"use strict"; const parseFrontMatter = require("../utils/front-matter"); const { HTML_ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTES, HTML_TAGS } = require("./utils"); const { hasPragma } = require("./pragma"); const createError = require("../common/parser-create-error"); const { Node } = require("./ast"); const { parseIeConditionalComment } = require("./conditional-comment"); function ngHtmlParser( input, { recognizeSelfClosing, normalizeTagName, normalizeAttributeName, allowHtmComponentClosingTags, isTagNameCaseSensitive } ) { const parser = require("angular-html-parser"); const { RecursiveVisitor, visitAll, Attribute, CDATA, Comment, DocType, Element, Text } = require("angular-html-parser/lib/compiler/src/ml_parser/ast"); const { ParseSourceSpan } = require("angular-html-parser/lib/compiler/src/parse_util"); const { getHtmlTagDefinition } = require("angular-html-parser/lib/compiler/src/ml_parser/html_tags"); const { rootNodes, errors } = parser.parse(input, { canSelfClose: recognizeSelfClosing, allowHtmComponentClosingTags, isTagNameCaseSensitive }); if (errors.length !== 0) { const { msg, span } = errors[0]; const { line, col } = span.start; throw createError(msg, { start: { line: line + 1, column: col + 1 } }); } const addType = node => { if (node instanceof Attribute) { node.type = "attribute"; } else if (node instanceof CDATA) { node.type = "cdata"; } else if (node instanceof Comment) { node.type = "comment"; } else if (node instanceof DocType) { node.type = "docType"; } else if (node instanceof Element) { node.type = "element"; } else if (node instanceof Text) { node.type = "text"; } else { throw new Error(`Unexpected node ${JSON.stringify(node)}`); } }; const restoreName = node => { const namespace = node.name.startsWith(":") ? node.name.slice(1).split(":")[0] : null; const rawName = node.nameSpan ? node.nameSpan.toString() : node.name; const hasExplicitNamespace = rawName.startsWith(`${namespace}:`); const name = hasExplicitNamespace ? rawName.slice(namespace.length + 1) : rawName; node.name = name; node.namespace = namespace; node.hasExplicitNamespace = hasExplicitNamespace; }; const restoreNameAndValue = node => { if (node instanceof Element) { restoreName(node); node.attrs.forEach(attr => { restoreName(attr); if (!attr.valueSpan) { attr.value = null; } else { attr.value = attr.valueSpan.toString(); if (/['"]/.test(attr.value[0])) { attr.value = attr.value.slice(1, -1); } } }); } else if (node instanceof Comment) { node.value = node.sourceSpan .toString() .slice("".length); } else if (node instanceof Text) { node.value = node.sourceSpan.toString(); } }; const lowerCaseIfFn = (text, fn) => { const lowerCasedText = text.toLowerCase(); return fn(lowerCasedText) ? lowerCasedText : text; }; const normalizeName = node => { if (node instanceof Element) { if ( normalizeTagName && (!node.namespace || node.namespace === node.tagDefinition.implicitNamespacePrefix) ) { node.name = lowerCaseIfFn( node.name, lowerCasedName => lowerCasedName in HTML_TAGS ); } if (normalizeAttributeName) { const CURRENT_HTML_ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTES = HTML_ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTES[node.name] || Object.create(null); node.attrs.forEach(attr => { if (!attr.namespace) { attr.name = lowerCaseIfFn( attr.name, lowerCasedAttrName => node.name in HTML_ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTES && (lowerCasedAttrName in HTML_ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTES["*"] || lowerCasedAttrName in CURRENT_HTML_ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTES) ); } }); } } }; const fixSourceSpan = node => { if (node.sourceSpan && node.endSourceSpan) { node.sourceSpan = new ParseSourceSpan( node.sourceSpan.start, node.endSourceSpan.end ); } }; const addTagDefinition = node => { if (node instanceof Element) { const tagDefinition = getHtmlTagDefinition( isTagNameCaseSensitive ? node.name : node.name.toLowerCase() ); if ( !node.namespace || node.namespace === tagDefinition.implicitNamespacePrefix ) { node.tagDefinition = tagDefinition; } else { node.tagDefinition = getHtmlTagDefinition(""); // the default one } } }; visitAll( new class extends RecursiveVisitor { visit(node) { addType(node); restoreNameAndValue(node); addTagDefinition(node); normalizeName(node); fixSourceSpan(node); } }(), rootNodes ); return rootNodes; } function _parse(text, options, parserOptions, shouldParseFrontMatter = true) { const { frontMatter, content } = shouldParseFrontMatter ? parseFrontMatter(text) : { frontMatter: null, content: text }; const rawAst = { type: "root", sourceSpan: { start: { offset: 0 }, end: { offset: text.length } }, children: ngHtmlParser(content, parserOptions) }; if (frontMatter) { rawAst.children.unshift(frontMatter); } const ast = new Node(rawAst); const parseSubHtml = (subContent, startSpan) => { const { offset } = startSpan; const fakeContent = text.slice(0, offset).replace(/[^\r\n]/g, " "); const realContent = subContent; const subAst = _parse( fakeContent + realContent, options, parserOptions, false ); const ParseSourceSpan = subAst.children[0].sourceSpan.constructor; subAst.sourceSpan = new ParseSourceSpan( startSpan, subAst.children[subAst.children.length - 1].sourceSpan.end ); const firstText = subAst.children[0]; if (firstText.length === offset) { subAst.children.shift(); } else { firstText.sourceSpan = new ParseSourceSpan( firstText.sourceSpan.start.moveBy(offset), firstText.sourceSpan.end ); firstText.value = firstText.value.slice(offset); } return subAst; }; const isFakeElement = node => node.type === "element" && !node.nameSpan; return ast.map(node => { if (node.children && node.children.some(isFakeElement)) { const newChildren = []; for (const child of node.children) { if (isFakeElement(child)) { Array.prototype.push.apply(newChildren, child.children); } else { newChildren.push(child); } } return node.clone({ children: newChildren }); } if (node.type === "comment") { const ieConditionalComment = parseIeConditionalComment( node, parseSubHtml ); if (ieConditionalComment) { return ieConditionalComment; } } return node; }); } function locStart(node) { return node.sourceSpan.start.offset; } function locEnd(node) { return node.sourceSpan.end.offset; } function createParser({ recognizeSelfClosing = false, normalizeTagName = false, normalizeAttributeName = false, allowHtmComponentClosingTags = false, isTagNameCaseSensitive = false } = {}) { return { parse: (text, parsers, options) => _parse(text, options, { recognizeSelfClosing, normalizeTagName, normalizeAttributeName, allowHtmComponentClosingTags, isTagNameCaseSensitive }), hasPragma, astFormat: "html", locStart, locEnd }; } module.exports = { parsers: { html: createParser({ recognizeSelfClosing: true, normalizeTagName: true, normalizeAttributeName: true, allowHtmComponentClosingTags: true }), angular: createParser(), vue: createParser({ recognizeSelfClosing: true, isTagNameCaseSensitive: true }) } };