#### TypeScript: Print comment following a JSX element with generic ([#6209] by [@duailibe]) Previous versions would not print this comment, this has been fixed in this version. ```ts // Input const comp = ( // This comment goes missing value={4} > Test ); // Output (Prettier stable) const comp = value={4}>Test; // Output (Prettier master) const comp = ( // This comment goes missing value={4} > Test ); ``` ### Handlebars: Avoid adding unwanted line breaks between text and mustaches ([#6186] by [@gavinjoyce]) Previously, Prettier added line breaks between text and mustaches which resulted in unwanted whitespace in rendered output. ```hbs // Input

Your username is @{{name}}

Hi {{firstName}} {{lastName}}

// Output (Prettier stable)

Your username is @ {{name}}

Hi {{firstName}} {{lastName}}

// Output (Prettier master)

Your username is @{{name}}

Hi {{firstName}} {{lastName}}

``` [#6209]: https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/6209 [#6186]: https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/6186 [@duailibe]: https://github.com/duailibe [@gavinjoyce]: https://github.com/gavinjoyce