"use strict"; function clean(ast, newObj, parent) { [ "range", "raw", "comments", "leadingComments", "trailingComments", "extra", "start", "end", "flags" ].forEach(name => { delete newObj[name]; }); if (ast.type === "BigIntLiteral") { newObj.value = newObj.value.toLowerCase(); } // We remove extra `;` and add them when needed if (ast.type === "EmptyStatement") { return null; } // We move text around, including whitespaces and add {" "} if (ast.type === "JSXText") { return null; } if ( ast.type === "JSXExpressionContainer" && ast.expression.type === "Literal" && ast.expression.value === " " ) { return null; } // (TypeScript) Ignore `static` in `constructor(static p) {}` // and `export` in `constructor(export p) {}` if ( ast.type === "TSParameterProperty" && ast.accessibility === null && !ast.readonly ) { return { type: "Identifier", name: ast.parameter.name, typeAnnotation: newObj.parameter.typeAnnotation, decorators: newObj.decorators }; } // (TypeScript) ignore empty `specifiers` array if ( ast.type === "TSNamespaceExportDeclaration" && ast.specifiers && ast.specifiers.length === 0 ) { delete newObj.specifiers; } // We convert
if (ast.type === "JSXOpeningElement") { delete newObj.selfClosing; } if (ast.type === "JSXElement") { delete newObj.closingElement; } // We change {'key': value} into {key: value} if ( (ast.type === "Property" || ast.type === "ObjectProperty" || ast.type === "MethodDefinition" || ast.type === "ClassProperty" || ast.type === "TSPropertySignature" || ast.type === "ObjectTypeProperty") && typeof ast.key === "object" && ast.key && (ast.key.type === "Literal" || ast.key.type === "StringLiteral" || ast.key.type === "Identifier") ) { delete newObj.key; } if (ast.type === "OptionalMemberExpression" && ast.optional === false) { newObj.type = "MemberExpression"; delete newObj.optional; } // Remove raw and cooked values from TemplateElement when it's CSS // styled-jsx if ( ast.type === "JSXElement" && ast.openingElement.name.name === "style" && ast.openingElement.attributes.some(attr => attr.name.name === "jsx") ) { const templateLiterals = newObj.children .filter( child => child.type === "JSXExpressionContainer" && child.expression.type === "TemplateLiteral" ) .map(container => container.expression); const quasis = templateLiterals.reduce( (quasis, templateLiteral) => quasis.concat(templateLiteral.quasis), [] ); quasis.forEach(q => delete q.value); } // CSS template literals in css prop if ( ast.type === "JSXAttribute" && ast.name.name === "css" && ast.value.type === "JSXExpressionContainer" && ast.value.expression.type === "TemplateLiteral" ) { newObj.value.expression.quasis.forEach(q => delete q.value); } // Angular Components: Inline HTML template and Inline CSS styles const expression = ast.expression || ast.callee; if ( ast.type === "Decorator" && expression.type === "CallExpression" && expression.callee.name === "Component" && expression.arguments.length === 1 ) { const astProps = ast.expression.arguments[0].properties; newObj.expression.arguments[0].properties.forEach((prop, index) => { let templateLiteral = null; switch (astProps[index].key.name) { case "styles": if (prop.value.type === "ArrayExpression") { templateLiteral = prop.value.elements[0]; } break; case "template": if (prop.value.type === "TemplateLiteral") { templateLiteral = prop.value; } break; } if (templateLiteral) { templateLiteral.quasis.forEach(q => delete q.value); } }); } // styled-components, graphql, markdown if ( ast.type === "TaggedTemplateExpression" && (ast.tag.type === "MemberExpression" || (ast.tag.type === "Identifier" && (ast.tag.name === "gql" || ast.tag.name === "graphql" || ast.tag.name === "css" || ast.tag.name === "md" || ast.tag.name === "markdown" || ast.tag.name === "html")) || ast.tag.type === "CallExpression") ) { newObj.quasi.quasis.forEach(quasi => delete quasi.value); } if (ast.type === "TemplateLiteral") { // This checks for a leading comment that is exactly `/* GraphQL */` // In order to be in line with other implementations of this comment tag // we will not trim the comment value and we will expect exactly one space on // either side of the GraphQL string // Also see ./embed.js const hasLanguageComment = ast.leadingComments && ast.leadingComments.some( comment => comment.type === "CommentBlock" && ["GraphQL", "HTML"].some( languageName => comment.value === ` ${languageName} ` ) ); if ( hasLanguageComment || (parent.type === "CallExpression" && parent.callee.name === "graphql") ) { newObj.quasis.forEach(quasi => delete quasi.value); } } } module.exports = clean;