Move needsParens to a language-specific file (#4201)

Lucas Azzola 2018-03-25 18:35:32 +11:00 committed by GitHub
parent 286601f5fa
commit e03e4d6d40
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 566 additions and 557 deletions

View File

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
"use strict";
const assert = require("assert");
const util = require("../common/util");
const startsWithNoLookaheadToken = util.startsWithNoLookaheadToken;
function FastPath(value) {
assert.ok(this instanceof FastPath);
@ -131,554 +129,4 @@ = function map(callback /*, name1, name2, ... */) {
return result;
FastPath.prototype.needsParens = function(options) {
const parent = this.getParentNode();
if (!parent) {
return false;
const name = this.getName();
const node = this.getNode();
// If the value of this path is some child of a Node and not a Node
// itself, then it doesn't need parentheses. Only Node objects (in
// fact, only Expression nodes) need parentheses.
if (this.getValue() !== node) {
return false;
// Only statements don't need parentheses.
if (isStatement(node)) {
return false;
// Closure compiler requires that type casted expressions to be surrounded by
// parentheses.
if (
) {
return true;
// Identifiers never need parentheses.
if (node.type === "Identifier") {
return false;
if (parent.type === "ParenthesizedExpression") {
return false;
// Add parens around the extends clause of a class. It is needed for almost
// all expressions.
if (
(parent.type === "ClassDeclaration" || parent.type === "ClassExpression") &&
parent.superClass === node &&
(node.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" ||
node.type === "AssignmentExpression" ||
node.type === "AwaitExpression" ||
node.type === "BinaryExpression" ||
node.type === "ConditionalExpression" ||
node.type === "LogicalExpression" ||
node.type === "NewExpression" ||
node.type === "ObjectExpression" ||
node.type === "ParenthesizedExpression" ||
node.type === "SequenceExpression" ||
node.type === "TaggedTemplateExpression" ||
node.type === "UnaryExpression" ||
node.type === "UpdateExpression" ||
node.type === "YieldExpression")
) {
return true;
if (
(parent.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" &&
parent.body === node &&
node.type !== "SequenceExpression" && // these have parens added anyway
startsWithNoLookaheadToken(node, /* forbidFunctionAndClass */ false)) ||
(parent.type === "ExpressionStatement" &&
startsWithNoLookaheadToken(node, /* forbidFunctionAndClass */ true))
) {
return true;
switch (node.type) {
case "CallExpression": {
let firstParentNotMemberExpression = parent;
let i = 0;
while (
firstParentNotMemberExpression &&
firstParentNotMemberExpression.type === "MemberExpression"
) {
firstParentNotMemberExpression = this.getParentNode(++i);
if (
firstParentNotMemberExpression.type === "NewExpression" &&
firstParentNotMemberExpression.callee === this.getParentNode(i - 1)
) {
return true;
return false;
case "SpreadElement":
case "SpreadProperty":
return (
parent.type === "MemberExpression" &&
name === "object" &&
parent.object === node
case "UpdateExpression":
if (parent.type === "UnaryExpression") {
return (
node.prefix &&
((node.operator === "++" && parent.operator === "+") ||
(node.operator === "--" && parent.operator === "-"))
// else fallthrough
case "UnaryExpression":
switch (parent.type) {
case "UnaryExpression":
return (
node.operator === parent.operator &&
(node.operator === "+" || node.operator === "-")
case "MemberExpression":
return name === "object" && parent.object === node;
case "TaggedTemplateExpression":
return true;
case "NewExpression":
