;
var b: number = str; // Error: string ~> number
// rejectedPromise.catch():Promise<U> -> then(U)
.catch(function(num) {
return Promise.resolve(\"asdf\");
.then(function(str) {
var a: string = str;
var b: number = str; // Error: string ~> number
// rejectedPromise.catch():Promise<Promise<U>> -> then(U)
.catch(function(num) {
return Promise.resolve(Promise.resolve(\"asdf\"));
.then(function(str) {
var a: string = str;
var b: number = str; // Error: string ~> number
// TODO: resolvedPromise<T> -> catch() -> then():T
.catch(function(err) {})
.then(function(num) {
var a: number = num;
var b: string = num; // Error: string ~> number
2017-01-11 18:16:38 +03:00
exports[`test resolve_global.js 1`] = `
* test Promise name resolution
* @flow
* 1. introduce shadowing bindings for important names
class Promise {}
* 2. implicit refs to Promise during desugaring should be unaffected
async function foo(x: boolean) {
if (x) {
2016-12-30 19:56:42 +03:00
return {bar: \'baz\'};
} else {
return null;
async function run() {
console.log(await foo(true));
console.log(await foo(false));
* 3. but explicit name refs from code and annos resolve
* using the usual rules
// error: \`Promise\` in return expr is the local binding
async function bar() {
return Promise.resolve(0);
// error: return type anno is a ref to the local binding
async function baz(): Promise<number> {
return 0;
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
* test Promise name resolution
* @flow
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
* 1. introduce shadowing bindings for important names
class Promise {}
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
* 2. implicit refs to Promise during desugaring should be unaffected
async function foo(x: boolean) {
if (x) {
2016-12-30 19:56:42 +03:00
return { bar: \"baz\" };
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
} else {
return null;
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
async function run() {
console.log(await foo(true));
console.log(await foo(false));
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
* 3. but explicit name refs from code and annos resolve
* using the usual rules
// error: \`Promise\` in return expr is the local binding
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
async function bar() {
return Promise.resolve(0);
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
// error: return type anno is a ref to the local binding
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
async function baz(): Promise<number> {
return 0;
2017-01-11 18:16:38 +03:00
exports[`test resolve_void.js 1`] = `
"// @flow
(Promise.resolve(): Promise<number>); // error
(Promise.resolve(undefined): Promise<number>); // error
2016-12-27 21:29:31 +03:00
// @flow
(Promise.resolve(): Promise<number>); // error
2017-01-11 18:16:38 +03:00
(Promise.resolve(undefined): Promise<number>); // error