"use strict"; const remarkParse = require("remark-parse"); const unified = require("unified"); const pragma = require("./pragma"); const parseFrontMatter = require("../utils/front-matter"); const { mapAst } = require("./utils"); const mdx = require("./mdx"); const remarkMath = require("remark-math"); /** * based on [MDAST](https://github.com/syntax-tree/mdast) with following modifications: * * 1. restore unescaped character (Text) * 2. merge continuous Texts * 3. replace whitespaces in InlineCode#value with one whitespace * reference: http://spec.commonmark.org/0.25/#example-605 * 4. split Text into Sentence * * interface Word { value: string } * interface Whitespace { value: string } * interface Sentence { children: Array } * interface InlineCode { children: Array } */ function createParse({ isMDX }) { return text => { const processor = unified() .use( remarkParse, Object.assign( { footnotes: true, commonmark: true }, isMDX && { blocks: [mdx.BLOCKS_REGEX] } ) ) .use(frontMatter) .use(remarkMath) .use(isMDX ? mdx.esSyntax : identity) .use(liquid) .use(isMDX ? htmlToJsx : identity); return processor.runSync(processor.parse(text)); }; } function identity(x) { return x; } function htmlToJsx() { return ast => mapAst(ast, (node, index, [parent]) => { if ( node.type !== "html" || /^$/.test(node.value) || // inline html parent.type === "paragraph" ) { return node; } return Object.assign({}, node, { type: "jsx" }); }); } function frontMatter() { const proto = this.Parser.prototype; proto.blockMethods = ["frontMatter"].concat(proto.blockMethods); proto.blockTokenizers.frontMatter = tokenizer; function tokenizer(eat, value) { const parsed = parseFrontMatter(value); if (parsed.frontMatter) { return eat(parsed.frontMatter.raw)(parsed.frontMatter); } } tokenizer.onlyAtStart = true; } function liquid() { const proto = this.Parser.prototype; const methods = proto.inlineMethods; methods.splice(methods.indexOf("text"), 0, "liquid"); proto.inlineTokenizers.liquid = tokenizer; function tokenizer(eat, value) { const match = value.match(/^({%[\s\S]*?%}|{{[\s\S]*?}})/); if (match) { return eat(match[0])({ type: "liquidNode", value: match[0] }); } } tokenizer.locator = function(value, fromIndex) { return value.indexOf("{", fromIndex); }; } const baseParser = { astFormat: "mdast", hasPragma: pragma.hasPragma, locStart: node => node.position.start.offset, locEnd: node => node.position.end.offset, preprocess: text => text.replace(/\n\s+$/, "\n") // workaround for https://github.com/remarkjs/remark/issues/350 }; const markdownParser = Object.assign({}, baseParser, { parse: createParse({ isMDX: false }) }); const mdxParser = Object.assign({}, baseParser, { parse: createParse({ isMDX: true }) }); module.exports = { parsers: { remark: markdownParser, // TODO: Delete this in 2.0 markdown: markdownParser, mdx: mdxParser } };