// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`else.js 1`] = ` // Both functions below should be formatted exactly the same function f() { if (position) return {name: pair}; else return {name: pair.substring(0, position), value: pair.substring(position + 1)}; } function f() { if (position) return {name: pair}; else return { name: pair.substring(0, position), value: pair.substring(position + 1) }; } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Both functions below should be formatted exactly the same function f() { if (position) return { name: pair }; else return { name: pair.substring(0, position), value: pair.substring(position + 1) }; } function f() { if (position) return { name: pair }; else return { name: pair.substring(0, position), value: pair.substring(position + 1) }; } `; exports[`if_comments.js 1`] = ` async function f() { if (untrackedChoice === 0) /* Cancel */ { return null; } else if (untrackedChoice === 1) /* Add */ { await repository.addAll(Array.from(untrackedChanges.keys())); shouldAmend = true; } else if (untrackedChoice === 2) /* Allow Untracked */ { allowUntracked = true; } } async function f() { if (untrackedChoice === 0) /* Cancel */ null; else if (untrackedChoice === 1) /* Add */ shouldAmend = true; else if (untrackedChoice === 2) /* Allow Untracked */ allowUntracked = true; } async function f() { if (untrackedChoice === 0) /* Cancel */ // Cancel null; else if (untrackedChoice === 1) /* Add */ // Add shouldAmend = true; else if (untrackedChoice === 2) /* Allow Untracked */ // Allow Untracked allowUntracked = true; } async function f() { if (untrackedChoice === 0) /* Cancel */ { return null; } else if (untrackedChoice === 1) /* Add */ { await repository.addAll(Array.from(untrackedChanges.keys())); shouldAmend = true; } else if (untrackedChoice === 2) /* Allow Untracked */ { allowUntracked = true; } } async function f() { if (untrackedChoice === 0) { /* Cancel */ return null; } else if (untrackedChoice === 1) { /* Add */ await repository.addAll(Array.from(untrackedChanges.keys())); shouldAmend = true; } else if (untrackedChoice === 2) { /* Allow Untracked */ allowUntracked = true; } } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ async function f() { if (untrackedChoice === 0) { /* Cancel */ return null; } else if (untrackedChoice === 1) { /* Add */ await repository.addAll(Array.from(untrackedChanges.keys())); shouldAmend = true; } else if (untrackedChoice === 2) { /* Allow Untracked */ allowUntracked = true; } } async function f() { if (untrackedChoice === 0) /* Cancel */ null; else if (untrackedChoice === 1) /* Add */ shouldAmend = true; else if (untrackedChoice === 2) /* Allow Untracked */ allowUntracked = true; } async function f() { if (untrackedChoice === 0) /* Cancel */ // Cancel null; else if (untrackedChoice === 1) /* Add */ // Add shouldAmend = true; else if (untrackedChoice === 2) /* Allow Untracked */ // Allow Untracked allowUntracked = true; } async function f() { if (untrackedChoice === 0) { /* Cancel */ return null; } else if (untrackedChoice === 1) { /* Add */ await repository.addAll(Array.from(untrackedChanges.keys())); shouldAmend = true; } else if (untrackedChoice === 2) { /* Allow Untracked */ allowUntracked = true; } } async function f() { if (untrackedChoice === 0) { /* Cancel */ return null; } else if (untrackedChoice === 1) { /* Add */ await repository.addAll(Array.from(untrackedChanges.keys())); shouldAmend = true; } else if (untrackedChoice === 2) { /* Allow Untracked */ allowUntracked = true; } } `; exports[`trailing_comment.js 1`] = ` if (code === 92 /* '\\' */) {} if (code === 92 /* '\\' */ /* '\\' */) {} if (code === 92) /* '\\' */ {} if (code === 92) { /* '\\' */ } if ( 1 // Comment ) { a; } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if (code === 92 /* '\\' */) { } if (code === 92 /* '\\' */ /* '\\' */) { } if (code === 92) { /* '\\' */ } if (code === 92) { /* '\\' */ } if ( 1 // Comment ) { a; } `;