
109 lines
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"use strict";
const booleanOptionNames = [
// Deprecated in 0.0.10
const stringOptionNames = [
const options = {
boolean: [
// The supports-color package (a sub sub dependency) looks directly at
// `process.argv` for `--no-color` and such-like options. The reason it is
// listed here is to avoid "Ignored unknown option: --no-color" warnings.
// See for more information.
string: [
default: {
color: true,
"ignore-path": ".prettierignore"
alias: {
help: "h",
version: "v",
"list-different": "l"
unknown: param => {
if (param.startsWith("-")) {
console.warn(`Ignored unknown option: ${param}\n`);
return false;
const usage = `
Usage: prettier [opts] [filename ...]
Available options:
--write Edit the file in-place. (Beware!)
--list-different or -l Print filenames of files that are different from Prettier formatting.
--config Path to a prettier configuration file (.prettierrc, package.json, prettier.config.js).
--no-config Do not look for a configuration file.
--find-config-path <path>
Finds and prints the path to a configuration file for a given input file.
--ignore-path <path> Path to a file containing patterns that describe files to ignore.
Defaults to ./.prettierignore.
--stdin Read input from stdin.
--stdin-filepath Path to the file used to read from stdin.
--print-width <int> Specify the length of line that the printer will wrap on. Defaults to 80.
--tab-width <int> Specify the number of spaces per indentation-level. Defaults to 2.
--use-tabs Indent lines with tabs instead of spaces.
--no-semi Do not print semicolons, except at the beginning of lines which may need them.
--single-quote Use single quotes instead of double quotes.
--no-bracket-spacing Do not print spaces between brackets.
--jsx-bracket-same-line Put > on the last line instead of at a new line.
--trailing-comma <none|es5|all>
Print trailing commas wherever possible when multi-line. Defaults to none.
--parser <flow|babylon|typescript|postcss|json|graphql>
Specify which parse to use. Defaults to babylon.
--cursor-offset <int> Print (to stderr) where a cursor at the given position would move to after formatting.
This option cannot be used with --range-start and --range-end
--range-start <int> Format code starting at a given character offset.
The range will extend backwards to the start of the first line containing the selected statement.
This option cannot be used with --cursor-offset.
Defaults to 0.
--range-end <int> Format code ending at a given character offset (exclusive).
The range will extend forwards to the end of the selected statement.
This option cannot be used with --cursor-offset.
Defaults to Infinity.
--no-color Do not colorize error messages.
--with-node-modules Process files inside 'node_modules' directory.
--version or -v Print Prettier version.
`.slice(1); // remove leading line break
module.exports = {