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id: version-stable-options
title: Options
original_id: options
Prettier ships with a handful of customizable format options, usable in both the CLI and API.
## Print Width
Specify the line length that the printer will wrap on.
> **For readability we recommend against using more than 80 characters:**
> In code styleguides, maximum line length rules are often set to 100 or 120. However, when humans write code, they don't strive to reach the maximum number of columns on every line. Developers often use whitespace to break up long lines for readability. In practice, the average line length often ends up well below the maximum.
> Prettier, on the other hand, strives to fit the most code into every line. With the print width set to 120, prettier may produce overly compact, or otherwise undesirable code.
> See the [print width rationale]( for more information.
| Default | CLI Override | API Override |
| ------- | --------------------- | ------------------- |
| `80` | `--print-width <int>` | `printWidth: <int>` |
(If you don't want line wrapping when formatting Markdown, you can set the [Prose Wrap](#prose-wrap) option to disable it.)
## Tab Width
Specify the number of spaces per indentation-level.
| Default | CLI Override | API Override |
| ------- | ------------------- | ----------------- |
| `2` | `--tab-width <int>` | `tabWidth: <int>` |
## Tabs
Indent lines with tabs instead of spaces.
| Default | CLI Override | API Override |
| ------- | ------------ | ----------------- |
| `false` | `--use-tabs` | `useTabs: <bool>` |
(Tabs will be used for _indentation_ but Prettier uses spaces to _align_ things, such as in ternaries.)
## Semicolons
Print semicolons at the ends of statements.
Valid options:
- `true` - Add a semicolon at the end of every statement.
- `false` - Only add semicolons at the beginning of lines that [may introduce ASI failures](
| Default | CLI Override | API Override |
| ------- | ------------ | -------------- |
| `true` | `--no-semi` | `semi: <bool>` |
## Quotes
Use single quotes instead of double quotes.
- JSX quotes ignore this option see [jsx-single-quote](#jsx-quotes).
- If the number of quotes outweighs the other quote, the quote which is less used will be used to format the string - Example: `"I'm double quoted"` results in `"I'm double quoted"` and `"This \"example\" is single quoted"` results in `'This "example" is single quoted'`.
See the [strings rationale]( for more information.
| Default | CLI Override | API Override |
| ------- | ---------------- | --------------------- |
| `false` | `--single-quote` | `singleQuote: <bool>` |
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## Quote Props
Change when properties in objects are quoted.
Valid options:
- `"as-needed"` - Only add quotes around object properties where required.
- `"consistent"` - If at least one property in an object requires quotes, quote all properties.
- `"preserve"` - Respect the input use of quotes in object properties.
| Default | CLI Override | API Override |
| ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `"as-needed"` | <code>--quote-props <as-needed&#124;consistent&#124;preserve></code> | <code>quoteProps: "<as-needed&#124;consistent&#124;preserve>"</code> |
## JSX Quotes
Use single quotes instead of double quotes in JSX.
| Default | CLI Override | API Override |
| ------- | -------------------- | ------------------------ |
| `false` | `--jsx-single-quote` | `jsxSingleQuote: <bool>` |
## Trailing Commas
Print trailing commas wherever possible when multi-line. (A single-line array, for example, never gets trailing commas.)
Valid options:
- `"none"` - No trailing commas.
- `"es5"` - Trailing commas where valid in ES5 (objects, arrays, etc.)
- `"all"` - Trailing commas wherever possible (including function arguments). This requires node 8 or a [transform](
| Default | CLI Override | API Override |
| -------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------ |
| `"none"` | <code>--trailing-comma <none&#124;es5&#124;all></code> | <code>trailingComma: "<none&#124;es5&#124;all>"</code> |
## Bracket Spacing
Print spaces between brackets in object literals.
Valid options:
- `true` - Example: `{ foo: bar }`.
- `false` - Example: `{foo: bar}`.
| Default | CLI Override | API Override |
| ------- | ---------------------- | ------------------------ |
| `true` | `--no-bracket-spacing` | `bracketSpacing: <bool>` |
## JSX Brackets
Put the `>` of a multi-line JSX element at the end of the last line instead of being alone on the next line (does not apply to self closing elements).
