"use strict"; const fs = require("fs"); const PACKAGE = require("../package"); const GITHUB_URL = `https://github.com/${PACKAGE.repository}`; const users = require("./users"); const editors = require("./editors"); const supportedLanguages = require("./languages"); const siteConfig = { title: "Prettier", githubUrl: GITHUB_URL, url: PACKAGE.homepage, baseUrl: "/", projectName: PACKAGE.name, repo: PACKAGE.repository, users, editors, supportedLanguages, /* base url for editing docs, usage example: editUrl + 'en/doc1.md' */ editUrl: `${GITHUB_URL}/edit/master/docs/`, /* header links for links on this site, 'LANGUAGE' will be replaced by whatever language the page is for, ex: 'en' */ headerLinksInternal: [ { section: "docs", href: "/docs/LANGUAGE/why-prettier.html", text: "Docs" }, // { section: "help", href: "/LANGUAGE/help/", text: "Help" }, // {section: 'blog', href: '/test-site/blog', text: 'Blog'}, { section: "playground", href: "/playground/", text: "Playground" } ], /* header links for links outside the site */ headerLinksExternal: [ { section: "github", href: GITHUB_URL, text: "GitHub" } ], /* path to images for header/footer */ headerIcon: "icon.png", footerIcon: "icon.png", favicon: "icon.png", /* default link for docsSidebar */ docsSidebarDefaults: { layout: "docs", root: "/docs/en/why-prettier.html", title: "Docs" }, /* colors for website */ colors: { primaryColor: "#1A2B34", secondaryColor: "#808080", prismColor: "rgba(26, 43, 52, 0.03)" /* primaryColor in rgba form, with 0.03 alpha */ }, tagline: "Opinionated Code Formatter" }; let languages; if (fs.existsSync("./languages.js")) { languages = require("./languages.js"); siteConfig["en"] = require("./i18n/en.js"); } else { languages = [ { enabled: true, name: "English", tag: "en" } ]; } const enabledLanguages = languages.filter(lang => lang.enabled); siteConfig.languages = enabledLanguages; /* INJECT LOCALIZED FILES BEGIN */ /* INJECT LOCALIZED FILES END */ module.exports = siteConfig;