case "CallExpression":
return name === "callee" && parent.callee === node;
case "BinaryExpression":
return parent.operator === "**" && name === "left";
case "TSNonNullExpression":
return true;
return false;
case "BinaryExpression": {
if (parent.type === "UpdateExpression") {
return true;
const isLeftOfAForStatement = node => {
let i = 0;
while (node) {
const parent = this.getParentNode(i++);
if (!parent) {
return false;
if (parent.type === "ForStatement" && parent.init === node) {
return true;
node = parent;
return false;
if (node.operator === "in" && isLeftOfAForStatement(node)) {
return true;
// fallthrough
case "TSTypeAssertionExpression":
case "TSAsExpression":
case "LogicalExpression":
switch (parent.type) {
case "ConditionalExpression":
return node.type === "TSAsExpression";
case "CallExpression":
case "NewExpression":
return name === "callee" && parent.callee === node;
case "ClassDeclaration":
case "TSAbstractClassDeclaration":
return name === "superClass" && parent.superClass === node;
case "TSTypeAssertionExpression":
case "TaggedTemplateExpression":
case "UnaryExpression":
case "SpreadElement":
case "SpreadProperty":
case "ExperimentalSpreadProperty":
case "BindExpression":
case "AwaitExpression":
case "TSAsExpression":
case "TSNonNullExpression":
case "UpdateExpression":
return true;
case "MemberExpression":
return name === "object" && parent.object === node;
case "AssignmentExpression":
return (
parent.left === node &&
(node.type === "TSTypeAssertionExpression" ||
node.type === "TSAsExpression")
case "Decorator":
return (
parent.expression === node &&
(node.type === "TSTypeAssertionExpression" ||
node.type === "TSAsExpression")
case "BinaryExpression":
case "LogicalExpression": {
if (!node.operator && node.type !== "TSTypeAssertionExpression") {
return true;
const po = parent.operator;
const pp = util.getPrecedence(po);
const no = node.operator;
const np = util.getPrecedence(no);
if (pp > np) {
return true;
if ((po === "||" || po === "??") && no === "&&") {
return true;
if (pp === np && name === "right") {
assert.strictEqual(parent.right, node);
return true;
if (pp === np && !util.shouldFlatten(po, no)) {
return true;
// Add parenthesis when working with binary operators
// It's not stricly needed but helps with code understanding
if (util.isBitwiseOperator(po)) {
return true;
return false;
return false;
case "TSParenthesizedType": {
const grandParent = this.getParentNode(1);
if (
(parent.type === "TSTypeParameter" ||
parent.type === "TypeParameter" ||
parent.type === "VariableDeclarator" ||
parent.type === "TSTypeAnnotation" ||
parent.type === "GenericTypeAnnotation" ||
parent.type === "TSTypeReference") &&
(node.typeAnnotation.type === "TSTypeAnnotation" &&
node.typeAnnotation.typeAnnotation.type !== "TSFunctionType" &&
grandParent.type !== "TSTypeOperator")
) {
return false;
// Delegate to inner TSParenthesizedType
if (node.typeAnnotation.type === "TSParenthesizedType") {
return false;
return true;
case "SequenceExpression":
switch (parent.type) {
case "ReturnStatement":
return false;
case "ForStatement":
// Although parentheses wouldn't hurt around sequence
// expressions in the head of for loops, traditional style
// dictates that e.g. i++, j++ should not be wrapped with
// parentheses.
return false;
case "ExpressionStatement":
return name !== "expression";
case "ArrowFunctionExpression":
// We do need parentheses, but SequenceExpressions are handled
// specially when printing bodies of arrow functions.
return name !== "body";
// Otherwise err on the side of overparenthesization, adding
// explicit exceptions above if this proves overzealous.