Valid options:
- `true` - Example:
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
Click Here
- `false` - Example:
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
Click Here
| Default | CLI Override | API Override |
| ------- | ------------------------- | ---------------------------- |
| `false` | `--jsx-bracket-same-line` | `jsxBracketSameLine: <bool>` |
## Arrow Function Parentheses
_First available in v1.9.0_
Include parentheses around a sole arrow function parameter.
Valid options:
- `"avoid"` - Omit parens when possible. Example: `x => x`
- `"always"` - Always include parens. Example: `(x) => x`
| Default | CLI Override | API Override |
| --------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
| `"avoid"` | <code>--arrow-parens <avoid&#124;always></code> | <code>arrowParens: "<avoid&#124;always>"</code> |
## Range
Format only a segment of a file.
These two options can be used to format code starting and ending at a given character offset (inclusive and exclusive, respectively). The range will extend:
- Backwards to the start of the first line containing the selected statement.
- Forwards to the end of the selected statement.
These options cannot be used with `cursorOffset`.
| Default | CLI Override | API Override |
| ---------- | --------------------- | ------------------- |
| `0` | `--range-start <int>` | `rangeStart: <int>` |
| `Infinity` | `--range-end <int>` | `rangeEnd: <int>` |
## Parser
Specify which parser to use.
Prettier automatically infers the parser from the input file path, so you shouldn't have to change this setting.
2019-01-20 10:59:39 +03:00
Both the `babel` and `flow` parsers support the same set of JavaScript features (including Flow type annotations). They might differ in some edge cases, so if you run into one of those you can try `flow` instead of `babel`.
Valid options:
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- `"babel"` (via [@babel/parser]( _Named `"babylon"` until v1.16.0_
- `"babel-flow"` (Same as `"babel"` but enables Flow parsing explicitly to avoid ambiguity) _First available in v1.16.0_
- `"flow"` (via [flow-parser](
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- `"typescript"` (via [@typescript-eslint/typescript-estree]( _First available in v1.4.0_
- `"css"` (via [postcss-scss]( and [postcss-less](, autodetects which to use) _First available in v1.7.1_
- `"scss"` (same parsers as `"css"`, prefers postcss-scss) _First available in v1.7.1_
- `"less"` (same parsers as `"css"`, prefers postcss-less) _First available in v1.7.1_
- `"json"` (via [@babel/parser parseExpression]( _First available in v1.5.0_
- `"json5"` (same parser as `"json"`, but outputs as [json5]( _First available in v1.13.0_
- `"json-stringify"` (same parser as `"json"`, but outputs like `JSON.stringify`) _First available in v1.13.0_
- `"graphql"` (via [graphql/language]( _First available in v1.5.0_
- `"markdown"` (via [remark-parse]( _First available in v1.8.0_
- `"mdx"` (via [remark-parse]( and [@mdx-js/mdx]( _First available in v1.15.0_
- `"html"` (via [angular-html-parser]( _First available in 1.15.0_
- `"vue"` (same parser as `"html"`, but also formats vue-specific syntax) _First available in 1.10.0_
- `"angular"` (same parser as `"html"`, but also formats angular-specific syntax via [angular-estree-parser]( _First available in 1.15.0_
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- `"lwc"` (same parser as `"html"`, but also formats LWC-specific syntax for unquoted template attributes) _First available in 1.17.0_
- `"yaml"` (via [yaml]( and [yaml-unist-parser]( _First available in 1.14.0_
[Custom parsers]( are also supported. _First available in v1.5.0_
| Default | CLI Override | API Override |
| ------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
| None | `--parser <string>`<br />`--parser ./my-parser` | `parser: "<string>"`<br />`parser: require("./my-parser")` |
Note: the default value was `"babylon"` until v1.13.0.
<a name="filepath"></a>
## File Path
Specify the file name to use to infer which parser to use.
For example, the following will use the CSS parser:
cat foo | prettier --stdin-filepath foo.css
| Default | CLI Override | API Override |
| ------- | --------------------------- | ---------------------- |
| None | `--stdin-filepath <string>` | `filepath: "<string>"` |
## Require pragma
_First available in v1.7.0_
Prettier can restrict itself to only format files that contain a special comment, called a pragma, at the top of the file. This is very useful when gradually transitioning large, unformatted codebases to prettier.
