CLI improvements (#478)

* Add `--help` CLI flag

* Don't pick up unknown CLI options

This prevents people from adding new CLI options in the future, but
forgetting to add it explicitly to minimist, resulting in a false
"Ignored unknown option" warning.

* Add `-h` and `-v` option aliases

It always bugs me when those don't do `--help` and `--version` for no
reason in CLIs.

* Allow `echo 'test' | prettier` without the `--stdin` flag

* Improve CLI error handling and validation

- Handle errors the same way both when using stdin and when using files.
- Print validation errors nicely.
- Validate int options, instead of silently ignoring bad input.
- Warn about unknown parsers, falling back to babylon. If a new parser
  is added in the future, this allows graceful degradation for tools
  running an older version of prettier. (Just like how unknown options
  are warnings instead of errors.)
- Add comments.

* Run prettier on bin/prettier.js
Simon Lydell 2017-01-26 19:13:32 +01:00 committed by Christopher Chedeau
parent 03b4ed2fcf
commit 239521e97d
1 changed files with 74 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -19,16 +19,19 @@ const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), {
// listed here is to avoid "Ignored unknown option: --no-color" warnings.
// See for more information.
// Deprecated in 0.0.10
string: [ "print-width", "tab-width", "parser" ],
string: ["print-width", "tab-width", "parser"],
default: { color: true, "bracket-spacing": true, parser: "babylon" },
alias: { help: "h", version: "v" },
unknown: param => {
if (param.startsWith("-")) {
console.warn("Ignored unknown option: " + param + "\n");
return false;
@ -40,9 +43,9 @@ if (argv["version"]) {
const filepatterns = argv["_"];
const write = argv["write"];
const stdin = argv["stdin"];
const stdin = argv["stdin"] || !filepatterns.length && !process.stdin.isTTY;
if (!filepatterns.length && !stdin) {
if (argv["help"] || !filepatterns.length && !stdin) {
"Usage: prettier [opts] [filename ...]\n\n" +
"Available options:\n" +
@ -61,28 +64,63 @@ if (!filepatterns.length && !stdin) {
" --no-bracket-spacing\n" +
" --bracket-spacing=false"
process.exit(argv["help"] ? 0 : 1);
function getParser() {
function getParserOption() {
const optionName = "parser";
const value = argv[optionName];
if (value === undefined) {
return value;
// For backward compatibility. Deprecated in 0.0.10
if (argv["flow-parser"]) {
console.warn("`--flow-parser` is deprecated. Use `--parser flow` instead.");
return "flow";
if (argv["parser"] === "flow") {
return "flow";
if (value === "flow" || value === "babylon") {
return value;
"Ignoring unknown --" +
optionName +
' value, falling back to "babylon":\n' +
' Expected "flow" or "babylon", but received: ' +
return "babylon";
function getIntOption(optionName) {
const value = argv[optionName];
if (value === undefined) {
return value;
if (/^\d+$/.test(value)) {
return Number(value);
"Invalid --" +
optionName +
" value. Expected an integer, but received: " +
const options = {
printWidth: argv["print-width"] && parseInt(argv["print-width"]),
tabWidth: argv["tab-width"] && parseInt(argv["tab-width"]),
printWidth: getIntOption("print-width"),
tabWidth: getIntOption("tab-width"),
bracketSpacing: argv["bracket-spacing"],
parser: getParser(),
parser: getParserOption(),
singleQuote: argv["single-quote"],
trailingComma: argv["trailing-comma"]
@ -95,14 +133,37 @@ function format(input) {
return prettier.format(input, options);
function handleError(filename, e) {
const isParseError = Boolean(e && e.loc);
const isValidationError = /Validation Error/.test(e && e.message);
// For parse errors and validation errors, we only want to show the error
// message formatted in a nice way. `String(e)` takes care of that. Other
// (unexpected) errors are passed as-is as a separate argument to
// `console.error`. That includes the stack trace (if any), and shows a nice
// `util.inspect` of throws things that aren't `Error` objects. (The Flow
// parser has mistakenly thrown arrays sometimes.)
if (isParseError) {
console.error(filename + ": " + String(e));
} else if (isValidationError) {
// If validation fails for one file, it will fail for all of them.
} else {
console.error(filename + ":", e);
// Don't exit the process if one file failed
process.exitCode = 2;
if (stdin) {
getStdin().then(input => {
try {
// Don't use `console.log` here since it adds an extra newline at the end.
} catch (e) {
process.exitCode = 2;
console.error("stdin: " + e);
handleError("stdin", e);
@ -124,13 +185,7 @@ if (stdin) {
try {
output = format(input);
} catch (e) {
process.exitCode = 2;
if(e.loc) {
console.error(filename + ": " + e);
else {
console.error(filename + ":", e);
handleError(filename, e);