return true;
case "YieldExpression":
if (
parent.type === "UnaryExpression" ||
parent.type === "AwaitExpression" ||
parent.type === "TSAsExpression" ||
parent.type === "TSNonNullExpression"
) {
return true;
// else fallthrough
case "AwaitExpression":
switch (parent.type) {
case "TaggedTemplateExpression":
case "BinaryExpression":
case "LogicalExpression":
case "SpreadElement":
case "SpreadProperty":
case "ExperimentalSpreadProperty":
case "TSAsExpression":
case "TSNonNullExpression":
return true;
case "MemberExpression":
return parent.object === node;
case "NewExpression":
case "CallExpression":
return parent.callee === node;
case "ConditionalExpression":
return parent.test === node;
return false;
case "ArrayTypeAnnotation":
return parent.type === "NullableTypeAnnotation";
case "IntersectionTypeAnnotation":
case "UnionTypeAnnotation":
return (
parent.type === "ArrayTypeAnnotation" ||
parent.type === "NullableTypeAnnotation" ||
parent.type === "IntersectionTypeAnnotation" ||
parent.type === "UnionTypeAnnotation"
case "NullableTypeAnnotation":
return parent.type === "ArrayTypeAnnotation";
case "FunctionTypeAnnotation":
return (
parent.type === "UnionTypeAnnotation" ||
parent.type === "IntersectionTypeAnnotation" ||
parent.type === "ArrayTypeAnnotation"
case "StringLiteral":
case "NumericLiteral":
case "Literal":
if (
typeof node.value === "string" &&
parent.type === "ExpressionStatement" &&
// TypeScript workaround for eslint/typescript-eslint-parser#267
// See corresponding workaround in printer.js case: "Literal"
((options.parser !== "typescript" && !parent.directive) ||
(options.parser === "typescript" &&
options.originalText.substr(options.locStart(node) - 1, 1) === "("))
) {
// To avoid becoming a directive
const grandParent = this.getParentNode(1);
return (
grandParent.type === "Program" ||
grandParent.type === "BlockStatement"
return (
parent.type === "MemberExpression" &&
typeof node.value === "number" &&
name === "object" &&
parent.object === node
case "AssignmentExpression": {
const grandParent = this.getParentNode(1);
if (parent.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" && parent.body === node) {
return true;
} else if (
parent.type === "ClassProperty" &&
parent.key === node &&
) {
return false;
} else if (
parent.type === "TSPropertySignature" && === node
) {
return false;
} else if (
parent.type === "ForStatement" &&
(parent.init === node || parent.update === node)
) {
return false;
} else if (parent.type === "ExpressionStatement") {
return node.left.type === "ObjectPattern";
} else if (parent.type === "TSPropertySignature" && parent.key === node) {
return false;
} else if (parent.type === "AssignmentExpression") {
return false;
} else if (
parent.type === "SequenceExpression" &&
grandParent &&
grandParent.type === "ForStatement" &&
(grandParent.init === parent || grandParent.update === parent)
) {
return false;
return true;
case "ConditionalExpression":
switch (parent.type) {
case "TaggedTemplateExpression":
case "UnaryExpression":
case "SpreadElement":
case "SpreadProperty":
case "ExperimentalSpreadProperty":
case "BinaryExpression":
case "LogicalExpression":
case "ExportDefaultDeclaration":
case "AwaitExpression":
case "JSXSpreadAttribute":
case "TSTypeAssertionExpression":
case "TypeCastExpression":
case "TSAsExpression":
case "TSNonNullExpression":
return true;
case "NewExpression":
case "CallExpression":
return name === "callee" && parent.callee === node;
case "ConditionalExpression":
return name === "test" && parent.test === node;
case "MemberExpression":
return name === "object" && parent.object === node;
return false;
case "FunctionExpression":
switch (parent.type) {
case "CallExpression":
return name === "callee"; // Not strictly necessary, but it's clearer to the reader if IIFEs are wrapped in parentheses.
case "TaggedTemplateExpression":
return true; // This is basically a kind of IIFE.