For example, a file with the following as its first comment will be formatted when `--require-pragma` is supplied:
* @prettier
* @format
| Default | CLI Override | API Override |
| ------- | ------------------ | ----------------------- |
| `false` | `--require-pragma` | `requirePragma: <bool>` |
## Insert Pragma
_First available in v1.8.0_
Prettier can insert a special @format marker at the top of files specifying that the file has been formatted with prettier. This works well when used in tandem with the `--require-pragma` option. If there is already a docblock at the top of the file then this option will add a newline to it with the @format marker.
| Default | CLI Override | API Override |
| ------- | ----------------- | ---------------------- |
| `false` | `--insert-pragma` | `insertPragma: <bool>` |
## Prose Wrap
_First available in v1.8.2_
By default, Prettier will wrap markdown text as-is since some services use a linebreak-sensitive renderer, e.g. GitHub comment and BitBucket. In some cases you may want to rely on editor/viewer soft wrapping instead, so this option allows you to opt out with `"never"`.
Valid options:
- `"always"` - Wrap prose if it exceeds the print width.
- `"never"` - Do not wrap prose.
- `"preserve"` - Wrap prose as-is. _First available in v1.9.0_
| Default | CLI Override | API Override |
| ------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| `"preserve"` | <code>--prose-wrap <always&#124;never&#124;preserve></code> | <code>proseWrap: "<always&#124;never&#124;preserve>"</code> |
## HTML Whitespace Sensitivity
_First available in v1.15.0_
Specify the global whitespace sensitivity for HTML files, see [whitespace-sensitive formatting] for more info.
[whitespace-sensitive formatting]:
Valid options:
- `"css"` - Respect the default value of CSS `display` property.
- `"strict"` - Whitespaces are considered sensitive.
- `"ignore"` - Whitespaces are considered insensitive.
| Default | CLI Override | API Override |
| ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `"css"` | <code>--html-whitespace-sensitivity <css&#124;strict&#124;ignore></code> | <code>htmlWhitespaceSensitivity: "<css&#124;strict&#124;ignore>"</code> |
## End of Line
_First available in 1.15.0_
For historical reasons, there exist two commonly used flavors of line endings in text files. That is `\n` (or `LF` for _Line Feed_) and `\r\n` (or `CRLF` for _Carriage Return + Line Feed_).
The former is common on Linux and macOS, while the latter is prevalent on Windows.
Some details explaining why it is so [can be found on Wikipedia](
By default, Prettier preserves a flavor of line endings a given file has already used.
It also converts mixed line endings within one file to what it finds at the end of the first line.
When people collaborate on a project from different operating systems, it becomes easy to end up with mixed line endings in the central git repository.
It is also possible for Windows users to accidentally change line endings in an already committed file from `LF` to `CRLF`.
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Doing so produces a large `git diff`, and if it goes unnoticed during code review, all line-by-line history for the file (`git blame`) gets lost.
If you want to make sure that your git repository only contains Linux-style line endings in files covered by Prettier:
1. Set `endOfLine` option to `lf`
1. Configure [a pre-commit hook]( that will run Prettier
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1. Configure Prettier to run in your CI pipeline using [`--check` flag](
1. Ask Windows users to run `git config core.autocrlf false` before working on your repo so that git did not convert `LF` to `CRLF` on checkout.
Alternatively, you can add `* text=auto eol=lf` to the repo's `.gitattributes` file to achieve this.
All modern text editors in all operating systems are able to correctly display line endings when `\n` (`LF`) is used.
However, old versions of Notepad for Windows will visually squash such lines into one.
Valid options:
- `"auto"` - Maintain existing line endings
(mixed values within one file are normalised by looking at what's used after the first line)
- `"lf"` Line Feed only (`\n`), common on Linux and macOS as well as inside git repos
- `"crlf"` - Carriage Return + Line Feed characters (`\r\n`), common on Windows
- `"cr"` - Carriage Return character only (`\r`), used very rarely
| Default | CLI Override | API Override |
| -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
| `"auto"` | <code>--end-of-line <auto&#124;lf&#124;crlf&#124;cr></code> | <code>endOfLine: "<auto&#124;lf&#124;crlf&#124;cr>"</code> |