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Revamp landing page (#3718) * Begin landing page revamp * Break the editor integrations onto their own lines * Add template string * Add editor line breaks * Make logo clickable * Add more docs links * Don’t split the editor list items into paragraphs * Break plugin onto its own line * Move the “Why” button to the bottom of the block * Use suggested font * Change font * Change footer color * Add assets from @orta * Fix fonts * Use new editor assets * Add npm/yarn button * Switch to npx * Minor mobile tweaks * Add dependants * Lots of zeros are cooler to look at than a “k” * Improve button sizes, respect prefers-reduced-motion * Fixup media breakpoints for Get Started section * Increase padding of editors * CSS fixes from code review * Prevent repeatedly clicking on the logo from selecting nearby text * dependant -> dependent * Various CSS tightening * Set flex-basis on editors * Add new languages panel * Improve layout of languages * Cleanup grouping code * Fix users layout * Fix language image widths * space-evenly -> space-between * Fix typo * Remove unused var * Various CSS fixes * Set overflow-x: auto on code * Improve languages layout * Add silly cursor * Make logo 'draggable' * [Site] Margins and paddings (#2) * [Site] Margins and paddings * [Site] Bring back the link to why, that's a good guide worth linking to * Improve logo mobile usage * Improve responsive layout of editors * Use static SVG for the moment (#3) * Use the static logo for the moment * Fix the broken JS, from going static, and make overscroll the right color * Fix padding
2018-02-06 12:52:39 +03:00
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