case "ExportDefaultDeclaration":
return true;
return false;
case "ArrowFunctionExpression":
switch (parent.type) {
case "CallExpression":
return name === "callee";
case "NewExpression":
return name === "callee";
case "MemberExpression":
return name === "object";
case "TSAsExpression":
case "BindExpression":
case "TaggedTemplateExpression":
case "UnaryExpression":
case "LogicalExpression":
case "BinaryExpression":
case "AwaitExpression":
case "TSTypeAssertionExpression":
return true;
case "ConditionalExpression":
return name === "test";
return false;
case "ClassExpression":
return parent.type === "ExportDefaultDeclaration";
return false;
function isStatement(node) {
return (
node.type === "BlockStatement" ||
node.type === "BreakStatement" ||
node.type === "ClassBody" ||
node.type === "ClassDeclaration" ||
node.type === "ClassMethod" ||
node.type === "ClassProperty" ||
node.type === "ClassPrivateProperty" ||
node.type === "ContinueStatement" ||
node.type === "DebuggerStatement" ||
node.type === "DeclareClass" ||
node.type === "DeclareExportAllDeclaration" ||
node.type === "DeclareExportDeclaration" ||
node.type === "DeclareFunction" ||
node.type === "DeclareInterface" ||
node.type === "DeclareModule" ||
node.type === "DeclareModuleExports" ||
node.type === "DeclareVariable" ||
node.type === "DoWhileStatement" ||
node.type === "ExportAllDeclaration" ||
node.type === "ExportDefaultDeclaration" ||
node.type === "ExportNamedDeclaration" ||
node.type === "ExpressionStatement" ||
node.type === "ForAwaitStatement" ||
node.type === "ForInStatement" ||
node.type === "ForOfStatement" ||
node.type === "ForStatement" ||
node.type === "FunctionDeclaration" ||
node.type === "IfStatement" ||
node.type === "ImportDeclaration" ||
node.type === "InterfaceDeclaration" ||
node.type === "LabeledStatement" ||
node.type === "MethodDefinition" ||
node.type === "ReturnStatement" ||
node.type === "SwitchStatement" ||
node.type === "ThrowStatement" ||
node.type === "TryStatement" ||
node.type === "TSAbstractClassDeclaration" ||
node.type === "TSEnumDeclaration" ||
node.type === "TSImportEqualsDeclaration" ||
node.type === "TSInterfaceDeclaration" ||
node.type === "TSModuleDeclaration" ||
node.type === "TSNamespaceExportDeclaration" ||
node.type === "TypeAlias" ||
node.type === "VariableDeclaration" ||
node.type === "WhileStatement" ||
node.type === "WithStatement"
module.exports = FastPath;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
"use strict";
const assert = require("assert");
const util = require("../common/util");
function needsParens(path, options) {
const parent = path.getParentNode();
if (!parent) {
return false;
const name = path.getName();
const node = path.getNode();
// If the value of this path is some child of a Node and not a Node
// itself, then it doesn't need parentheses. Only Node objects (in
// fact, only Expression nodes) need parentheses.
if (path.getValue() !== node) {
return false;
// Only statements don't need parentheses.
if (isStatement(node)) {
return false;
// Closure compiler requires that type casted expressions to be surrounded by
// parentheses.
if (
) {
return true;
// Identifiers never need parentheses.
if (node.type === "Identifier") {
return false;
if (parent.type === "ParenthesizedExpression") {
return false;
// Add parens around the extends clause of a class. It is needed for almost
// all expressions.
if (
(parent.type === "ClassDeclaration" || parent.type === "ClassExpression") &&
parent.superClass === node &&
(node.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" ||
node.type === "AssignmentExpression" ||
node.type === "AwaitExpression" ||
node.type === "BinaryExpression" ||
node.type === "ConditionalExpression" ||
node.type === "LogicalExpression" ||
node.type === "NewExpression" ||
node.type === "ObjectExpression" ||
node.type === "ParenthesizedExpression" ||
node.type === "SequenceExpression" ||
node.type === "TaggedTemplateExpression" ||
node.type === "UnaryExpression" ||
node.type === "UpdateExpression" ||
node.type === "YieldExpression")
) {
return true;
if (
(parent.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" &&
parent.body === node &&
node.type !== "SequenceExpression" && // these have parens added anyway
/* forbidFunctionAndClass */ false
)) ||
(parent.type === "ExpressionStatement" &&
util.startsWithNoLookaheadToken(node, /* forbidFunctionAndClass */ true))
) {
return true;
switch (node.type) {
case "CallExpression": {
let firstParentNotMemberExpression = parent;
let i = 0;
while (
firstParentNotMemberExpression &&
