"use strict"; const assert = require("assert"); const { concat, hardline, breakParent, indent, lineSuffix, join, cursor } = require("../doc").builders; const { hasNewline, skipNewline, isPreviousLineEmpty } = require("../common/util"); const { addLeadingComment, addDanglingComment, addTrailingComment } = require("../common/util-shared"); const childNodesCacheKey = Symbol("child-nodes"); function getSortedChildNodes(node, options, resultArray) { if (!node) { return; } const { printer, locStart, locEnd } = options; if (resultArray) { if (node && printer.canAttachComment && printer.canAttachComment(node)) { // This reverse insertion sort almost always takes constant // time because we almost always (maybe always?) append the // nodes in order anyway. let i; for (i = resultArray.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if ( locStart(resultArray[i]) <= locStart(node) && locEnd(resultArray[i]) <= locEnd(node) ) { break; } } resultArray.splice(i + 1, 0, node); return; } } else if (node[childNodesCacheKey]) { return node[childNodesCacheKey]; } let childNodes; if (printer.getCommentChildNodes) { childNodes = printer.getCommentChildNodes(node); } else if (node && typeof node === "object") { childNodes = Object.keys(node) .filter( n => n !== "enclosingNode" && n !== "precedingNode" && n !== "followingNode" ) .map(n => node[n]); } if (!childNodes) { return; } if (!resultArray) { Object.defineProperty(node, childNodesCacheKey, { value: (resultArray = []), enumerable: false }); } childNodes.forEach(childNode => { getSortedChildNodes(childNode, options, resultArray); }); return resultArray; } // As efficiently as possible, decorate the comment object with // .precedingNode, .enclosingNode, and/or .followingNode properties, at // least one of which is guaranteed to be defined. function decorateComment(node, comment, options) { const { locStart, locEnd } = options; const childNodes = getSortedChildNodes(node, options); let precedingNode; let followingNode; // Time to dust off the old binary search robes and wizard hat. let left = 0; let right = childNodes.length; while (left < right) { const middle = (left + right) >> 1; const child = childNodes[middle]; if ( locStart(child) - locStart(comment) <= 0 && locEnd(comment) - locEnd(child) <= 0 ) { // The comment is completely contained by this child node. comment.enclosingNode = child; decorateComment(child, comment, options); return; // Abandon the binary search at this level. } if (locEnd(child) - locStart(comment) <= 0) { // This child node falls completely before the comment. // Because we will never consider this node or any nodes // before it again, this node must be the closest preceding // node we have encountered so far. precedingNode = child; left = middle + 1; continue; } if (locEnd(comment) - locStart(child) <= 0) { // This child node falls completely after the comment. // Because we will never consider this node or any nodes after // it again, this node must be the closest following node we // have encountered so far. followingNode = child; right = middle; continue; } /* istanbul ignore next */ throw new Error("Comment location overlaps with node location"); } // We don't want comments inside of different expressions inside of the same // template literal to move to another expression. if ( comment.enclosingNode && comment.enclosingNode.type === "TemplateLiteral" ) { const quasis = comment.enclosingNode.quasis; const commentIndex = findExpressionIndexForComment( quasis, comment, options ); if ( precedingNode && findExpressionIndexForComment(quasis, precedingNode, options) !== commentIndex ) { precedingNode = null; } if ( followingNode && findExpressionIndexForComment(quasis, followingNode, options) !== commentIndex ) { followingNode = null; } } if (precedingNode) { comment.precedingNode = precedingNode; } if (followingNode) { comment.followingNode = followingNode; } } function attach(comments, ast, text, options) { if (!Array.isArray(comments)) { return; } const tiesToBreak = []; const { locStart, locEnd } = options; comments.forEach((comment, i) => { if ( (options.parser === "json" || options.parser === "json5") && locStart(comment) - locStart(ast) <= 0 ) { addLeadingComment(ast, comment); return; } decorateComment(ast, comment, options); const { precedingNode, enclosingNode, followingNode } = comment; const pluginHandleOwnLineComment = options.printer.handleComments && options.printer.handleComments.ownLine ? options.printer.handleComments.ownLine : () => false; const pluginHandleEndOfLineComment = options.printer.handleComments && options.printer.handleComments.endOfLine ? options.printer.handleComments.endOfLine : () => false; const pluginHandleRemainingComment = options.printer.handleComments && options.printer.handleComments.remaining ? options.printer.handleComments.remaining : () => false; const isLastComment = comments.length - 1 === i; if (hasNewline(text, locStart(comment), { backwards: true })) { // If a comment exists on its own line, prefer a leading comment. // We also need to check if it's the first line of the file. if ( pluginHandleOwnLineComment(comment, text, options, ast, isLastComment) ) { // We're good } else if (followingNode) { // Always a leading comment. addLeadingComment(followingNode, comment); } else if (precedingNode) { addTrailingComment(precedingNode, comment); } else if (enclosingNode) { addDanglingComment(enclosingNode, comment); } else { // There are no nodes, let's attach it to the root of the ast /* istanbul ignore next */ addDanglingComment(ast, comment); } } else if (hasNewline(text, locEnd(comment))) { if ( pluginHandleEndOfLineComment(comment, text, options, ast, isLastComment) ) { // We're good } else if (precedingNode) { // There is content before this comment on the same line, but // none after it, so prefer a trailing comment of the previous node. addTrailingComment(precedingNode, comment); } else if (followingNode) { addLeadingComment(followingNode, comment); } else if (enclosingNode) { addDanglingComment(enclosingNode, comment); } else { // There are no nodes, let's attach it to the root of the ast /* istanbul ignore next */ addDanglingComment(ast, comment); } } else { if ( pluginHandleRemainingComment(comment, text, options, ast, isLastComment) ) { // We're good } else if (precedingNode && followingNode) { // Otherwise, text exists both before and after the comment on // the same line. If there is both a preceding and following // node, use a tie-breaking algorithm to determine if it should // be attached to the next or previous node. In the last case, // simply attach the right node; const tieCount = tiesToBreak.length; if (tieCount > 0) { const lastTie = tiesToBreak[tieCount - 1]; if (lastTie.followingNode !== comment.followingNode) { breakTies(tiesToBreak, text, options); } } tiesToBreak.push(comment); } else if (precedingNode) { addTrailingComment(precedingNode, comment); } else if (followingNode) { addLeadingComment(followingNode, comment); } else if (enclosingNode) { addDanglingComment(enclosingNode, comment); } else { // There are no nodes, let's attach it to the root of the ast /* istanbul ignore next */ addDanglingComment(ast, comment); } } }); breakTies(tiesToBreak, text, options); comments.forEach(comment => { // These node references were useful for breaking ties, but we // don't need them anymore, and they create cycles in the AST that // may lead to infinite recursion if we don't delete them here. delete comment.precedingNode; delete comment.enclosingNode; delete comment.followingNode; }); } function breakTies(tiesToBreak, text, options) { const tieCount = tiesToBreak.length; if (tieCount === 0) { return; } const { precedingNode, followingNode } = tiesToBreak[0]; let gapEndPos = options.locStart(followingNode); // Iterate backwards through tiesToBreak, examining the gaps // between the tied comments. In order to qualify as leading, a // comment must be separated from followingNode by an unbroken series of // gaps (or other comments). Gaps should only contain whitespace or open // parentheses. let indexOfFirstLeadingComment; for ( indexOfFirstLeadingComment = tieCount; indexOfFirstLeadingComment > 0; --indexOfFirstLeadingComment ) { const comment = tiesToBreak[indexOfFirstLeadingComment - 1]; assert.strictEqual(comment.precedingNode, precedingNode); assert.strictEqual(comment.followingNode, followingNode); const gap = text.slice(options.locEnd(comment), gapEndPos).trim(); if (gap === "" || /^\(+$/.test(gap)) { gapEndPos = options.locStart(comment); } else { // The gap string contained something other than whitespace or open // parentheses. break; } } tiesToBreak.forEach((comment, i) => { if (i < indexOfFirstLeadingComment) { addTrailingComment(precedingNode, comment); } else { addLeadingComment(followingNode, comment); } }); tiesToBreak.length = 0; } function printComment(commentPath, options) { const comment = commentPath.getValue(); comment.printed = true; return options.printer.printComment(commentPath, options); } function findExpressionIndexForComment(quasis, comment, options) { const startPos = options.locStart(comment) - 1; for (let i = 1; i < quasis.length; ++i) { if (startPos < getQuasiRange(quasis[i]).start) { return i - 1; } } // We haven't found it, it probably means that some of the locations are off. // Let's just return the first one. /* istanbul ignore next */ return 0; } function getQuasiRange(expr) { if (expr.start !