firstParentNotMemberExpression.type === "MemberExpression"
) {
firstParentNotMemberExpression = path.getParentNode(++i);
if (
firstParentNotMemberExpression.type === "NewExpression" &&
firstParentNotMemberExpression.callee === path.getParentNode(i - 1)
) {
return true;
return false;
case "SpreadElement":
case "SpreadProperty":
return (
parent.type === "MemberExpression" &&
name === "object" &&
parent.object === node
case "UpdateExpression":
if (parent.type === "UnaryExpression") {
return (
node.prefix &&
((node.operator === "++" && parent.operator === "+") ||
(node.operator === "--" && parent.operator === "-"))
// else fallthrough
case "UnaryExpression":
switch (parent.type) {
case "UnaryExpression":
return (
node.operator === parent.operator &&
(node.operator === "+" || node.operator === "-")
case "MemberExpression":
return name === "object" && parent.object === node;
case "TaggedTemplateExpression":
return true;
case "NewExpression":
case "CallExpression":
return name === "callee" && parent.callee === node;
case "BinaryExpression":
return parent.operator === "**" && name === "left";
case "TSNonNullExpression":
return true;
return false;
case "BinaryExpression": {
if (parent.type === "UpdateExpression") {
return true;
const isLeftOfAForStatement = node => {
let i = 0;
while (node) {
const parent = path.getParentNode(i++);
if (!parent) {
return false;
if (parent.type === "ForStatement" && parent.init === node) {
return true;
node = parent;
return false;
if (node.operator === "in" && isLeftOfAForStatement(node)) {
return true;
// fallthrough
case "TSTypeAssertionExpression":
case "TSAsExpression":
case "LogicalExpression":
switch (parent.type) {
case "ConditionalExpression":
return node.type === "TSAsExpression";
case "CallExpression":
case "NewExpression":
return name === "callee" && parent.callee === node;
case "ClassDeclaration":
case "TSAbstractClassDeclaration":
return name === "superClass" && parent.superClass === node;
case "TSTypeAssertionExpression":
case "TaggedTemplateExpression":
case "UnaryExpression":
case "SpreadElement":
case "SpreadProperty":
case "ExperimentalSpreadProperty":
case "BindExpression":
case "AwaitExpression":
case "TSAsExpression":
case "TSNonNullExpression":
case "UpdateExpression":
return true;
case "MemberExpression":
return name === "object" && parent.object === node;
case "AssignmentExpression":
return (
parent.left === node &&
(node.type === "TSTypeAssertionExpression" ||
node.type === "TSAsExpression")
case "Decorator":
return (
parent.expression === node &&
(node.type === "TSTypeAssertionExpression" ||
node.type === "TSAsExpression")
case "BinaryExpression":
case "LogicalExpression": {
if (!node.operator && node.type !== "TSTypeAssertionExpression") {
return true;
const po = parent.operator;
const pp = util.getPrecedence(po);
const no = node.operator;
const np = util.getPrecedence(no);
if (pp > np) {
return true;
if ((po === "||" || po === "??") && no === "&&") {
return true;
if (pp === np && name === "right") {
assert.strictEqual(parent.right, node);
return true;
if (pp === np && !util.shouldFlatten(po, no)) {
return true;
// Add parenthesis when working with binary operators
// It's not stricly needed but helps with code understanding
if (util.isBitwiseOperator(po)) {
return true;
return false;
return false;
case "TSParenthesizedType": {
const grandParent = path.getParentNode(1);
if (
(parent.type === "TSTypeParameter" ||
parent.type === "TypeParameter" ||
parent.type === "VariableDeclarator" ||
parent.type === "TSTypeAnnotation" ||
parent.type === "GenericTypeAnnotation" ||
parent.type === "TSTypeReference") &&
(node.typeAnnotation.type === "TSTypeAnnotation" &&
node.typeAnnotation.typeAnnotation.type !== "TSFunctionType" &&
grandParent.type !== "TSTypeOperator")
) {
return false;
// Delegate to inner TSParenthesizedType
if (node.typeAnnotation.type === "TSParenthesizedType") {
return false;
return true;
case "SequenceExpression":
switch (parent.type) {
case "ReturnStatement":
return false;
case "ForStatement":
// Although parentheses wouldn't hurt around sequence
// expressions in the head of for loops, traditional style
// dictates that e.g. i++, j++ should not be wrapped with
// parentheses.
return false;
case "ExpressionStatement":
return name !== "expression";
case "ArrowFunctionExpression":
// We do need parentheses, but SequenceExpressions are handled
// specially when printing bodies of arrow functions.
return name !== "body";
// Otherwise err on the side of overparenthesization, adding
// explicit exceptions above if this proves overzealous.
return true;
case "YieldExpression":
if (
parent.type === "UnaryExpression" ||
parent.type === "AwaitExpression" ||
parent.type === "TSAsExpression" ||
parent.type === "TSNonNullExpression"
) {
return true;
// else fallthrough
case "AwaitExpression":
switch (parent.type) {
case "TaggedTemplateExpression":
case "BinaryExpression":
case "LogicalExpression":
case "SpreadElement":
case "SpreadProperty":
case "ExperimentalSpreadProperty":
case "TSAsExpression":
case "TSNonNullExpression":
return true;
case "MemberExpression":
return parent.object === node;
case "NewExpression":
case "CallExpression":
return parent.callee === node;
case "ConditionalExpression":
return parent.test === node;
return false;
case "ArrayTypeAnnotation":
return parent.type === "NullableTypeAnnotation";
case "IntersectionTypeAnnotation":
case "UnionTypeAnnotation":
return (
parent.type === "ArrayTypeAnnotation" ||
parent.type === "NullableTypeAnnotation" ||
parent.type === "IntersectionTypeAnnotation" ||
parent.type === "UnionTypeAnnotation"
case "NullableTypeAnnotation":
return parent.type === "ArrayTypeAnnotation";
case "FunctionTypeAnnotation":
return (
parent.type === "UnionTypeAnnotation" ||
parent.type === "IntersectionTypeAnnotation" ||
parent.type === "ArrayTypeAnnotation"
case "StringLiteral":
case "NumericLiteral":
case "Literal":
if (
typeof node.value === "string" &&
parent.type === "ExpressionStatement" &&
// TypeScript workaround for eslint/typescript-eslint-parser#267
// See corresponding workaround in printer.js case: "Literal"
((options.parser !== "typescript" && !parent.directive) ||
(options.parser === "typescript" &&
options.originalText.substr(options.locStart(node) - 1, 1) === "("))
) {
// To avoid becoming a directive
const grandParent = path.getParentNode(1);
return (
grandParent.type === "Program" ||
grandParent.type === "BlockStatement"
return (
parent.type === "MemberExpression" &&
typeof node.value === "number" &&
name === "object" &&
parent.object === node
case "AssignmentExpression": {
const grandParent = path.getParentNode(1);
if (parent.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" && parent.body === node) {
return true;
} else if (
parent.type === "ClassProperty" &&
parent.key === node &&
) {
return false;
} else if (
parent.type === "TSPropertySignature" && === node
) {
return false;
} else if (
parent.type === "ForStatement" &&
(parent.init === node || parent.update === node)
) {
return false;
} else if (parent.type === "ExpressionStatement") {
return node.left.type === "ObjectPattern";
} else if (parent.type === "TSPropertySignature" && parent.key === node) {
return false;
} else if (parent.type === "AssignmentExpression") {
return false;
} else if (
parent.type === "SequenceExpression" &&
grandParent &&
grandParent.type === "ForStatement" &&
(grandParent.init === parent || grandParent.update === parent)
) {
return false;
return true;
case "ConditionalExpression":
switch (parent.type) {
case "TaggedTemplateExpression":
case "UnaryExpression":
case "SpreadElement":
case "SpreadProperty":
case "ExperimentalSpreadProperty":
case "BinaryExpression":
case "LogicalExpression":
case "ExportDefaultDeclaration":
case "AwaitExpression":
case "JSXSpreadAttribute":
case "TSTypeAssertionExpression":
case "TypeCastExpression":
case "TSAsExpression":
case "TSNonNullExpression":
return true;
case "NewExpression":
case "CallExpression":
return name === "callee" && parent.callee === node;
case "ConditionalExpression":
return name === "test" && parent.test === node;
case "MemberExpression":
return name === "object" && parent.object === node;
return false;
case "FunctionExpression":
switch (parent.type) {
case "CallExpression":
return name === "callee"; // Not strictly necessary, but it's clearer to the reader if IIFEs are wrapped in parentheses.
case "TaggedTemplateExpression":
return true; // This is basically a kind of IIFE.