== undefined) { // Babylon return { start: expr.start, end: expr.end }; } // Flow return { start: expr.range[0], end: expr.range[1] }; } function printLeadingComment(commentPath, print, options) { const comment = commentPath.getValue(); const contents = printComment(commentPath, options); if (!contents) { return ""; } const isBlock = options.printer.isBlockComment && options.printer.isBlockComment(comment); // Leading block comments should see if they need to stay on the // same line or not. if (isBlock) { return concat([ contents, hasNewline(options.originalText, options.locEnd(comment)) ? hardline : " " ]); } return concat([contents, hardline]); } function printTrailingComment(commentPath, print, options) { const comment = commentPath.getValue(); const contents = printComment(commentPath, options); if (!contents) { return ""; } const isBlock = options.printer.isBlockComment && options.printer.isBlockComment(comment); // We don't want the line to break // when the parentParentNode is a ClassDeclaration/-Expression // And the parentNode is in the superClass property const parentNode = commentPath.getNode(1); const parentParentNode = commentPath.getNode(2); const isParentSuperClass = parentParentNode && (parentParentNode.type === "ClassDeclaration" || parentParentNode.type === "ClassExpression") && parentParentNode.superClass === parentNode; if ( hasNewline(options.originalText, options.locStart(comment), { backwards: true }) ) { // This allows comments at the end of nested structures: // { // x: 1, // y: 2 // // A comment // } // Those kinds of comments are almost always leading comments, but // here it doesn't go "outside" the block and turns it into a // trailing comment for `2`. We can simulate the above by checking // if this a comment on its own line; normal trailing comments are // always at the end of another expression. const isLineBeforeEmpty = isPreviousLineEmpty( options.originalText, comment, options.locStart ); return lineSuffix( concat([hardline, isLineBeforeEmpty ? hardline : "", contents]) ); } else if (isBlock || isParentSuperClass) { // Trailing block comments never need a newline return concat([" ", contents]); } return concat([lineSuffix(" " + contents), !isBlock ? breakParent : ""]); } function printDanglingComments(path, options, sameIndent, filter) { const parts = []; const node = path.getValue(); if (!node || !node.comments) { return ""; } path.each(commentPath => { const comment = commentPath.getValue(); if ( comment && !comment.leading && !comment.trailing && (!filter || filter(comment)) ) { parts.push(printComment(commentPath, options)); } }, "comments"); if (parts.length === 0) { return ""; } if (sameIndent) { return join(hardline, parts); } return indent(concat([hardline, join(hardline, parts)])); } function prependCursorPlaceholder(path, options, printed) { if (path.getNode() === options.cursorNode && path.getValue()) { return concat([cursor, printed, cursor]); } return printed; } function printComments(path, print, options, needsSemi) { const value = path.getValue(); const printed = print(path); const comments = value && value.comments; if (!comments || comments.length === 0) { return prependCursorPlaceholder(path, options, printed); } const leadingParts = []; const trailingParts = [needsSemi ? ";" : "", printed]; path.each(commentPath => { const comment = commentPath.getValue(); const { leading, trailing } = comment; if (leading) { const contents = printLeadingComment(commentPath, print, options); if (!contents) { return; } leadingParts.push(contents); const text = options.originalText; if (hasNewline(text, skipNewline(text, options.locEnd(comment)))) { leadingParts.push(hardline); } } else if (trailing) { trailingParts.push(printTrailingComment(commentPath, print, options)); } }, "comments"); return prependCursorPlaceholder( path, options, concat(leadingParts.concat(trailingParts)) ); } module.exports = { attach, printComments, printDanglingComments, getSortedChildNodes };