case "ExportDefaultDeclaration":
return true;
return false;
case "ArrowFunctionExpression":
switch (parent.type) {
case "CallExpression":
return name === "callee";
case "NewExpression":
return name === "callee";
case "MemberExpression":
return name === "object";
case "TSAsExpression":
case "BindExpression":
case "TaggedTemplateExpression":
case "UnaryExpression":
case "LogicalExpression":
case "BinaryExpression":
case "AwaitExpression":
case "TSTypeAssertionExpression":
return true;
case "ConditionalExpression":
return name === "test";
return false;
case "ClassExpression":
return parent.type === "ExportDefaultDeclaration";
return false;
function isStatement(node) {
return (
node.type === "BlockStatement" ||
node.type === "BreakStatement" ||
node.type === "ClassBody" ||
node.type === "ClassDeclaration" ||
node.type === "ClassMethod" ||
node.type === "ClassProperty" ||
node.type === "ClassPrivateProperty" ||
node.type === "ContinueStatement" ||
node.type === "DebuggerStatement" ||
node.type === "DeclareClass" ||
node.type === "DeclareExportAllDeclaration" ||
node.type === "DeclareExportDeclaration" ||
node.type === "DeclareFunction" ||
node.type === "DeclareInterface" ||
node.type === "DeclareModule" ||
node.type === "DeclareModuleExports" ||
node.type === "DeclareVariable" ||
node.type === "DoWhileStatement" ||
node.type === "ExportAllDeclaration" ||
node.type === "ExportDefaultDeclaration" ||
node.type === "ExportNamedDeclaration" ||
node.type === "ExpressionStatement" ||
node.type === "ForAwaitStatement" ||
node.type === "ForInStatement" ||
node.type === "ForOfStatement" ||
node.type === "ForStatement" ||
node.type === "FunctionDeclaration" ||
node.type === "IfStatement" ||
node.type === "ImportDeclaration" ||
node.type === "InterfaceDeclaration" ||
node.type === "LabeledStatement" ||
node.type === "MethodDefinition" ||
node.type === "ReturnStatement" ||
node.type === "SwitchStatement" ||
node.type === "ThrowStatement" ||
node.type === "TryStatement" ||
node.type === "TSAbstractClassDeclaration" ||
node.type === "TSEnumDeclaration" ||
node.type === "TSImportEqualsDeclaration" ||
node.type === "TSInterfaceDeclaration" ||
node.type === "TSModuleDeclaration" ||
node.type === "TSNamespaceExportDeclaration" ||
node.type === "TypeAlias" ||
node.type === "VariableDeclaration" ||
node.type === "WhileStatement" ||
node.type === "WithStatement"
module.exports = needsParens;

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ const embed = require("./embed");
const clean = require("./clean");
const insertPragma = require("./pragma").insertPragma;
const handleComments = require("./comments");
const pathNeedsParens = require("./needs-parens");
const doc = require("../doc");
const docBuilders =;
@ -119,8 +120,8 @@ function genericPrint(path, options, printPath, args) {
} else {
// Nodes with decorators can't have parentheses, so we can avoid
// computing path.needsParens() except in this case.
needsParens = path.needsParens(options);
// computing pathNeedsParens() except in this case.
needsParens = pathNeedsParens(path, options);
const parts = [];
@ -1332,7 +1333,7 @@ function printPathNoParens(path, options, print, args) {
return "" + n.value;
// TypeScript workaround for eslint/typescript-eslint-parser#267
// See corresponding workaround in fast-path.js needsParens()
// See corresponding workaround in needs-parens.js
const grandParent = path.getParentNode(1);
const isTypeScriptDirective =
options.parser === "typescript" &&
@ -2402,7 +2403,7 @@ function printPathNoParens(path, options, print, args) {
(greatGreatGrandParent.type === "TSUnionType" ||
greatGreatGrandParent.type === "TSIntersectionType");
} else {
hasParens = path.needsParens(options);
hasParens = pathNeedsParens(path, options);
if (hasParens) {
@ -4975,7 +4976,7 @@ function exprNeedsASIProtection(path, options) {
const node = path.getValue();
const maybeASIProblem =
path.needsParens(options) ||
pathNeedsParens(path, options) ||
node.type === "ParenthesizedExpression" ||
node.type === "TypeCastExpression" ||
(node.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" &&